Day 13: Sunday, 10-5-14

lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
Hello everyone,

Sometimes it feels like the weekend goes too fast! I hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far. I'm looking forward to a trip to pick apples and pumpkins and grab other goodies on Sunday.

What are your goals for day 13? What will help you achieve these goals?


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well my goal is to get back on track! I lost my way....emotionally eating is really hitting me hard. I need to turn it around. I plan on getting some exercise time in and some 'me' time in to review my meals for the week. I think if I can plan my meals and what I take to lunch, I maybe able to take contral again. So today it will be all about 'me' and focusing on my exercise plan and meal plans.

    'lalepepper' I am totally jealous of your adventure to pick apples and pumpkins!!! What fun!! Can't believe the ghosts and gobblins will be out in a few weeks!! lol

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    My goals for Day 13 are to walk at least 60 minutes and stay within calories limit.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    My goals for day 13:
    At least 10k steps
    Getting everything organized for the week
    Jillian dvd
    Continue to log all food
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Issues with internet access and troubles with my laptop - I have been unable to post here daily as I had hoped. But I am still with you all in spirit.
    Doing well and focusing on co sistent water intake. Still struggle with logging everyday as I need to.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,357 Member
    My goals are to get uo for a run before heading out on mini vacation! My half is the 9th, next Thursday! Plus ANOTHER goal is healthy food choices even on the road!

    Goals (my goals for the week) 9/5 - 9/11
    1. Morning run w/ 15 min strength training
    2. Healthy eating (staying under my goal)
    3. Finish MY half on Thursday
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I am definitely looking forward to our plans tomorrow. I grew up in prime apple country, NY, and haven't gone picking in probably 10 years. I didn't realize there were any apple farms on LI. It's been 5 years since I went out to get a pumpkin or did any carving, so I'm excited!

    One of my goals through the end of the year is to reduce my unecessary spending. I am making an exception for things I eat, particularly non-prepared foods. I find that when I allow myself to explore and try new things I am much less likely to get bored and return to old habits. It ends up being worth it. I'd like to get some local goodies while we're out. Now that I have much better self-control, I can have nicer things around the house without burning through them too quickly.

    Tomorrow's goals include accounting for all treats and not going overboard. Also need to keep ensuring I drink enough water and don't have too much sodium. I'm going to see about going to the gym before the farm depending on how I feel...I rearranged my bedroom and we did a total re-organizing and cleaning, so I'm beat! I'd like to have two good days in a row after going a borderline crazy Friday night.
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    My goal for Sunday, REST! No worries about exercise or dieting or stress!
  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    Well I didn't get c25k done last night, I was so tired when I got home from work yesterday. So today I will do c25k. My eating was great yesterday though.

    Have a good one!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,291 Member
    Calorie-wise I did well yesterday, even got a long walk in, although it took some time to motivate myself, but afterwards I was glad I went.
    Today, I want to keep it up - log everything, stay under calories, drink enough and do some kind of workout for at least 30 minutes. And get that cleaning done I have put off the last days. :-)
  • GMStb10
    GMStb10 Posts: 158 Member
    Did well yesterday (first for a couple of days). Stating what I will be cooking for the family in the morning is helping stick to calories but I'm still struggling to push myself with exercise.

    Today day 13
    Pork and apple for lunch and fish for dinner.
    2 liters water
    And home workout- going to try and break it down and if its more achievable for me, 6x 5 min sessions throughout the day.
  • sowdenb
    sowdenb Posts: 61 Member
    Kept to the plan last night at dinner party...small glass of wine, salmon and veggies. Was able to enjoy the occasion, yet ate within limits. Today I will take the BIG WALk-3 mile loop and catch-up on some cleaning. Look forward to relaxing later with my son. Important to have some fun before the work week...Keep up the good work everyone!
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    everyone is doing well. Accountability for yourself is key. WE are in week 2 of a 10 week event so keep on keeping on or make a change.

    Myself... week 1, I was suppossed to do planks everyday.... I failed.... I am trying again this week and so far I am 2 for 2.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    My goal for day 13 is to keep moving even when i get home from work.
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Yesterday was a "life happens day" and I got off track. Today us a day of rest and readjustment. Today is my day to relax and map out my week going forward.
  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Yesterday went well with calories but no exercise.
    Day 13 goals
    - Stay below calorie limits
    - Exercise as I haven't for 3 days
  • Shirotora88
    I went way over yesterday, today Is a new day I will watch what I eat and be careful not to go over
  • woozeymagic
    woozeymagic Posts: 6 Member
    So today i had an epiphany - i had a long discussion with a good friend who is also a personal trainer - i have always classed myself as sedentary and calculated my BMR and BMEE based on being sedentary - he redid that and convinced me i am actually very active and most likely not losing weight as i am eating far too few calories.... i guess we shall see over the next few weeks. So my goal is to try and stick to his eating plan of eating 3 hourly when i am awake and eating up to 1700 calories (which is 500 more than i have done for a long time). I plan to continue to achieve 20000 steps each day as i always do.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    It's hard to believe that Sunday is already here! My one and only goal for today is to eat clean for the entire day. No junk food.
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Day 12 didn't go very well.
    Day 13 Will try harder today. Thinking I need to reset my steps until my ankle is 100% healed. Haven't walked a lot since Thursday, and I went way over then. I am now paying for it. Will try to stay under or right on my calories for the day. Still trying to get all my water in.
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    I've been in the house all day yesterday:(, Mother Nature is kinda mean here in WI; yet I managed to get 4000 steps in:)
    Today is sunny so there will be a light 5k hike. Calories are all in check and I can't wait to reunite with the squat rack come tomorrow!!!!
    Have a blast everyone !!!

    Ps. I so love the comment above regarding upping calories and the "activity" setting in MFP. I had a problem like that back in April when I was doing mostly hiit cardio 5 days a week while having a1200 calorie intake: didn't loose any weight but actually gained some. The moment I jumped to over 1600 calories I started dropping lb like crazy. Just a friendly reminder for beginners, if you are active and exercising anywhere from 1-3hr a week your activity setting should be at least set on "lightly active". If you work out about 5 times a week you are "active" ... You get the point. Unless you lay in bed all day you are not "sedentary". I know it's hard being overweight and classifying yourself as active but your current body is changing and it also reflects more on your "past" eating habits than your present ones. My hard rules for exercersize is not go over 4000 calories burn in a week, unless you're a professional athlete! The reason is that, after that level, unless supervised, you begging experiencing cronic fatigue and your stress hormones are on very high levels, recovery is not optimal and you're doing more damage than good!