October Challenge

What are you challenging yourself to do for this next month? :laugh:

My challenging goals for October are:

* Release between 8 to 12 pounds that's 2 -3 pounds a week
* Exercise 4 to 5 days with increased intensity and time, cardio and strength training.
* Drink 1 gallon of water each day.
* Have green drinks, fruit smoothies, eat cleaner with more vegetables.
* No packaged, processed food or refined carbs
* Get adequate sleep
* Educate myself more about the body, health, and nutrition.

(God willing - I'm willing)

Everyone have a great and successful month!


  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    My goals for October are:
    1. Stay within my daily calorie range.
    2. Drink a minimum of 8 -8oz. Glasses of water each day.
    3. exercise for 30 minutes 4 times per week.
    4. Lose 6 - 10 lbs.
  • tsoiitseyusdi
    tsoiitseyusdi Posts: 16 Member
    Good Morning!

    My goals are:

    1. To work out for at least 10 - 15 hours
    2. To lose 1% body fat
    3. To lose at least 1/2 an inch on my waist
    4. To lose 2 pounds.

    Starting over, starting small. Good luck ladies! Stay motivated!

    Feel free to add me!
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    For October:
    1. Work out 5 times each week
    2. Drink 9 cups of water each day
    3. Lose at least 5 pounds
    4. Stick to eating meals from my eMeals plan
    5. Eat about 1,500 calories each day
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Bjabdullah, I like your phrase, "release 8 - 12 lbs". If you release it, hopefully it won't return. However, when you lose you have the propensity to find it again and I'm definitely not trying to do that. So I stand corrected, I'm releasing 8 - 10 lbs in October.
  • Hello!

    For the month of October, I plan to do the following:
    1. Strength training 3 days week + 30min of HIIT cardio AND (1) weekend day of cardio/dance/yoga
    2. Commit to drinking at least 2 liters of water a day (I hate water)
    3. No deserts or sweets
    4. No bread or fried/fatty food
    5. Lose at least 6-8lbs
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    My goals for October are:

    :heart: Work out at least 30-45 min 4x a week
    :heart: Get at least 9 hours of sleep each night
    :heart: Drink more water
    :heart: Bring my lunch to work every day ( no fast foods for lunch)
    :heart: Start a journal for all my feelings and thoughts while on this journey
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi ladies. My October goals are:

    1. lose 2 pounds
    2. commit to logging into MFP at least 75% of the month
    3. drink at least 20 oz. of water every day
    4. cut down on the amount of unhealthy snacks I eat
    5. exercise at least 4 days a week
  • omalichand
    omalichand Posts: 10 Member
    Exercise 4-5 days a week
    Drink more water
    Eat more fruits and veggies
    Sleep 7-8hrs
    Stop bingeing
  • Tdbrandon
    Tdbrandon Posts: 10 Member
    My Oct Goals:

    -Wt loss=10 lbs
    -More effective meal planning
    -work out daily for at least 45 mins
    -cut down sweets/desserts to less that 3x/wk ( My sweet tooth is INSANE y'all!)

  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I need to challenge myself to be active on the weekends!

    I am also participating in the 100 Mile October Challenge and while I did good in September I would like to see some consistency in my steps on the weekends - my daily goal steps is 13K and I would like to develop a way for me to get this on the weekends without planning.

    October will also be a great month for me to expand my diet, I need to get ready for winter vegetables so trying new things this month is a must.

    I am 4.8 pounds from my goal if I can get that down to 3.0 that would excellent!!!
  • MsJasmineP
    MsJasmineP Posts: 9 Member
    My October goal is to lose 7+ pounds I will be the size I was 3 years ago on my anniversary - to drink more water - complete my 1st 5K - if I can lose 8 pounds I will be down a total of 20 pounds since July - ya'll pray my strength :)
  • jahzbuttafly
    jahzbuttafly Posts: 173 Member
    Happy Day Ladies!! I am new to the group and coming off a surgery 09.29, so my October goals will be conservative and hopefully consistent.

    1. Be patient and heal from surgery by clean eating
    2. Drink a minimum of 48 oz water per day
    3. Get as much quality sleep as possible
    4. Ease back into a low impact work out routine (at least 3 days strength)
  • arlenejoneswilson
    arlenejoneswilson Posts: 49 Member
    my October goals:

    1. Complete a 5K
    2. Work out five times/week
    3. integrate weights/stregfnth training twice a week.
    4. lose 5 pounds.