Am I just second guessing myself?

IronLizerd Posts: 43 Member
I know weights will make me gain a little so I'm trying not to stress too much over the numbers. The scale at my gym says I've lost 15 lbs I should be happy right? This is just a run of the mill ancient dial scale right? My friend's scale which may be broken (but it is digital) says I haven't lost any weight. Also, I was looking at pictures to judge my body fat percentage and I'm a pretty realistic person. According to several pictures I am around 27% That's good right? I plug my measurements into a bfp calculator and it says I'm 10 percent higher than i thought. I try to be optimistic but i feel like i may be fooling myself..
Should i care? I feel like I've lost weight but there's still those evil numbers telling me otherwise.


  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I can sympathize. I have gained 5 lbs in the last few months of lifting. But my BF has gone down (I trust my caliper, but stupid inflated number the scale gives has also gone down) and my measurements have too. I recommend both a caliper and tape measure. Depending on what your goals are, I'd recommend not caring about random scale weighs. Choose your method and stick with it. It's good! :smiley: .