Day 99 or 98 September 22, 2014

Cybaby1 Posts: 201 Member
Ha! I cannot believe we are almost there! I have to say this past 100 days have been busy. I continued to moved even when I didn't feel like it. I'm not sure about the days...I think we are officially on 98th today with the 24th of Sept. being the last day. I'm not sure. Have a great moving day all!!!!


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well I got in 7,000 steps in , and that is all I can do today...but at least I did move!! Also hard to believe that we have...OK this is day 2 left! Wow!! Have a good one!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member

    20 minutes is easier than 30.
    20 minutes is often not enough and that led to a false sense I was doing 'enough.' but I'm working on it.

    I'M GOING TO CONTINUE. thank you