Day 9: Wednesday, 10/01/14

I am confident that during the preceding eight days we have challenged ourselves, our temptations and our comfort zone. If the scale moves it's just a cherry on top of the challenger spirit that we all have acquired by being part of this challenge.

Stating my goals and follow ups here have been very helpful. On Day 8, I did 136 minutes of walk and stayed within my calories limit. For Day 9, the 30 minutes walk-calories limit combo is on the menu again.


  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    I met Day 9's goals :smile: and will keep the same goals for tomorrow.

    Steps 8500
    Day 10 of 30 DS with 5lb weights - May go onto Level 2, not sure yet.
    Stay within Calories
    8 8oz glasses of water today :drinker:
  • noodlebanana
    noodlebanana Posts: 12 Member
    I can't believe how well I have done over the last 8 days. I've stayed within my calorie goals save for 1 day. I've been walking 30 minutes every week day. And one of my upcoming weekend goals is to do some sort of fitness activity on the weekends. All of my walking is going to prove to be a bit more difficult as we move into winter and hit the -30 C weather but i'll worry about that when it hits.

    One of my goals this week is to avoid all the treats at work. I misstepped on Monday and had a small starburst fruit candy without thinking but yesterday was really a test of my resolve. One of my coworkers brought in super fresh straight from the bakery donughts. They smelled so good, I'm sure I inhaled calories just being in the kitchen. However, I did resist and triumph.

    My goals for today continue to be the same:

    Stay under the calorie limit
    8 glasses of water
    30 minute walk

    I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow
  • KelseyKittyy_
    KelseyKittyy_ Posts: 8 Member
    Just got invited to this wonderful group a couple minutes ago and accepted and joined my name to the spreadsheet! good luck all :)
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    I have stayed within my calorie goals,drank all my, water and can now do planks for 30 seconds. next goal, do planks for 35 seconds!
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
  • JoKessho
    JoKessho Posts: 108 Member
    Went to the gym and swimming. Probably horseback riding later today. Exercise-wise doing very well today :) Have all my meals planned out, too, so I just need to stick to the plan and today will be easy!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,592 Member
    I missed yesterday, didn't log anything, and was certainly over my calories...
    Well, today is a new day, and i will start with the basics:

    log everything
    8x water
    stay under calories
  • Another great day of exercise and caloric intake. Today is my "25th" birthday and it may sound weird but glad that I can't do the birthday cake and ice cream thing. Even better my office mates can't give me cakes and ice cream. T25 Total Body Circuit is done. Great way to start my birthday off!!!!
  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Another great day of exercise and caloric intake. Today is my "25th" birthday and it may sound weird but glad that I can't do the birthday cake and ice cream thing. Even better my office mates can't give me cakes and ice cream. T25 Total Body Circuit is done. Great way to start my birthday off!!!!

    Happy Birthday :) Wishing you a new healthy year!! Keep it up.
  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Didn't exercise yesterday but I had no time or effort to do anything. But what is important is that I'm watching my calories and trying to drink as much water as I can!

    Day 9 same goals and I'm happy I'm committed to the challenge!
  • AngeliqueAcee
    AngeliqueAcee Posts: 59 Member
    Haven't been doing much at all lately apart from watching my cals. and after a few weeks of no kgs lost, I got on the scale this morning and -0.7kgs!

    My weight is officially the lowest it has been since I was 15.

    I know my body is now in its happy place so I know I'll have to push harder to get more weight off.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    Yesterday I met my goals.

    90 min. exercise - check - 95
    Calories under -check
    Logged all food -check
    Water- check- Still not where I would like to be on this. I did manage 50% more yesterday than I do typically which also resulted in 50% more trips to the ladies room! Hey I am a positive person so woohoo to the extra calories burned as a result of all the up and down!

    Day 9 goals:
    90 minutes exercise
    Calories under
    *60 min. me time (new). A workaholic I neglect this most important part of a well balanced life. "Me Time" might consist of reading, creative time (art), journaling, prayer/meditation, mani-pedi etc. Anything that can't be considered work! I want to shoot for 3 times weekly on this one.

    Have a fab day all!

  • ssswish65
    ssswish65 Posts: 26 Member
    Goal for today is 800-1000 calorie deficit.
    Getting ready to go out for a 4 mile walk, might actually run a mile of that.
    In class most of the day so that will help cut down on snacking.
    Have a great day everyone.
  • Stipyna
    Stipyna Posts: 40
    My goal for this 9th day (for me the 2nd :embarassed: ) not eat more than 1000Kcal and tring to get less stressed during my job :wink:
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Another great day of exercise and caloric intake. Today is my "25th" birthday and it may sound weird but glad that I can't do the birthday cake and ice cream thing. Even better my office mates can't give me cakes and ice cream. T25 Total Body Circuit is done. Great way to start my birthday off!!!!

    Happy Birthday ????
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    I am feeling pretty good today. Yesterday I realized that the pain meds I thought weren't working at the beginning of the week actually are working. My pain level is the same today as is was yesterday and the day before. That is a huge improvement. Usually as my steroids wear off each day gets worse. The new medication doesn't block all of my pain but it is definitely at a level I can handle. Tomorrow I get my first epidural and then I start my physical therapy next Tuesday. I am so ready to get started. The sooner I start the sooner I can see some results.

    As for my daily goals. Today I plan to make better food choices. I did pack my lunch so that is a big help right there. No spontaneous ordering of bad food cause I'm starving. Also I set an alarm on my phone to go off every two hours and remind me to get up and take a lap or two around the office. Sitting for long periods makes my pain worse. I do get up on occasion but sometimes the work starts flowing and next thing I know it's been 4 hours and my back is killing me. I should add drinking more water to the list. It will help me get up more as well if I have to go to the bathroom every hour.
  • neckbonetwo
    neckbonetwo Posts: 20 Member
    My goal for today is to not only track everything I eat but to eat nutritious meals only. I'm also plan on getting in all my water and reach my 10K steps a day goal. I only have 4,300 to go.
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Yesterdays Challenges

    Eat under calories (but only just) DONE
    Walk at least 10000 steps DONE
    Swim at least 25 lengths (20m) pool and only second time I've swum in a year. WELL AND TRULY DONE MANAGED 32
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water DONE

    Today's challenges are:-

    10000 steps may be difficult as have Sports massage booked at walkies time.
    Eat under calories
    Drink 8 glasses of water (5 down already)
  • knmurray02
    knmurray02 Posts: 32 Member
    Loving the group motivation and support! Is has been a good thing to state my daily goals and know that I will be accountable for them in the morning and yet at the same time know that if I fall short it is ok and that I can start fresh the next day with new goals.

    I met my goals yesterday and think I may do a repeat today. The next few days are going to be tricky for me to stick to my calorie and step goals let alone get to the gym.


    stay under calorie limit
    eat balanced meals
    drink more water
    10692 steps (this is according to my vivofit)

    Stay motivated everyone. Tomorrow is weigh in day!
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Good morning! Today I have a day full of paperwork - I'd like to get it done and take whatever time I can off (any overtime we can take off of other days). If I'm feeling up to it, it has been a week since I went to the gym. I miss it, but I don't want to have a miserable workout with chest congestion.

    Today's goals include staying on track with food intake, getting enough water, keeping my sodium at/below goal, and getting enough veggies.