Weekly encouragement: September 29th - October 5th

df1982 Posts: 147 Member
Hi everyone! Congratulations to those of you who joined this group when it started and are now past the half way mark. You guys rock and will, I hope, inspire me to keep it up. It is not worth getting into a long winded explanation here, but I am continuing to struggle with my health, which is making the Whole30 difficult for me to maintain right now.

How is everyone else doing as we start this week?


  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Yesterday was Day 1 :)

    Didn't get to cook like I wanted to, so it was lots of hardboiled eggs, salad, and canned salmon. :D
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    Yesterday was Day 1 :)

    Didn't get to cook like I wanted to, so it was lots of hardboiled eggs, salad, and canned salmon. :D

    Way to go!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Tried those Aidell's Chicken & Apple sausages last night --- good stuff!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    I am doing great. Day 19. Yesterday I realized that apple chips (freeze dried or popped, not dehydrated) are food with our breaks. No more.
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Okay, I need some advice.

    Next Wednesday me, my husband, my sister, and her boyfriend, are going to a concert in Cleveland. Whenever we go to this neighborhood we go to bd's Mongolian Grill. They cook EVERYTHING in soy shortening. Everything. It's a stir fry place. If I remember, their salad bar doen't have meat in it, just veggies.

    So, my ? is, on my day 28, can I have soy? I will bring my own sauces to avoid added sugar, and I will avoid gluten and corn and all solid legumes. But really, this is a major part of our lives. this artist comes to town annually and we ALWAYS go to this place for dinner. The guys LOVE it. And if I don't have soy, I get to enjoy some plain salad while they all eat my favorite food. Stir fry.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I've been to bd's in Illinois before, and I think I recall someone asking to not use the oil. Maybe tell them you're okay if it's not cooked perfect ... I bet they can just squirt water on to keep stuff from sticking.
    I saw someone with an allergy eat there, gave them the heads up, and they cleaned off a section of grill and kept her food between two of the sticks instead of doing the cook-and-pass-it-around method they normally use.
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    I think Kikor's advice is good and I'd give that a try. I am on day 26 and I haven't finished the book, so take this with a grain of salt: Maybe consider making soy the first thing you add back after day 30? That way you don't really have to be sure if you've consumed soy or not - you'll be assessing the re-introduction regardless. Just a thought.

    Things with me are pretty good; I can't believe I'm on day 26; it has not been challenging to stay compliant at all, except for a sugar craving now and then. And they pass pretty quickly. I'm probably going to continue at least until I finish the book and feel secure that I have the knowledge of what to do next!

    Tomorrow my team at work is going to an off-site and afterwards there will be drinks and appetizers. I volunteered to be one of the drivers so my not drinking won't be so obvious. I have to look up the restaurant to see if there's going to be anything at all I can eat!

    @df - sorry you're not over your illness yet ... hope you feel better soon!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    I am going to call, like kirkor suggested, to see if they can cook it without the oil. And I have coconut aminos to bring with me.

    Triplestep, I feel the same about compliance. It's coming pretty easy, I know how to figure out if I can go to a certain restaurant, I pack my lunch, I cok breakfast and dinner almost every day. I figured out how to make enough leftovers to actually have leftovers. I thought the book was great, it was full of valuable info, and helped encourage me in the program.

    Once i looked into gluten free, and my friend recommended wheat belly. I thought that guy was a kook. He basically preached exclusively on an anti-GMO platform. And the science isn't even all there to take that stance. And he seemed really crazy. So I never finished his book, or tried gluten free. But It Starts with Food was good. Pretty sane, moderately sciency, and allows for a varied diet after whole 30.

    df, get better! We miss you!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I'll be incommunicado this weekend --- going up to a cabin with the bros. Taking compliant food with me though! Won't get to share in the drinky-drinks, but it's all good.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the well wishes! I am almost through a SECOND round of antibiotics now and things are looking up. It seems I contracted a really nasty strep infection. I should be back to work this week, and I've stocked my fridge full of Whole30 compliant food. Looking forward to getting back to the program in a real way (I haven't been eating much of anything these past two weeks, and although I did try to stay compliant when I was eating, it's been far from perfect).

    I'm so proud of those of you who are now almost FINISHING their Whole30! Amazing.

    @girlcalledryan - Curious what you ended up deciding re:soy? Eating out is so tough, especially when it is a meaningful occasion.

    @kirkor - Also curious about how your weekend goes. Let us know what worked for you in terms of staying on track!

    @triplestep - Volunteering as a driver seems like a great strategy for steering clear of the booze. Good for you for sticking with it through the final days!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    I am going to call and ask if they can not put oil on the grill when they cook my food. And i will bring my own sauces (I have coconut aminos and coconut secret garlic sauce). If they cannot I will ask what is on the salad bar, and if they don't have eggs, I will smuggle my own in with my salad dressing.

    I am in my final week! I can't really believe I have made it this far. i didn't think I could live without things like bread. But, turns out, I barely miss it.

    I think I will enjoy things like bread and dessert on occasion when it is worth it, pretty much as described in the book, but maybe a little more often than that. And I will not be reading allergen menus at restaurants any more. If it seems paleo, it's paleo enough for me! Counting today, I have 7 more days. And then dairy (Ice cream after dinner and a delicious latte), followed by probably legumes (hello peanuts and peas!), then non-gluten grains (rice and corn, hello sweeties!) then white gluten grains (wonder bread! pasta!) then whole grains. I know someone who tolerates the processed stuff, but not the whole grain stuff, so I'm splitting them up.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    And I will not be reading allergen menus at restaurants any more. If it seems paleo, it's paleo enough for me!

    That's how I've been these past few years being gluten-free for no reason other than it keeps me from eating cake, cookies, etc. :)
    I don't get too picky with sauces and dressings.