Day 7: Monday, 9/29/14



  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    Yesterday was kind of a wash for me, and I'm so pre-period bloaty right now, all I can think of is to drown myself in as much water as I can handle to try and keep the bloat under control.

    Today's goals:
    - gym on lunch. No excuses.
    - 12 glasses of water minimum
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday went well. I stayed within my calories and walked over 10000 steps.

    For Day 7:

    Get 5000 steps while at work
    Drink 5 large glasses of water before I leave work
    Get 10000 steps
    Stay within my calories
  • MLowe13
    MLowe13 Posts: 23 Member
    Went over calories both days of this weekend. Back on the wagon today with a walk this AM already. I have my lunch logged so I won't be tempted to get something else in the cafeteria at work and I am trying to figure out my breakfast. IDK if I am even hungry really. I feel a little hungry but I am drinking water to make sure its true hunger.

    Goals for Day 7
    Get in another walk around lunch time
    Stay under budget for calories
    Water, Water, Water!
    Throw out the candy stash in my office.

    The last goal is hard for me. I tell myself I hate to waste food, but really its about my emotional attachment to sweets. When I even think about tossing it out I feel a little panicky and that is the number one reason that I know it is necessary. When I can have candy or sweets around without constantly thinking about them I will know I am in a healthier mind frame.
  • Shirotora88
    Yesterday was awesome

    Today I plan to stay in but only eat my daily calories. No exercise, tomorrow I am going for surgery and will most likely not eat enough calories for the day.

    If I do not respond tomorrow on the thread its because I'm too drugged up from the surgery, Sorry in advance
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Yesterday went according to plan, walked 5k, baked my birthday cake and ate some ;) all within calories and grain free.
    Today is my birthday and I planned to be 205 lb and guess what?! I jumped on the scale and saw 205.00 , so happy!
    I plan to truly enjoy today with my family, so no plans other than logging and no grains. ;))
  • Shirotora88
    Yesterday went according to plan, walked 5k, baked my birthday cake and ate some ;) all within calories and grain free.
    Today is my birthday and I planned to be 205 lb and guess what?! I jumped on the scale and saw 205.00 , so happy!
    I plan to truly enjoy today with my family, so no plans other than logging and no grains. ;))

    Happy Birthday :smile:
  • dlphnldy89
    Decided to incorporate my T25 workouts back into my days now that my doctor says it's ok. So this morning I took care of T25 Cardio. This afternoon I will do my 4.5 mile walk.
  • dlphnldy89
    Happy birthday and congrats on reaching that goal.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Goals for today
    1 8 cups h20
    2. stay in calorie range
    3 1.5 mile Noritc walk - done!
    4) 3 mile walk 2.4 done!
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    W1D3 of Couch to 5k...I hope to get that done today!!!
    Also, water....Water water water.
    Reset week...Not looking forward to it. But perhaps it's what I need.
    Water! LOL
    Turbulence Training also...B day! As opposed to A day....
    Rest day on Wednesday! Looking forward to it!
    Good luck all!
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    The weekend wasn't too bad after all but I need a good start into the week, so I am fasting today as part of my 5:2 program.

    Goals for today:
    - fast (stay below 500 kcals)
    - drink lots and lots of fluids
    - 30 DS before dinner :)
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    My goal for the day is to get a work out in. I didn't get up in the morning to do it and my nights seem to be nuts... but before I do anything, I need to get a 30 minute work out in!
  • libbeth_6212
    libbeth_6212 Posts: 28 Member
    One week in to our 100 day challenge - Happy Day 7!

    I'm so thankful Monday is here and I'm back in my routine. As is typical, this weekend was hard because I don't eat as well during the weekend (too free-for-all with our schedules and my eating) and the scale reflected that this morning. I also do everything on my mobile device which means I can't check in here during the weekend - I love the mobile app for food tracking on the go but not being able to access the discussion boards is tricky.

    Back on track today - Logging and drinking my water and trying to get my steps in.

    My goals today:
    10K steps (5K of them before I leave work)
    12 glasses of water
    Staying under my calories
    30 min dog walk this evening
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    One week in to our 100 day challenge - Happy Day 7!

    I'm so thankful Monday is here and I'm back in my routine. As is typical, this weekend was hard because I don't eat as well during the weekend (too free-for-all with our schedules and my eating) and the scale reflected that this morning. I also do everything on my mobile device which means I can't check in here during the weekend - I love the mobile app for food tracking on the go but not being able to access the discussion boards is tricky.

    Back on track today - Logging and drinking my water and trying to get my steps in.

    This is so me!!! I hardly ever get on the boards on the weekend and that is the hardest for me. This weekend was terrible. It was homecoming at the local college and at 36 this shouldn't really impact me but had to take the kiddos to all the fun activities. Then friends that own a bar asked us to come out :( Had a blast but drank and eat myself way over!!!

    goals for this week. Well just one goal this week...

    balance the day!!!! workout enough to cover if I am over. Yep I know I will be over already today because I have a family dinner with steak and king crab that I didn't plan in so I'm already close to over. I just need to push the workout more this evening.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Aren't we supposed to rest on the 7th day? J/k.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Mondays are always tough. I was low energy this morning, and the weather is drab outside, so I did not get to take my typical lunch time walk around the neighborhood. On the positive side, I got all of my day's protein in by lunch time today (yay!), drank plenty of water (yay!), and am excited to have plenty of calories left for dinner.

    I didn't post for day 6, so I will just say about Sunday that I am glad that I killed it with exercise yesterday. We were in a parade, marching with our children, so there was a lot of running around, dancing and flag waving. The entire family was thoroughly exhausted. I sucked down an entire 32 oz bottle of water afterwards. At the end of the day, I had to weigh myself. Down another two pounds. Hoo!
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    PUSH PUSH PUSH myself today. I slacked off last week due to my cold, but I have to get over the hurdle this week.
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 260 Member
    day 7

    1hr run
    go to yoga
    put away my clothes
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    This weekend I really got off track. I'd say that versus any given weekend in the past year, this was probably the worst "crash" I've had. Drinking? Yes. Pizza? Oh yes. Ice cream cake? Don't even get me started. In retrospect I see that the stress I've been having at work was making me more ready to accept excuses. It was my housemate's birthday and I told myself I could be a good sport and join in on the festivities, because it was just the weekend. Unfortunately it didn't help anything, as I'm feeling some regret and my stomach is not happy with me.

    Today I'd like to get to the gym, but I'm feeling pretty crummy and may push my day back. Food-wise I'd like to get right back on track and not let this weekend haunt me. This means back to keeping sodium levels down, keeping sweets consumption down, staying under my calories, and limiting my Quest bar consumption. I think I can do this, and will consider today a victory if I can manage my food.
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    Enjoyed my bday weekend stayed within my calories & kept moving.

    Super busy week at work & starting a new weight training program tomorrow!

    Meet two out of 3 goals for today:

    8 glasses of water✔️
    10,000 steps ✔️
    8 hours of sleep

    Looking forward to weighing in!
    Have a great day everyone.