What else do you do?

Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
I have a bunch of weight to lose (and a TON of muscle to gain!). I am building my home gym and wondering what else you guys add for fun?

My current plan:

Stronglifts 5x5 as outlined
Scootering or Walking 6th grader to school 5 days/wk (4 miles round trip in the morning)
Heavy Bag routine
Working my way up to running a 200 mile Ragnar Relay (I still have to find out how many legs I will run and how long)
Kettlebells (because I love them)


  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    What you have outlined, sounds awesome! It sounds like a good, solid plan.

    I walk a lot, do some cardio DVDs, incline walk on the treadmill, ride my bike, and try to do a PiYo or Yoga workout once per week. I think that you will find that everyone is different.

    That 200 mile relay sounds like an all-day event. Do you do that with a team/group for a charity? Or just for fun? (UGH, some fun).
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    PiYo sounds like a great workout. I keep meaning to check that out.

    Its with a team and its actually a few day event lol. You run your leg while your team mates follow you in a bus until its the next persons turn. Its my first time running an event in 22 years (and that was a 5k on a beach in Holland when I was 12 lol). Its in April - I should be pretty ripped by then though ;) Go big or bog home, I guess lol!

    I have an elliptical or hydro rower on my list for cardio days when weather stinks or I just don't feel like being outside. I can't wait to post pics of my new 'gym' once its on its way. Painting begins tomorrow! I'm shopping for rubber floor tiles now.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    I run a little, take a lot of walks with my pup, and do StrongLifts.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    dude . . . i've got to admit if you're asking about 'fun' then my answer's 'reading and eating wine gums'. i see the benefits of exercise, i get to where it's embedded in my routines and it's just the thing that i do because that's the thing that i do . . . i like it. i even get the euphoria and the whole endorphin-flood thing. but 'fun'? no. fun to me is anything that will allow you to read or laugh until you can't stand up.

    with that said, i cycle. i can't remember exactly when i bought my car but i believe it was back in 2008 because it was the last summer my son played on a baseball team. it had 20 thousand km on the clock at that time, and as far as i know it hasn't hit 60k yet.

    there was a 4000km road trip in there somewhere :wink:
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member

    I have an elliptical or hydro rower on my list for cardio days when weather stinks or I just don't feel like being outside. I can't wait to post pics of my new 'gym' once its on its way. Painting begins tomorrow! I'm shopping for rubber floor tiles now.

    Yes, please post photos of your gym. I like seeing everyone's set ups-gives me tons of ideas. My husband has finally agreed to move all of our stuff from the garage into the basement. No small feat, I will give him that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If I am not working with the weights I do a variety of things...

    In the summer walk/bike/swim doing HIIT on my bike...

    fall and winter fitnessblender.com HIIT or bodyweight workouts and got thinking I am gonna dig out my Wii as well...I love just dance and it's a good workout.

    I do try to get in extra movement throughout the day...
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I don't follow the SS Plan, but when I'm not lifting for "exercise" I teach Spin class, love to hit the heavy and speed bags, ride my bike, and pull my weighted sled around.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    I try and do Stronglifts, and running/horseback riding on my off days. Trying to do a couple group fitness stuff during the week as I can.

    Monday - Lift
    Tuesday - Run/Ride
    Wednesday - Lift at lunch, Riding lesson
    Thursday - Run
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - Long run, ride
    Sunday - Rest day!
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    I currently do SL 3x a week and try to add in a cardio/resistance class 1x a week. Other than that I can barely handle working 8hrs and taking care of my kiddo's. HA!
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    Haha! Thats why I decided a home gym was a must. My 2yr old is 'high needs' lol...and then there's 3 other older kiddos too lol. At least with a home gym, the toddler can hang out with me while I get 'er done. I'm trying to find a set of bleachers nearby where my kids can play while I run stairs. I have the worst plantar fasciitis so anything with a heel strike is a no go (wish me luck on squats!). I'm hoping that less weight will give the poor tendon a break to heal up.

    I forgot SWIMMING!! I do have a membership at the YMCA so the kids can do affordable activities - I will TOTALLY be adding some vigorous laps to my roster when I get the chance. Hubby's schedule doesn't always allow much free time for me and they frown upon towing inflatable boats with toddlers in them in the lap lanes lol. Swimming is probably my MOST FAVORITE activity ever.

    I am tapping my foot waiting on my Power Rack. Peacock blue stripe has been painted on the wall...painting Shark Fin Gray on the rest of the wall tomorrow morning. I have a friend printing me up some vinyl sayings for the wall (Sweat is Fat Crying, YOLO, might as well be a badass, etc). Rubber floor tiles are on their way.

    OH! and Heavy Bag purchased and assembled today! LOVE IT!!!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I like being outdoors and enjoy biking, some running, kayaking, skiing, etc. on my off days from SL. I also like to get some easy cardio in on the elliptical sometimes. Good way to get the HR up while reading. I've been meaning to get back into yoga which is more likely to happen when the weather gets colder and outside activities are limited.
  • louie61403
    louie61403 Posts: 23 Member
    I am trying desperately to lose 4 lbs to get to a random goal I set. I know it sounds dumb but whenI started my journey I picked a weight but now darn it, I want to say I made it. So I am doing crazy cardio, SL and trying to do calorie deficit. And still have 4 lbs to go :P
    I am a full time special ed teacher, mom to two little kiddos and wife but I try and squeeze in at least an hour at the gym a day amd we have our rack at home for the lifting. It helps hubby is doing SL with me. Today we had off school so I did 3 hours at thr gym and tomorrow I lift.. Good luck fellow lifters!