1st Mara - getting close!

valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
Hi all,

hope you are all keeping well just checking in to see what the craic is and how everyone is getting on on the final countdown and to see if our more experienced members have any tips to share.

I changed positions in work, the last one was very quiet, I was bored brainless, the move is definitely a postive but I'm so busy I don't get a second to think no matter jump on here as often! but I will in the next few weeks up to the big run.

Anyway training going well, I had a 20 miler two weeks ago with my running buddy it was so different doing the long run with someone it went by really fast. Then last weekend for cut back week I did a half marathon at the Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland, it was fantastic! so scenic, we ran along a beach ( famous for game of thrones and friendly cows :)) and then up onto the cliffs, I have to say I could feel the benefit of the long runs - I got to 9 miles before I stopped to fuel couldn't believe it was 9 already and powered home for the last four. If anyone is interested there are videos up on youtube I will add the link later, definately a race for the bucket list I would love to do that marathon....

So thats me I'm going to do a long run again this weekend, not quite sure when, I have a wedding on saturday and a concert on Monday but I wil fit it in. The last 20 was so good I was thinking of leaving it at that and maybe doing 18 some morning and a couple that night - I read somewhere that it is a good idea to do a run split like that?

And then the famous taper - does it basically mean I lie around eating carbs? I'm sure I could manage that but I don't want to be 10 pound heavier for the 27th...

As ever I hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying their running, have a lovely weekend and keep the tips coming!




  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    The last 20 was so good I was thinking of leaving it at that and maybe doing 18 some morning and a couple that night - I read somewhere that it is a good idea to do a run split like that?
    Where you are in your training, it would be more beneficial to do 20 or 18 but don't do the second run. Unless you have been doing doulbes this whole training phase, otherwise, don't start them now. That little 2 mile run won't do much good but has the potential to do harm. Skip it.
    And then the famous taper - does it basically mean I lie around eating carbs? I'm sure I could manage that but I don't want to be 10 pound heavier for the 27th...
    Are you following a training plan?

    Taper doesn't mean do nothing. A typical two week taper will have you running 2/3 of your highest mileage the first week and then about 1/3 the week of the race. You cut the mileage back, but keep the percentage of intensity the same. For instance, if you were doing 50 miles per week with 10 miles at MP, you might do 35 miles per week with 7 at MP, then 25 miles per week with 4 at MP, or something similar.

    The idea is to keep the body used to running at race pace while letting everything rest and heal for race day.
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    thanks for the advice Carson, yep following hal hidgens 18 wk plan was looking for excuses to eat loads :) will do as you say. Thanks