Woo hoo! What has you excited!?

Sulli717 Posts: 2 Member
I'm so glad we're all back!
I'm very happy to back on my leg, and back at Kettlebells and, and! I have my first pilates class today. Now to just get my *kitten* attempting to run...

What are two most excited about!?


  • missy_krissy
    missy_krissy Posts: 7 Member
    I don't even know what I am excited about yet. I don't know that I am excited. haha I just want to feel comfortable in my clothes again! It's so hard to start up again. I'm dreading running. I know I shouldn't but I guess I feel so lazy when I am off of work.

    I am certainly in need of some motivation, that's why I thought this would be an awesome idea! Share everything! Meals ideas, recipes, snacks, workouts. ANYTHING!!