Hi Everyone!

janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
Super quiet here. Hope everyone is doing well. I have been incredibly busy, but I check here all the time. Holiday food kind of challenged me, but I managed to do ok. More to come this weekend! Work is going well, all else is fine. I hope all of you are doing ok!


  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    It is quiet isn't it! We are having a last wonderful blast of summer here. Today I played (and walked) 18 holes of golf and this evening we had our ladies league banquet. We are hoping we will get a few more games in before the weather closes us down.
    I did better with logging last week, but had some challenges over the weekend. Will keep working on it!
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    TOO darn quiet, I have been busy preparing for my hubby's birthday tomorrow and my bro's birthday is the 2nd so, I am having a party for them tomorrow on the first. Not sure where I am at on my regimen, but I am sure I am not going to be happy when I get back on the scale cause I took the month of Sept. off from diet and exercise...so after the birthdays, I will hang my head and get back to it. It is cooler now in the a.m. so I will start back with my walking. Till then I am still in la la land.
  • mcamping
    mcamping Posts: 48 Member
    I have been extremely busy so I have not been walking as much as I should be, but I am working to correct that. I took a new job with a company that has not done any bookkeeping for at least 10 months that I can see so I am trying to clean up the piles in his office and make sense of them! I plan on cutting all my herbs this weekend from my garden and drying them for the winter months. With all of the rain, they grew like crazy. I hope it stays warm here for a few more weeks, I have a bunch of green tomatoes that need ripening.
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    We all sound like we are in a funk! I am trying to get back to business here. My routine is in place (for the most part) and I just need to concentrate on the foods I am choosing to eat. I always remind myself that it is my choice! Tough love!!
    Work is going well. Pretty busy all the time. I try to fill my weekends with all fun stuff.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Jan, you are doing good. And you are always so upbeat, I love it when you post!
    Eleanor, you are doing awesome with the golfing, I hope you have pleasant weather for awhile longer!
    Marie, that is so cool that you got the rain when you did, I was worried about the flooding, but what a bonus for your oasis in the desert. Good luck on getting that office organized!
    Today is my hubby's birthday so I got up at 5:00 a.m. to decorate before he gets up. It did not dawn on me that my dogs haven't seen a balloon in a year, so when they got a peek at what I was doing, well, I am really surprised that my hubby didn't wake up and come rushing in to see who was attacking me, luckily I was able to calm them down, and apparently hubby slept right through it. lol
    Have a Great October Everyone!!!
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Hello everyone. Well, it doesn't look like the weather will hold for another game of golf this week. I guess fall is here! I will get out again, just not tomorrow. I'm definitely a fair weather golfer. That's okay, though, as I will meet my friend and we will have lunch instead and then I can get away to visit my Mom earlier and be an hour closer to where she lives. I'm going for the weekend, and then when I get back, it will be time to get organized for a trip we are taking.
    DJ, I hope your husband's birthday was great. You went to a lot of effort!
    I really love all the produce at this time of year and have to be careful not to buy too much. I am going to the farm where I've been getting wonderful fresh things this summer for the last time today and will get only what we will eat this week, what I can take to my sister and what will keep...squash, carrots, potatoes, onions, etc. It's all so good! I roasted and puréed pumpkin earlier this week, so maybe I'll do more of that, too. It freezes well. We are going to be away for our Canadian Thanksgiving, which is my favourite holiday, and one I love to cook for with all the great fall food. Now you all know why I'm constantly keeping track of my intake. I like to cook and eat!
    Enjoy the weekend, everyone. It's almost here.
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    Eleanor, I went golfing once. I was actually pretty good, but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I will try again one day.
    DJ, how were the birthday celebrations?
    Marie, enjoy your bumper crop of tomatoes! Wish I could grow them. I do not have a green thumb!
    I have been working like crazy. Guess thats a good thing. More holiday this weekend, so that means more family/friends time. I do enjoy it.
    Time for work. My classes.....well....the honeymoon is over. Some of the students just should not be in college. They can't write a sentence that doesn't look like a text. They challenge every assignment. They are very much into entitlement. I love my job, but the attitude of some students really puts a damper on things. Ok, enough complaining. Have a good one!
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Good Monday morning, everyone.
    No golf today, as it's a bit wet and quite cool, and my dentist's office called to ask me to please change my app't to this afternoon.
    Jan, I hope you can keep your cool, and your standards with your students. I've been retired from teaching what I believe you'd call middle school for a few years, but I know exactly the attitude you are describing. Have you had a parent come to advocate for their college level child yet? My friend, a university professor, acted as master of her college one year and as such had to administer the residence on top of everything else. OMG...the stories!!
    I'm working at cleaning out the frig and preserving the produce I just had to buy last week, as we are heading out for a trip next weekend. There will be lots of walking, so I'm hoping that will help with what I'm sure will be more than usual consumption!

    How is everyone doing???
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hi Eleanor, I am back to walking but I need to cut down on the food intake, I have really let it get out of control in the last month. But You sound like you are doing well. Good luck at the dentist. Hope you have a great time on your trip this weekend, enjoy that walking. Should counter balance the consumption thing, lol. You have a Super Week! dj
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi Everyone! How's the week going so far? I am working on drinking more water (ugh) and walking in the morning. I just can't drink so much water, it makes me feel so bleh. Anyone else have this problem? I will be on my own this weekend. Hubby going white water rafting with our 2 kids. He is very excited. I need to stay out of the food, though!! When I have those quiet type of weekends, I tend to taste my way through the house. Happy Hump Day!
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Wow Jan, aren't you the early bird. I made Halloween cookies last night and sampled a few. I have to drink water (even though I get sick of it) because I do not retain fluids and will get dehydrated in one day if I don't drink enough. Your hubby is very brave going white water rafting; good luck with not over eating while he is gone, I have that problem too. Have a great Day! ;)
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    You two are both in early! I had a little trouble finding my way through the new forums. Now that I found the group I think it'll show up in my recent stuff. Jan, enjoy your weekend. Sometimes it's nice to have the house to yourself.
    Yesterday I made a huge pot of butternut squash soup and froze most of it. I keep checking things off the list so that we don't come home to major science experiments in the frig and pantry after being away for a couple of weeks. I'm starting to get excited about the trip...San Francisco, some of the coast both South and North of there, and Yosemite, where we are hoping the fires are under control. Hate to think of the damage to the wilderness areas. Some of this is day walking, so we've got the water capacity and packs for that. Now to get everything fit into a suitcase that doesn't weigh too much for the airline.
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hi Eleanor, I am still trying to figure out the new stuff, so far it isn't showing up on my recent stuff, so I have to go to my groups and navigate from there. You made me chuckle at the 'science experiments' comment, I have so been there, done that. I hope you have an awesome time on your trip, looking forward to hearing all about it. Have a great rest of the week! :)
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Thanks, DJ. I've been to San Francisco before but DH hasn't and I'm looking forward to the coast and Yosemite. As of this morning, the forums look different again, but it was much easier to find things. I guess it's a process.
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey Eleanor! Hey DJ! Hello to anyone else reading this! Have a good time, Eleanor. Vacations are always great. DJ, how are things going for you? I am doing pretty well. Made some plans for the weekend with friends. Truth is, I am perfectly happy staying home and just hanging out. It isn't healthy, though. So, I will meet a friend for dinner tomorrow night, and go with other friends on Saturday night, and do a brunch on Sunday. That will keep me busy enough. Loving, loving, loving the weather. My students need some tough love this semester. They are all about entitlement. I'm not having it.
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hi Jan, I am getting better finally. Mostly I am determined to not let what happen to me a month ago happen again. I just threw in the towel for awhile. But I am pulling myself back up to where I want to be.
    Good luck with your students, I don't know how you put up with it...would drive me to distraction. :#
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I'm mostly packed, but have yet to see if the suitcase closes easily. Two pairs of hiking shoes take up a lot of room! DJ, good to hear you are getting yourself back where you want to be. I'll be looking for some help when we get back. I went to the doctor yesterday and my cholesterol is back up. I didn't go in for the results right away and she was very annoyed with me. I wasn't too happy either, as they couldn't find results of a halter test I did because she heard an arrhythmia in July. I have no symptoms so I'm not worried about it, but still... I'm going to 1) start taking the plant sterols again, and 2) work on another 20 lb weight loss. I've been coasting for too long. I've been fighting going on meds for years, and if I can't get the cholesterol down, I guess I'll have to cave on that. :\ Do not want to!!!
    Jan, good for you for being consistent with your students. No matter what, you know you've given it your best. I have to say, just reading your comments takes me back (and makes me tired!).
    Have a good weekend everyone. It's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. We will have to celebrate when we get back. It's my very favourite holiday.