So I talked with a nutritionist today...



  • vegeemma
    vegeemma Posts: 6
    edited March 2015
    I'm not a long term vegan (Vegetarian for over 2 years and vegan for about 6 months) but I can say if anyone ever tells you to eat under 1600 calories (which is actually considered a starvation diet) a day or restrict your carbs, then don't listen. I eat between 2500-3500 calories a day living a high carb/low fat lifestyle. I lost all the weight that my fad diets and eating disorders piled up on me over the years and am now maintaining the weight that my body should be at naturally. My body and mind have never been healthier and I love it. The fact that a "professional" nutritionist is telling you to start at 1200 calories a day and cutting back to as low as 900 a day is.. Beyond ridiculous. I would not be going back to see him, ever.
  • fat2fitvegan
    fat2fitvegan Posts: 30 Member
    900 calories per day is wrong by any nutritional standard, vegan or not, and I'm surprised to hear a nutritionist tell you that.

    I'd recommend doing your own research on vegan nutrition (not implying that you haven't already, so everything I say might be old news to you) so stuff like this doesn't dissuade you. Jack Norris and Ginny Messina (known as The Vegan RD) are both registered dietitians and vegans, so they are very knowledgeable. Their websites are an excellent reference, and they have also written a book "Vegan for Life." Another registered dietitian, Brenda Davis, has written several books on a veggie lifestyle, including vegan diets, raw food diets, and vegetarian diets.

    As far as medical doctors go, my personal favorite is Dr. Joel Fuhrman and his extensive library of books on plant-based diets. He encourages a whole foods diet and provides a ridiculous number of studies and research to back up his statements, and you can't get much better than scientific studies. He also even wrote a book, "The End of Dieting," which actually debunks a ton of the common dietary myths (including the dangers of severe calorie reduction like trying to live on 900 calories a day). In "Eat to Live," he also writes about the dangers of excessive protein and that you should actually be eating a high-carb low-fat diet in the form of plenty of fruits and vegetables, beans, and other legumes, with minimal refined sugars or grains. And that whole foods diet works for several people (myself included).

    If you go through those books, you will probably end up knowing quite a bit more than that nutritionist and certainly more about vegan nutrition.
  • eabiss9
    eabiss9 Posts: 14 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sounds ilke what you said, a typical meat eater reaction who can't understand a Vegan diet.

    Unless you're eating pasta and rice all day I can't understand why a Vegan diet would be higher in Carbs than eating animal products. I eat between 8 - 10 pieces of fruit and veg a day and my protein I get from chia seeds, nuts and green veg then if I feel the need after a heavy work out I'll have the pea protein. It's worked for me so far!

    Please don't starve yourself everyone knows this is not the answer to healthy long term weight loss, sounds like your nutritionalist has a not uncommon descrimination against the Vegan diet and trying to frighten you!

    My thoughts exactly. The "meat is for man grass is for cows" ignorant mind set. Absolute rubbish. And 900 calories!? Whoever this person is knows nothing of proper nutrition. Run away from this guy! He needs to get his knowledge from sources other than non reputable veg bashing web articles.
  • xbecauseican
    xbecauseican Posts: 2 Member
    No!! Please check out Freelee the Banana Girl. She is Raw til 4... which means she eats raw fruit all day long (omg, the sugar!) then carbs the f--- up at night (omg, the carbs!). She was once overweight and is now is AMAZING shape. And eats over 3,000 calories a day! IMHO, the nutritionists of the world are owned by big food... and sadly, most have no idea! Good luck on your journey! :)
  • econista
    econista Posts: 26 Member
    OK. I didn't read all the replies but here is what i have observed over 30 plus years of paying attention. if you eat a whole foods plant based diet and focus on eating enough fresh (and lightly cooked) veggies and fruits and whole grains with high quality proteins you WILL lose weight. don't listen to that nutritionist. Try the full plate diet techniques with a vegan menu. avoid fake meats and highly processed stuff. Eat soy primarily in the forms of tempeh and tofu. avoid TVP and all forms of isolated soy protein at all costs. Eat food that you know what all the ingredients are if you eat pre-made foods. Eat small frequent portions and eat your veggies first mostly. Drink filtered water first when you feel hungry, then snack 15 min later veggies first (preferably use a ceramic filter like a berkey brand water filter is best. reverse osmosis water leaches minerals from your body, and use a glass or stainless container. Plastic leaches pba's into you which are bad...)
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I lost 75 lbs in 2007/2008 (over 13 months) on WW. I kept it off for a few years and then it is my fault I put it back on (too much vegan food is still too much food). I have been a vegan for now 25 years then18 years. I was 36 when I lost the weight and now I am

    No offense but most of the medical field do not know anything about plant based diets so they wing it based on their own bias. In the late 80's I once had a doctor tell me to eat fish because they were stupid and if I didn't I was going to get some strange disease and die like "in those third world countries". I was seeing him on a totally unrelated issue. He just figured he would open his mouth prove that he had NO idea what he was talking about and that he was a racist all in one sentence.

    I walked out.

    Find a new person to work with you or just turn to people who are actually vegan. Often when pros don't know something they are going to steer you away from it.

    I would never give up being vegan. And I don't expect losing weight to be any harder for me then anyone else this time around. It never has been before. And I was 17 when I became vegan.
    Good luck.
  • lddfsu
    lddfsu Posts: 38 Member
    I follow a way of eating suggested by Dr. John McDougall. He's similar to Dr. Fuhrman, who was mentioned in an earlier reply. They both have great info. You also might want to watch Forks Over Knives.
  • SecretZombie
    SecretZombie Posts: 7 Member