Sept 25th 2014 - Pour all of your energy

Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
"Pour all of your energy into trusting Me. It is through trust that you stay connected to Me, aware of My Presence. Every step on your life-journey can be a step of faith. Baby seps of trust are simple for you; you can take them with almost unconscious ease. Giant steps are another matter altogether: leaping across chasms in semidarkness, scaling cliffs of uncertainty, trudging through the valley of the shadow of death. These feats require sheer concentration, as well as utter commitment to Me.

Each of My children is a unique blend of temperament, giftedness, and life experiences. Something that is a baby step for you may be a giant step for another person, and vice versa. Only I know the difficulty or ease of each segment of your journey. Beware of trying to impress others by acting as if your giant steps are only baby ones. Do not judge others who hesitate, in trembling fear, before an act that would be easy for you. If each of My children would seek to please Me above all else, fear of others' judgments would vanish, as would attempts to impress others. Focus your attention on the path just ahead of you and on the one who never leaves your side.

Ps 23:4; Matt 7:1-2; Prov 29:25"

How can I relate this to my weight loss journey?

I need to make sure I keep my trust in Him and aware of His presence. I need to stay focus on the path that God has right in front of me. Not compare my journey with anyone else's.

"Good Morning Father, I love you. Thank you for all you have done. You are mighty and awesome. There is no one like you. Let your presence full my day. Please help me make the right decisions. In Jesus Name, Amen."