Looking for Irish friends who log in REGULARLY...

kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
Hey there guys,

Am 31 yo from Galway, who regularly logs in her diary entries. I've lost 85lbs so far, but it's a long way to go yet.
I am just looking for people who log in regularly as well, who would want to make new friends and actually meet up once in a while to exchange stories. Am virtually living on my own and my friends aren't around me, so am looking for new friends to basically have a social life with :)

Thanks for listening :) Maire


  • HoneyFrogger
    HoneyFrogger Posts: 59 Member
    Heya I log on as much as I can :) I'm from Mayo and am in Galway every few months as its my favorite place in the world :D. I'm looking to return next year for college and hardly know anyone anymore down that way as I moved away 5 years ago and most everyone I know moved elsewhere