Glucose Test Tomorrow!!! EEK!

I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy and I have the big test tomorrow again! I'm so nervous/excited! I have been testing my sugar levels and they don't seem to be nearly as high as with the last pregnancy. Anyone else have/had gestational diabetes? Did you hate it as much as I did?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm taking the 1 hour test on Friday. So not looking forward to it. I hate fasting to begin with, but doing it when pregnant is like torture.

    With my first pregnancy I failed the 1 hour and had to do the 3 hour. OMG that was a pain is the a**. Thankfully I passed that one.

    I'm hoping I pass the first test this time... cause I really do NOT want to have to do the 3 hour test.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I'm taking the 1 hour test on Friday. So not looking forward to it. I hate fasting to begin with, but doing it when pregnant is like torture.

    With my first pregnancy I failed the 1 hour and had to do the 3 hour. OMG that was a pain is the a**. Thankfully I passed that one.

    I'm hoping I pass the first test this time... cause I really do NOT want to have to do the 3 hour test.

    I hate fasting too... but all my doctor said is that nothing can cross my lips after I drink the juice. Do you have to fast for an extended period?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm taking the 1 hour test on Friday. So not looking forward to it. I hate fasting to begin with, but doing it when pregnant is like torture.

    With my first pregnancy I failed the 1 hour and had to do the 3 hour. OMG that was a pain is the a**. Thankfully I passed that one.

    I'm hoping I pass the first test this time... cause I really do NOT want to have to do the 3 hour test.

    I hate fasting too... but all my doctor said is that nothing can cross my lips after I drink the juice. Do you have to fast for an extended period?

    Basically you have to fast for 8 hours before the test. My appointment is at 7:30am, so for me, that's just overnight. But it still sucks not being able to have breakfast until the test is done.
  • MySkinnyJeans2014
    MySkinnyJeans2014 Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't have to fast. I ate breakfast and lunch and took my test at 2:30. These doctors should get on the same page! Why be miserable if you don't have to be?
    But I passed! Thank goodness :) No diabetes diet and pricking fingers for 3 months. I would not do well as a diabetic in my "real life." Props to those who handle it with such ease.
    Good luck to you ladies! Let me know how it goes!
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    I failed at only 10 weeks. :(
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    I have a family risk so I took the 1 hour test at 13 weeks and it went fine, but I have the 2 hour coming up and I am dreading it. It was so hard to sit still drinking all that sugar (it's so much more than I've had in a single sitting for years now.) I hope I won't feel as sick this time, it was hard not to vomit when I took it before but I've read that they made you come back another day if you vomit.

    I don't know for sure how I will do, but I am trying to stay cautiously optimistic. Good luck everyone!
  • xelor23
    xelor23 Posts: 44 Member
    edited October 2014
    Mine is on the 28th. I also have a family risk so I am scared! Every symptom I have had I think means I will have GD... Guess we'll see. Fingers crossed!