Day 3: Thursday, 9/25/14



  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    Met all my goals yesterday!!! Although I did sneak a handful of my husbands potato chips.

    Goals for today:

    Stay within my calories and carbs
    Take a walk
    Don't sneak a handful of chips!
  • amandacolaizzi
    amandacolaizzi Posts: 8 Member
    Well I have been sticking to my nutrition which makes me feel really great! However, today is technically my first day of physical activity because the past two days were my rest days from training for a half marathon. I'm just beginning, so rest days are really needed for me. I woke up today and did my 30minute morning yoga routine which really refreshes me. I also ate a delicious healthy breakfast. Scrambled eggs, with spinach and salsa, a side of freshly cut mango and a piece of breakfast sausage (not healthy, but my calories are low for this meal so that's okay). For lunch I plan to have a homemade salad and a cup of soup. For dinner I will have a fresh tillapia fillet cooked in white wine and lemon juice, with a side of steamed mixed veggies. Later on I will do my training for running as well as my 30min evening yoga routine.
  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    Met my goals yesterday, even though I was called in to the retail job because someone was sick. I was dead tired when I finally got home from an 11 hr work day between the two jobs, but I still took the fur babies for their mile walk. Since I couldn't do dinner before going into the other job I snacked on almonds throughout my shift.I met my water goals as well!

    Today my biggest goal is to get my run in (C25K) because I have to work the retail job again tonight, and I know I won't be wanting to do it after the second 11 hr work day in a row.
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    yesterday started off great, but by the evening I was tired, had a terrible headache, I was starving and grumpy. I didn't make a healthy meal and I overate. I also didn't workout (except for the 30 min of walking I did at work).

    Today started off better. I had less coffee and a big breakfast and have been drinking a lot of water. Hopefully i'll have more energy tonight. Id like to stay within my calories tonight and get about 30 min of some kind of activity this evening.
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Met my goals for day 2. Here we go for day 3/100 :)

    - take a long walk with a friend
    - drink lots of water
    - stay under my calorie goal

    Have a nice day :)
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    Yesterday I didn't do so well on my water goal...Today I aim to do better!!
    I did my Turbulence workout yesterday! OMG...Yikes! Pain!
    Today I start Couch to 5K...I also plan to mountain bike for 30+ minutes tonight
    And I hope to actually achieve my calorie goal today. Yesterday was TOO low...NOT GOOD.
    Good luck everyone on this day before Friday!! LOL
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    Goals for Day 3

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Get cardio (jogging) in tonight

    Good luck to everyone!
  • djess050
    djess050 Posts: 66 Member
    My goal for day 3:
    -Don't eat any sweets
    -Drink tons of water!
    *These are my weak points*
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    Just printed out Couch to 5K Treadmill Version. Going to start it tomorrow morning on my day off, after the kids go to school :-)
  • Pandathon
    Pandathon Posts: 41 Member
    Swam 1h yesterday
    Walked my 10000 steps today
    Calories in check

    So far so good... :)
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Okay. Today I don't have access to my house all day because of builders so that makes preparing food a little trickier. Goals for today:

    1) Don't give in a buy food in the uni canteen.
    2) Stay in control at my friend's games night tonight. Eat dinner before I go and resist pizza and snacks.
    3) Drink 2 litres of water

    The scales isn't moving right now and it's getting discouraging but I know just to be patient!

    Well another day down. I conquered all my goals. I did eat one of my trigger foods though but I think I got it in control pretty well. Better than previously, anyway! Really hope to see a change on the scales in the morning... even just a tiny one!
  • peaches026
    I had planned a walk today at the local bike trail but it was miserable and rainy! I convinced myself to head to the mall and got my cardio in that way.

    It was a big deal for me! The mall is 30 minutes away and the last few days have been difficult sleep wise. But I got me and my 4 week old son out the door. I surprised myself, it would have been much easier to skip it.
  • joe_hikeny
    joe_hikeny Posts: 58 Member
    Thursday -
    P90x2 Total Body
    T25 Core Cardio
    5 mile walk

    Stay Motivated

  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I had planned a walk today at the local bike trail but it was miserable and rainy! I convinced myself to head to the mall and got my cardio in that way.

    It was a big deal for me! The mall is 30 minutes away and the last few days have been difficult sleep wise. But I got me and my 4 week old son out the door. I surprised myself, it would have been much easier to skip it.

    Kudos for getting in a workout, especially with a 4-week old son! The more times you overcome the urge to skip, the more habitual and easier it becomes.