Glove question

HeatherRM14 Posts: 33 Member
At the advice of my trainer, I'm using dumbbells for 5x5 for now. I think once I get myself up to 45 lbs, I'll be doing the Olympic bar. Anyone have good glove suggestions? The dumbbells are tearing up my hands and they are super sore after the workout.


  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    I don't really have a suggestion, but I am right there with you. I do use the bar + weights and my hands HURT! I feel like my grip is affected because of it.

    I did buy some cheapy gloves and tried with rows and bench yesterday. Bench I didn't like them and removed them. Rows I totally failed at (not because of gloves) so not a good test.

    I have also heard of something called dry hands grip. I bought some on amazon and tried it for DL, but my hands still hurt like crazy afterwards.
  • Gloves can inhibit your grip strength. Keep at it and your hands will toughen up and get stronger. Chalk or liquid grip, if your gym doesn't allow chalk, will help, too.

    Specific for DL, a mixed underhand/overhand grip will keep your grip from stopping your progress. I still like to try at least one double overhand per set though.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I wear gloves for all lifts except Deadlifts & Olympic Lifts. I like the "fake" leather gloves over the cloth because they provide a bit more grip.

    Also there's nothing wrong with wearing gloves if that makes you more comfortable. :smile: Also, I've never heard of anyone using chalk with dumbbells.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Uhm, I'm not sure for the pressing movement there is much grip action going on. Although I do find my wrists get tired or tweak a lil because I squeeze a bit too hard lol. If it's for pulling motions, you could just use straps. Then grip will not be a limiting factor anymore.

    Also, make sure you're grabbing close to the fingers as opposed to the middle of the palm to avoid squeezing the skin near the fingers in more than it needs to be.


    I don't like gloves. Can't find a size that fits me so I get super sweaty and get blisters from the material moving. It took a while but I've built up callouses and decent grip strength and would never go to gloves now, anyway. Chalk is where it's at. But it's understandable if you wanna keep soft hands, nothing to be ashamed of. more of a personal preference kind of thing.
  • MaddyT122
    MaddyT122 Posts: 152 Member
    I picked up a pair at Target. They are Reebok brand and are a padded suade material. I like them. Just be sure to get ones for weights and not the yoga gloves :)
  • Jcao1214
    Jcao1214 Posts: 19 Member
    I second the Target Reebok gloves suggestion. I have these also and they suit my purposes. Although now I've been lifting long enough that the bar no longer bother my hands. I still like to wear them for pull ups though. For my deadlifts I prefer using straps over the gloves.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    On recommendations I saw here on MFP I have been using Liquid Grip which I got off of Amazon. But, I am not super heavy yet, so I can't say how it will work for the long term.
    I do like it though, and it came with both a large bottle and a small portable bottle on a carabiner
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    MaddyT122 wrote: »
    I picked up a pair at Target. They are Reebok brand and are a padded suade material. I like them. Just be sure to get ones for weights and not the yoga gloves :)

    Yoga gloves? Lol.
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    Liquid Grip is a life saver. Also, for what it's worth, I tried gloves once and found I actually had a harder time holding onto the bar.