a new me and i love it!

shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
starting over... again. I have been on and off mfp for awhile now struggling trying to get rid of the last of the baby weight. I am back and more motivated than ever. I had such unrealistic expectations for my weight loss. I thought I would be back in my skinny jeans by 3 months pp well my son is almost a year and I still am trying to get rid of the last 15. I think the difference is I have accepted my new lifestyle as a mommy and its a growing process for both my son and I right now. I workout I eat right(most of the time) but then there are days I just am so worn out all I want is a burrito and a bowl of ice cream and I am learning that ITS OK. I was so busy stressing about my calories and how much I weighed it was consuming me. I am making better choices and learning everyday. I know this time around will be different because I am in a different mind set. I have been eating a much cleaner diet and plan to do a 30 day diary of my whole food clean eating. So happy to be back :)


  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Good for you! Our daughter is nearly 10 months old. Initially, I lost all the baby weight plus a few at just a couple weeks pp. Then it crept back. I struggled for a bit, but it hasn't really bothered me. Just in the last month or so I seem to be back in a groove. Funny thing is...for me...it involved NOT logging! I'm back to basics. Walk several miles a day, go on family bike rides, etc... I think the biggest change was going back to work. I only work 2 days a week but it means I get an actual lunch break where I'm able to eat well and not snack!!

    Best wishes to you!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My baby (my third) is nearly 5 months and I'm having a hard time, still, coming to terms with the fact that I'm still so much heavier than I was pre-pregnancy. I did everything right in pregnancy and I'm kind of angry that I gained so much, but I need to just let that go and focus on losing again and not dwell on how thin I was last year.

    I'm doing a biggest loser competition, which lasts 8 weeks, and I'm trying carb cycling, so it's nice to have something to focus on.
  • shelbz123
    shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
    yes I feel the same! I did everything right in my pregnancy and gained 60lbs I was so discouraged. I kept thinking that if I could just get back to my pre pregnancy weight then at least I would have some sense of "Normal" and I obsessed over the scale for months. one day it just dawned on me that while I sit here and obsess over what I used to be I was forgetting about who I am ... who I am now. I am a MOM of a beautiful healthy baby boy, I am not who I used to be and I am a different person with a little bit different body and the minute I just accepted that and stopped looking at food as the enemy but just enjoying my life. how can you not when you have such a great little family to tend to.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    yes I feel the same! I did everything right in my pregnancy and gained 60lbs I was so discouraged. I kept thinking that if I could just get back to my pre pregnancy weight then at least I would have some sense of "Normal" and I obsessed over the scale for months. one day it just dawned on me that while I sit here and obsess over what I used to be I was forgetting about who I am ... who I am now. I am a MOM of a beautiful healthy baby boy, I am not who I used to be and I am a different person with a little bit different body and the minute I just accepted that and stopped looking at food as the enemy but just enjoying my life. how can you not when you have such a great little family to tend to.

    Yep, I also need to appreciate that I have 3 healthy, gorgeous kids who I love so much, and realise that the number on the scale does not define me.

    I got below pre-pregnancy weight after my 2nd, in fact I started my third pregnancy thinner than I stared my first, so it is possible to lose all the weight, and more. So I'm sure that this time next year I will be slim and fit. Being bigger is not forever.
  • shelbz123
    shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
    exactly! its funny how when you let go of one issue it seems to fix itself. To stop all the obsessing about the food and weigh. I am in such a good spot. I am doing a 30 day clean eating plan starting October 1st along with a daily diary of my struggles and how I am feeling. I plan on posting everyday about it so def keep in touch and if you have any great recipes or advice I would also love feedback. :)