chat and accountability Sat 20 Sep thru Fri 26 Sep

Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
Hey everybody

. Happy Saturday.

Good O Mark Happy 100

Heron- Fridays are Remember Every Deployed Troop Overseas Protecting us (RED TOP) til they all come home.

A very interesting talk I listened to this morning. about an hour long.

I've got a wedding to go to today, Son of one of my fellow retired 1SG. Lost Ralph a couple years ago to an unknown neurological disease. Looked like a cross between MS and ALS and was originally diagnosed as stroke. I am honored today to escort his widow Marie at the reception. Very proud of his son Charlie who has overcome many difficulties, on his special day. A very good lad indeed.

Deadlifting tomorrow with son Dan and treating him to dinner for his Birthday tomorrow night. So busy weekend.

Work Hard Have Fun but above all B Koo-EL.


  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Happy Saturday! Taking the family to explore a ghost town today. Maybe we will harvest the honey later depending on the time.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Things going good here. I really struggled today and almost went with eating a lot tonight while out with friends. I made good choices though and had 5 wings a side salad with ranch and 1 tall beer. Did pretty good all around on carbs, calories and protien. However I needed more veggies today. Happy with the choice to do well instead of stuffing my pie hole. I did have my normal Friday treat night but feeling good about this week.

    How about we plan on the hangout the first Sunday of each month. That would be October 5th for the next one.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    I couldn't decide this morning whether the chicken or the egg came first so I ate them both. Does anyone use heavy cream to make your scrambled eggs? It is really a good way to make them fluffy and add some flavor. Scrambled eggs with chicken thigh and habanero cheese mixed in was breakfast today. I will probably just hang out at home and watch some football today, nothing much going on here.
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Had a great time hiking about the ghost town/mining camp yesterday. I went out to harvest the honey today and not a single frame in the super had honey in it. Their frames look good, but nothing for us this year. *Sad*. We love our high mountain honey as it tastes like summer all year long :D Way different than the typical alfalfa honey you get. So, nothing for our stores and nothing to sell this year. I still don't know why.

    Howie, I don't put any cream in my eggs, but the rest of it sounds fantastic!
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    You should try the cream in the eggs Mark it adds a little something to them. Sorry about your honey crop, what a bummer.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks! Another great week lies before us.
    Was a busy weekend here. The wedding went well, Reception had Prime Rib, Green beans and broccoli w mushrooms, and new potatoes swimming in butter. A glass or wine (nice red) and a glass of champagne for the toasts. plus a pieced of wedding cake. lots of dancing so probably a wash on the cals carbs etc.
    Yesterday Deadlift session was 2 sets of 10 rep 135lbs, 2 sets of 7 at 185, 1 set of 5 225, 1 set of 3 /245 1 set of 1 /265 1 set of 1 / 275 1 set of 10 at 185 Dan wanted Pizza for his birthday instead of dinner so went to Pappa Madios after weight lifting. Then an Active Heroes meeting in the Park where we accepted a donation from Combat Veterans Motorcycle Club from our our awareness walk and Poker run in Sept.
    Got registered for the Adaptive sports training conference in Atlanta the weekend of 10 Oct so will gather some additional certifications there.

    Howie I use heavy cream in my eggs and its great. I like my coffee black so I use it in my eggs and or in my recovery shakes after heavy workouts.

    Mark - bummer on the Honey. I've read about some big problems with disappearing bees. Don't know if any one has good answers yet. On how to fix it.

    Hope all is well with all of you. Keep on Jammin' Folks!

    PS 1st Sunday sounds good Howie.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Howie, 1st Sunday works for us.

    Mark, BUMMER on the bees :(

    John, Glad you guys have another donation.

    I had my Carb nite last night, its not fun for me anymore is all I have to say.
    I had Muay Thai on Saturday and I still just couldn't get my kicks right. I was so frustrated that I want to cry. My instructor pulled me aside after class and we figured something out. Its not the right form but its a step to get me there. All I can do is practice practice practice and hope my freaking ankle will pivot. It can take one month or it can take 1 year. Who knows, but I WILL GET THERE!!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Hey all, still around just been meeting myself coming and going it seems.

    Anyone have any simple breakfast suggestions? I used to make eggs but have not had time lately, been drinking milk with protein mix, and that's filling and gets me by. Was thinking of peanut butter, or something else I can just throw down and get out the door...
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Good to see you around Kevin, I would maybe do some nuts, fruit and cheese for breakfast if I couldn't cook something. I never find the morning too rushed that I can't make some eggs and coffee though. :-)
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Heron, just keep at it. I am not sure I ever got my kicks exactly right. I am really "challenged". I learned to work within what I could do.

    I do not drink Coffee, but I do drink tea. When I have occasion to have a black tea, I will sometimes add cream. I still prefer my tea plain.

    Kilo, perhaps you could find this helpful, particularly if you are following Paleo. Out of the book Against All Grain, my wife pulled a Banana Bread and Pumpkin Muffins that we use for breakfast, particularly on match weekends since we have to leave so early. Anyway, you can make them and they last quite well in the fridge, and are quite filling.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Another Terrific Tuesday. How bout Dem Bears! Not too many teams I'm happier to see them beat.

    Heron - Find joy in the difficulty of your sport. When you don't get it quite right smile and say to yourself, It's the hard parts that make it worth doing. Then do it again. and again and again.

    KS - I cook up my mini omelets on Sunday and keep em in the fridge. I use a muffin pan oven at 350 takes about 25 min per batch. Generally 1 1/2 to 2 eggs per muffin slot depending on fillings. pre cook my bacon too then Microwave em for about 1 1/2 mins. The muffins sound good too.

    Not much else going on. Take good care folks and sometime today give your huney a hug.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    I like the mini omelet idea! I am going to do that!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Ok I am on the mini omelet idea. That's all sorts of win.
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    My wife made up a new meal last night and it was a HIT! We will make some changes going forward, but we all ate a bit too much it was so good.

    Take shredded chicken breast, layer fresh spinach over the top along with some sliced mushrooms. Top with Mozzerella Cheese, and bake for 30 minutes at 350. She served it with steamed Asparagus... We decided next time to add some black olives and sun dried tomato. Not exactly full paleo with the cheese, but we can eat it with no ill effects.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    I've made those egg muffin things before. Totally forgot about them, we ate them for lunch or dinner.
    Mark that chicken sound yummy!! and thank you for the encouragement, I do appreciate it :)

    John, I do find joy in the difficulty :) I like a challenge and to see what I'm made of. However its that mentality that has me riddled with old injuries. And yes I agree when I finally learn something that is difficult for me it feels so much better than the easier stuff. :wink: . Thank you too for your encouragement, it is also very much appreciated! And I just gave Arturo an extra hug in honor of you :laugh:

    I was told that I focus too much on my flaws and that I should write when I do well too. So here I go, today's session was great! I had a private session and body mechanic issues was ironed out. My hits were hard and clean and my guard was up. I was pushed harder and longer and whadaya know, I can do it harder and longer. Although towards the end I'm pretty sure I was running on pure adrenaline because I was sparring for 25min. I Love that my instructor knew my limitations and potential and took me there. Funny thing the left hook which gave me so many problems when I first started turns out to my power punch not my right punch.

    Howie are you still doing the lower carb more fat adjustment?

    I love training but I have to cut back for now. Sigh...
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Wednesday. Glad every one liked the omelets. Do enjoy.

    Mark - Chicken sounds great. Gonna try that for some for next weeks meals.

    Heron - Good O! and :)

    Well we all know what day it is so I'll leave it at that. Have a great one.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Ugh... haven't been checking in lately, so I'm behind on what everyone is up to! LOL

    Still doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox (on Day 11), and other than using Vanilla Gels on my long run Sunday, I haven't had any sugar. And I feel amazing. I never would have believed it was possible for me to go this long without sugar. And to feel this good without it. I have a ton of energy and not nearly as emotional (probably because I'm not having the blood sugar spikes and crashes).

    Plus, I've started blogging again, which got a couple of my friends interested in doing the detox as well... and a few more questioning how much sugar they are eating and not realizing it.

    Heron - Love the positive journaling! I try to do that bedtime, especially when I've had a bad day. Try to focus on the things I did well so I don't go to bed feeling bad about myself!

    Mark - I'm going to have to pass the chicken recipe on to my husband (he does all the cooking)... that sounds amazing!

    And I love the mini omelet idea! We have been trying to come up a variety of breakfast ideas so we don't get in a rut eating the same thing all the time.

    Hope all is well!!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    I wrote a thank you email to my instructor yesterday because of my awesome session, basically thanking him for being a great teacher , and he thanked me in person, he seemed to really appreciate it and that it meant something to him.. I know its his job to teach me but he is really patient and flexible. I've had a lot of different instructors
    or sports, dance and martial arts and a lot of them are horrible teachers! They might be good at their craft but being able to teach
    That craft is also another skill which they lack.
    So if you have someone in your life whom you think is underappreciated, write them a thank you note/email. I think they will really appreciate it.

    Well today is a friend's birthday dinner so I'm hoping that I won't over indulge
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Thursday Folks! Funding was approved and registration confirmed for me to attend Adaptive Sports Training Conference. Will get certifications in Certified Disability Sports Specialist Level II (CDSS II), Adaptive Sports Wheel Chair Maintenance. and Cert in Track and Field Coaching. Your tax dollars being well spent.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Weighed in a day early this week because my team is on Thursday night football tonight. Being in Ohio and a Redskins fan I don't get to see the games that often so it's a treat and will be a treat night. I maintained this week despite doing really well, but that happens. Next week should be good. :-) I am going to get some extra eggs today so I can make up the mini omelets.