portein quality of Protein enriched carb foods

mlomago19 Posts: 16 Member
Hi All,
I've been seeing a significant uptick in advertising on products that are enriched with protein. For instance, english muffins (with 7 g protein vs 3 g) cereal etc. Does anyone know if this is high quality protein that I can be counting? Or is it better for me to stick with low calorie options when I use bread/carby products?


  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Michelle,

    I've often wondered the same thing. I think the idea is finding a good balance of both. For example, most mornings I have one serving of Special K protein cereal (dry) with one Yoplait Greek 100 vanilla yogurt. It's 23g of protein and 220 calories for my breakfast. Which I don't think is bad for one meal. I then keep in mind the carbs from the cereal for planning the rest of my meals for the day. Hope this helps...thanks for posting this topic!