
I guess the best place to start is with introducing ourselves. So I'll go first.

My name is Sabrina. I started with MFP a couple of years ago. I was successful with losing weight, although I was still far from my final goal. There were circumstances that brought me down and eventually I gained all of the weight back, plus 10 pounds extra. How nice of my body to invited new pounds to take up residence! *insert sarcasm here* I'm back after a much too long hiatus and am ready to get things rolling for myself. It's time to buckle down and do this.

I wanted to create a group where other moms, wives, caretakers, etc could go to find support from people who "get it". It's nearly impossible to be a parent, wife, daughter, employee, friend and whatever else our daily lives demand from us and still find the time to take care of US.

Here we can vent, complain, share success, ask for guidance and just be here for each other. I hope this group has many active members that participate and look forward to meeting new friends and celebrating each others victories.