Another Day Another Adventure

A hard but beautiful ride yesterday along 66.29 miles of the Bay Trial. While I didn't complete my goal and had to cut short before reaching my destination, I am still very happy with what I was able to do. I had to push my legs and mind to keep going near the end, but I accomplished my original 65 mile goal.


I rode to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and took the train to the Richmond station and then made my way along the Bay trail from Richmond with the hope to reach Fremont. The full Bay Trail will someday be 500 miles encircling the entire Bay Area shoreline, today you can ride it for 322 miles.

You can see a map on my GPS track here:

From Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline in Richmond to the Eden Landing Ecological Reserve in Hayward, passing the San Fransisco Bay Bridge (taking a detour up the bike path on the bridge) and to the San Mateo Bridge (through the shoreline wilderness preserve).

Only two images from my ride this time. Seeing as the ride itself, not including all the stops, was going to take 6 hours I was doing my best to conserve battery life so the phone could record my ride. The first is of the Bay Bridge in the distance, at this point I knew I was going to have to pass that bridge as well as two others before I was near the end of my ride.


The original goal was to ride up the Alameda Creek trail from Hayward to Fremont and end at the Niles Railway Station (across from Charlie Chaplin's old movie studio). Unfortunately my phone died at the end of Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, and with 10 miles still to go and no idea where to turn next I had to stop. Thankfully a kind stranger let me use her phone and call for my ride. So while I didn't reach my final destination I still hit my 65 mile mark. Every muscle in my legs are sore but I did it. Onto the next adventure.

I weighed myself before and after the ride, and between food and sweat I lost 2lbs burring ~4500 cals.

Now excuse me, I am off to amazon buy a portable battery pack for my phone.


  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thats incredible. I can cycle for about 2km when I use the stationary at the gym. 65miles? Just wow
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    It wasn't all that long ago when 2km was all about I could do either.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    How long has it taken you to up it? TBH I will probably never be a biker. I hate cycling up hills lol. But it gives me hope I can push myself to walk and swim further
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Wow, Patrick, that's awesome! You definitely need a backup battery or quick charger deal. Kudo's to you...
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Bloody hell you crazy man ;) Amazing but damn crazy lol
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    How long has it taken you to up it? TBH I will probably never be a biker. I hate cycling up hills lol. But it gives me hope I can push myself to walk and swim further

    I got back on the bike and did my first real attempt at a ride on June 16, 2014. So 3 months and 13 days. I've done 46 rides since that time for a total of 692.11 miles.

    I needed a new exercise and remember enjoying it as a kid so got the old bike out of the garage and fixed up and started riding. My first time was around the block and I thought I was going to have an asthma attack. I remember when I thought going my first 10 miles was a massive ride. I think if you can find something you enjoy that that keeps challenging you (or you can challenge yourself) then your in the best position.

    As for hills, I'm not much better at that. It's still a real pain though lately I have been trying to push myself working slowly up longer hills. I still had to get off the bike twice during the ride.

    My next challenge is getting back in the pool as well.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Swimming would probably complement your bike riding really well. I started 5 weeks ago on 20 lengths and having to stop twice. Average time was 55 minutes per km. I am now on 28 lengths at 45 minutes a km and without stopping. Its not fast to other people (as I have had pointed out to me in another section of this forum *roll*) but I am proud of that.

    Ive not hit the pool last week or this as I have been learning how to use the free weights at the gym but will be aiming for 30 lengths next time I do, eventual aim is 50 for now. Exercise is the key for me. It gives me a great feeling which helps me deal with my depression so I am less likely to eat because I am down and also if I have worked out I dont want to blow it by eating loads so its really helping me stick to my plan
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    WOW Pat I just LOVE the inspiration of your riding, your maps, your photos, it's incredibly motivating to the group. I think the biggest thing I take from it personally is that you are not stuck in the house, bogged down by weight, never doing to seeing anything.

    You are out there LIVING as we all should be, every single day.

    Congratulations on living Pat.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Thanks Julie,

    I certainly have been enjoying life a lot more.