2 days Post Op

jrnguyen Posts: 92 Member
Hey everyone! I had my sleeve done on Sept. 22 and I need support! I feel fine physically, no need for pain meds, I'm walking a lot and slowly increasing my fluid intake. I had some serious issues with nausea at first so the hospital had to keep me an extra day, and I didn't think anything would help. I'm finally past that, but even 2 days, I am still trapped in this anesthesia fog that I just can't seem to shake. All I want to do is sleep which is making it even harder to get all my fluids in. Has anyone else dealt with this? If so, any suggestions for how to get it out of my system a little faster? I'm so ready to feel normal again.


  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi, Congrats and welcome to your new life. That being said, your body has been through surgery and need its rest. I have not experiences what you are referring to. I would suggest that you walk, sip and rest, repeat. All the best, your body will let you know when it is ready to move on to the next stage. Slow and easy wins the race.
  • itsdreday
    itsdreday Posts: 60 Member
    Yep, I was the same way, it's terrible post surgery when all you want to do sleep. You need to stay up and drink the fluids though. I wrote out a time schedule in the morning and logged my fluids all day. It's tough, but the ramifications of not getting all your fluids in are much worse. At my 2wk post op appointment there were several people in the waiting room talking about how they don't drink the protein and only drink 20oz of fluid a day and don't understand while they're always dizzy and vomiting.

    TL;DR - Do whatever you have to do to get the fluids and protein in, even if it means skipping some rest time during the day. You'll be better for it later