Struggling to get in calories

jrnguyen Posts: 92 Member
I am 8 days post op, in the full liquid portion of the diet, and I am really struggling to get calories in. I am meeting my protein goals, but I feel incredibly weak if I do anything even a little strenuous, walking even.

I am just curious about how many calories people were able to get in 1-2 weeks out. I know my eventual goal is 600/day, but where should I be now?



  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    At this stage, my surgeon had me concentrate on getting in my protein and water, I wasn't given a calorie goal, That said, 8 days out, it isn't unheard of to feel weak or tired - you just had major surgery. I felt very tired the first month, but after the first couple of weeks I started noticing that I was feeling better faster. You will start feeling back to normal. Keep getting in that protein and water, rest as much as you need to, and you will start seeing a difference. Good luck to you!!
  • juneaubug
    juneaubug Posts: 18 Member
    I wasn't given a calorie number either (I still don't have one). My center just told me to focus on getting in the protein and fluids, especially that early after surgery. You're going to be took me a couple of months before I felt like I had more energy. Just get in your fluid and your protein, and get in some walking as you can. Give your body some time to heal!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I was told 700-900 calories, but protein number is the number one priority.

  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Protein and water, forget calories, you only have about ???? 38,000 on your butt. That is one thing we morbidly obese people don't have to worry about. We are covered in calories. Calories that your body is harvesting every minute. Protein, water, vitamins are your focus. You were gonna feel incredibly weak anyway whether you are 300 or 600 cals in intake. I have found the people who get hung up on getting their calories up stall REAL fast. You can calculate your available calories by multiplying your excess body lbs by 2800 (cals per lb of fat)
  • jrnguyen
    jrnguyen Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm not so worried about getting calories, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss something! Once I started getting in liquids other than water, I realized that no one ever told me if I should be trying to hit a calorie mark this early on, only what I should hit long term. I've only been focusing on protein in fluids, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. I appreciate the help!