Motivation Exchange (Please contribute or ask for help here)



  • So far so good here. I've been craving sweets big time though, asking for help.

    What are your go-tos for a small something to satisfy dessert cravings?
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I have desert as part of diet. If I still have the carving then good loud music helps.
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    In the last 10 years I have over come 3 deaths, the loss of my grand children, 3 moves, 2 colleges, a nervous breakdown and a new religion. I Have held onto it all, in my body, in my mind, in my soul. IT IS TIME TO WASH CLEAN. That is what I am doing. I am a strong, vibrant, young, ABLE BODIED WOMAN and I CAN LOSE THIS WEIGHT and GET HEALTHY! I AM GOING TO ROCK THIS NEW LIFE STYLE! As I lose weight and get healthy I am seeing all of this wash away and I am becoming the person I want to be and used to be. HAPPY AGAIN!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,615 Member
    So far so good here. I've been craving sweets big time though, asking for help.

    What are your go-tos for a small something to satisfy dessert cravings?

    Black spiced tea with lots of milk and some sweetener works for me most times.
  • zaynab110
    zaynab110 Posts: 9 Member
    :smile: hi mora
    im going to start carb cycling myself. for high protien i'd suggest you to take whey protien shake, its pure form of protien and very convenient as well. rest am also searching for low carb snacks. if u find any let me know :)
  • sarahcscott3
    sarahcscott3 Posts: 31 Member
    So far so good here. I've been craving sweets big time though, asking for help.

    What are your go-tos for a small something to satisfy dessert cravings?

    I find that a small cup of natural applesauce cures my cravings for sweets.
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    I need suggestions for High protein and Low or no Carb snacks. I'm trying carb cycling and on Low Carb or No Carb days I've to increase my protein intake, but in most days I'm under the daily recommended by 30 gm or so. When I try to add in some food like yougurt, eggs,or cottage cheese my carbs exceeds the allowed percentage. Please Help!!!

    Sometimes I do a lunchmeat/cheese wrap - typically turkey and cheddar cheese. Both have protein and little to no carbs.

    I also have hard boiled eggs.
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    So far so good here. I've been craving sweets big time though, asking for help.

    What are your go-tos for a small something to satisfy dessert cravings?

    No sugar added fudgsicle pops. Only 40 calories for one pop.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    The next 90 day's baby steps to fitness will be 2015's giant leap! We can all do this if we show up everyday. Showing up is half the battle. We can do this! We have all set reasonable goals for weight loss for ourselves and as long as we continue to show up and be present everyday we can and WILL accomplish SO MUCH!
    I am looking forward to being here and being committed to a new me for the new year!
  • kcmoooo
    kcmoooo Posts: 10
    Any suggestion for night time eating? I do really well during the day but at night I have massive sugar cravings, I don't eat chocolate but instead I have fruit/yogurt and seconds of dinner to 'help' the cravings.
  • Any suggestion for night time eating? I do really well during the day but at night I have massive sugar cravings, I don't eat chocolate but instead I have fruit/yogurt and seconds of dinner to 'help' the cravings.

    I think fruit and yogurt are great ways to solve the sugar cravings. another way is eating raw honey a tablespoon, I stopped having cravings a long time ago but when I did have cravings I would use the fruit method or the honey method
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    I am struggling with snacks. I injured my back a couple months ago and have been taking LOTS of steroids and other meds. Plus my mobility has been really low. As a result I am starving all the time but I can't do any exercises to work it off. Add to that I have ulcerative colitis and my doctor has advised me not to eat too many raw vegetables. Really? So hungry all the time, can't move and can't snack on vegies. My mother has really stepped up and helped me out by doing 98% of the cooking for me. Which is wonderful accept for sometimes she "forgets" to make a vegetable.

    So my question is does anyone have any advice or experience with a situation like this? If I can get my between meals snacking under control I would be better able to deal with meals that consist of carbs and proteins. The ravenous hunger all day long is making me crazy. Ultimately I need to get off the steroids but in the meantime I would really like to not gain 20 pounds.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I am struggling with snacks. I injured my back a couple months ago and have been taking LOTS of steroids and other meds. Plus my mobility has been really low. As a result I am starving all the time but I can't do any exercises to work it off. Add to that I have ulcerative colitis and my doctor has advised me not to eat too many raw vegetables. Really? So hungry all the time, can't move and can't snack on vegies. My mother has really stepped up and helped me out by doing 98% of the cooking for me. Which is wonderful accept for sometimes she "forgets" to make a vegetable.

    So my question is does anyone have any advice or experience with a situation like this? If I can get my between meals snacking under control I would be better able to deal with meals that consist of carbs and proteins. The ravenous hunger all day long is making me crazy. Ultimately I need to get off the steroids but in the meantime I would really like to not gain 20 pounds.

    Hi lujo,

    Here's a couple of my favorite snacks that might work better for your current situation:

    0% Plain Greek Yogurt is usually 100cal, 0g fat, 7g carbs, and 18g protein per 6 oz. You can mix in things like berries or grapes, or I even like to cut up a hand-fruit like plums to have with it.

    Soup, especially thicker vegetable based "cream" soups can be really filling. I like the boxed soups from Imagine and Trader Joes. They do have some lower sodium options if you'd prefer, and if you watch the ingredients you can usually find something that is low calorie and filling. I particularly like broccoli, butternut squash, and tomato-based "cream" soups. If your mother is helping, maybe she could make a custom pot if you have trouble finding the right fit at the store.

    Whole wheat bread is a great carrier for other munchies. If you're feeling low on energy, a slice of toast with 1/2 T honey could be a nice pick-up. You can also serve things like hummus or make spreads out of yogurt to put on top. If you're less concerned with calories, peanut or almond butters are great with toast.

    Nuts or seeds can make a great snack, just be aware that things like nuts or trail mixes can be very calorically dense. I have to be very careful with portions, or bulk up your snack by adding them to something else like yogurt.

    A glass of almond or soy milk can also help curb cravings. I prefer unsweetened soy milk as I find it more satiating. Unsweetened soy milk generally has slightly more fat than almond milk, and 7g protein vs. 1g in almond milk.

    Another favorite (but can be high in sodium) is turkey pepperoni with mozzarella cheese stick. 17 slices of Hormel Turkey pepperoni is 70 cal, and 80 cal for the mozzarella. You'll get a lot of protein and a good balance of fat.

    I also really like Quest bars, and find them to be a great filling snack or even meal. They're expensive, but it your current situation they may be a lifesaver. I get mine for about $2 a bar. Quest bars usually have 18+g of protein, 17g of dietary fiber (75% your daily need!), and a bit of fat plus 1g sugar and no artificial sweetener. If they'll help you stay sane, they might be worth the cost! Calories range from ~160-210

    Ultimately it's great that you're trying to get in your veggies, but the worst case scenario is your diet changes a bit and becomes more fats/protein based for a while.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Today I had an NSV that I'm having mixed feelings about, mostly because I feel like I really dropped the ball and didn't assert myself, which is really frustrating to me.

    I was ordering coffee and asked for pumpkin flavor, thinking it was sugar free. He informed me that it wasn't sugar free so it wouldn't be "black" like I'd asked for, so I asked to change it to hazelnut. He told me "well the drink is already made, just try it and I'll make another one if you don't like it". I didn't want to argue, but I know that I hate sugar in my coffee. I took the drink (for some stupid reason), but looked up the nutrition information and threw it away. I was more peeved with myself for not standing up and saying no.

    I really wish I wasn't such a pushover sometimes...that's what bothers me the most, especially because it always seems to be about food. I can say no to eating something in the first place, but if people don't listen to me (like preferences for condiments, etc) when it comes to food I tend to just "go with it" as I hate wasting food. I also think I have issues being anything but agreeable, especially as I'm ALWAYS the peacekeeper in disagreements and mediate a lot of stressful situations at work. I also have enough stress in my days without getting worked up at little things, but it doesn't help if I end up more frustrated with myself in the end. I can assert myself when my clients' issues are being ignored or when I need something to do my job, but don't do well with asserting myself just for me. I'm struggling to not give myself a hard time about this... :\

    I've been majorly stress eating the whole week. I need to get serious right now, my body feels gross and I don't want to spend another minute like this! I've been so busy and tired... eating right and exercising daily makes me a better me. I need help. If anyone is interested in doing daily checkins with me that would be amazing!
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    peaches026 wrote: »

    I've been majorly stress eating the whole week. I need to get serious right now, my body feels gross and I don't want to spend another minute like this! I've been so busy and tired... eating right and exercising daily makes me a better me. I need help. If anyone is interested in doing daily checkins with me that would be amazing!

    Not sure what kind of check ins you think would help but I am generally on every day and don't mind to share messages or posts to walls if that would help you. Feel free to add me if you want or let me know if you'd rather do it on this thread.
  • DebLF55
    DebLF55 Posts: 46 Member
    peaches026 wrote: »

    I've been majorly stress eating the whole week. I need to get serious right now, my body feels gross and I don't want to spend another minute like this! I've been so busy and tired... eating right and exercising daily makes me a better me. I need help. If anyone is interested in doing daily checkins with me that would be amazing!

    Not sure what kind of check ins you think would help but I am generally on every day and don't mind to share messages or posts to walls if that would help you. Feel free to add me if you want or let me know if you'd rather do it on this thread.

    You are welcome to add me as a friend. I'm on everyday, too.
  • Weighed this morning, and took the kids out for a stroller in the double stroller. Today is a good day! Hopefully the day that will be the beginning of a good week, then month, and then onward!
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Really could use some words of encouragement as I've been getting off track more than usual and am beating myself up more than usual too. I've hit a really frustrating point and could use some help...

    The past few days I've been anxious about getting fillings. I delayed getting a new dentist after officially staying on Long Island, and now I have two cavities that are to be addressed today. I've been overeating and justifying it by saying "you won't want to eat after your fillings" or "after your fillings you need to be really on top of things, so eat this now". I absolutely hate getting dental work - as a kid I had 8 years of orthodontic work and multiple oral surgeries and extractions, including ones where I wasn't fully numbed. This of course has made me very afraid of future dental work, especially with a new dentist. I feel guilty about having developed cavities in the first place, despite the fact that they likely developed during a much darker time in my life when I was 80 lbs heavier and depressed.

    Right now writing everything out is helping a bit, but I'm on the edge of tears just thinking about getting these fillings. I'm feeling stressed and guilty, and want to eat to cope but know it's not going to help. Does anyone have some advice or encouragement to help me stop this vicious cycle?
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    lalepepper wrote: »
    Today I had an NSV that I'm having mixed feelings about, mostly because I feel like I really dropped the ball and didn't assert myself, which is really frustrating to me.

    I was ordering coffee and asked for pumpkin flavor, thinking it was sugar free. He informed me that it wasn't sugar free so it wouldn't be "black" like I'd asked for, so I asked to change it to hazelnut. He told me "well the drink is already made, just try it and I'll make another one if you don't like it". I didn't want to argue, but I know that I hate sugar in my coffee. I took the drink (for some stupid reason), but looked up the nutrition information and threw it away. I was more peeved with myself for not standing up and saying no.

    I really wish I wasn't such a pushover sometimes...that's what bothers me the most, especially because it always seems to be about food. I can say no to eating something in the first place, but if people don't listen to me (like preferences for condiments, etc) when it comes to food I tend to just "go with it" as I hate wasting food. I also think I have issues being anything but agreeable, especially as I'm ALWAYS the peacekeeper in disagreements and mediate a lot of stressful situations at work. I also have enough stress in my days without getting worked up at little things, but it doesn't help if I end up more frustrated with myself in the end. I can assert myself when my clients' issues are being ignored or when I need something to do my job, but don't do well with asserting myself just for me. I'm struggling to not give myself a hard time about this... :\

    I wouldn't see it as being a pushover. You had a victory by not drinking it when in the past you would have drank it (your post said you "hate wasting food"). So this is a step in the right direction. Keep up the baby steps and before long you'll be able to say "no" and hold to it. :)