Back from Vacation!

Man oh man, am I tired!!! Vacation with twin toddlers is exhausting and so much fun. We ate horribly with minimal water intake each day. I feel like my body was run over by multiple trucks.

I think I gained seriously 5-6 lbs, but I don't think that is so bad considering what we ate. Plus I know some of it is water retention and ahem other things-bad food seems to clog up my insides to never move again.

We pushed the twins in their double stroller up to Clingman's Dome *highest point in the Great Smokey Mountains*. This was the best/worst decision and I am thankful that my husband was able to do majority of the work lol.

A plus side to my healthier way to think of food, my husband and I went to a local brewery that we used to really enjoy, I thought it was the best thing ever. But now when I looked at the menu, I was stuck. Everything looked awful and I knew the side effects it would bring. Nothing seemed appetizing at all. This continued throughout the whole vacation and amazed me at how I use to view food vs. how I view it now. Granted the beer and wine was heavenly :)


  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    Wow that sounds like a lot of work pushing the kids. At least you could count it as your workout for the day!

    I get what you mean about the things not sounding as good anymore. There is a little place here that has the most delicious burger ever and I had decided I wasn't going to worry about the calories and I was going to have this burger since it has been over a year since I had one. We got there and I saw one and it just didn't look as good as I remembered. I had a grilled chicken wrap instead.

    I am thinking that this change in mindset is what will make this time be the time that sticks.