

  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I might have to look you up, Stariera, since we are both Horde-side GMs on Quel'dorei :flowerforyou:

    I also had my MMORPG start in EQ (loved my bard), and stayed with it from release until WoW launched.

    Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn rival guilds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Main - 85 Male Troll Priest (Shadow) called Allyssia - I transferred her from alliance to horde and didn't like the look of the female trolls so she is now a he!!
    Server - Moonglade (EU)
    Raid - not since the release of Cata :-(
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I have quit WoW so many times. But I am done for good these days.

    I can't play a game and not be the best. WoW requires you to play 24/7 to be at the level I need to be.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I have quit WoW so many times. But I am done for good these days.

    I can't play a game and not be the best. WoW requires you to play 24/7 to be at the level I need to be.

    Oh, am I reading an elitist jerk?! :P
    Which server did you play on and which class?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I have quit WoW so many times. But I am done for good these days.

    I can't play a game and not be the best. WoW requires you to play 24/7 to be at the level I need to be.

    need to be, you should not be playing if your priorties are that you NEED to be anything in a GAME
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    For the alliance!

    I haven't played for a few months. I have periods where I won't play at all, and I'll let the WoW itch build up till I can't stand it, then I'll pretty much LIVE in Azeroth for two or three months till I'm sick of it, then I'll stop and let the itch build again. I think I'll be back on pretty soon, too ;-) lol
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I have quit WoW so many times. But I am done for good these days.

    I can't play a game and not be the best. WoW requires you to play 24/7 to be at the level I need to be.

    need to be, you should not be playing if your priorties are that you NEED to be anything in a GAME

    What kind of gamer are you?!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I have quit WoW so many times. But I am done for good these days.

    I can't play a game and not be the best. WoW requires you to play 24/7 to be at the level I need to be.

    Oh, am I reading an elitist jerk?! :P
    Which server did you play on and which class?

    Terenas Horde
    Shaman main
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I have quit WoW so many times. But I am done for good these days.

    I can't play a game and not be the best. WoW requires you to play 24/7 to be at the level I need to be.

    need to be, you should not be playing if your priorties are that you NEED to be anything in a GAME

    What kind of gamer are you?!

    one who has enough stress in the real world she unfortunatel has to live in that don't need it in my gaming world (not saying i always had this perspective)
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    ^ I was teasing. However, everything I do in life, be it gaming, running a business, etc, I strive to be the best.
  • jazzdspazz
    jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
    85 holly pally uldum
    85 lock uldum
    70-76 like 4 chars stread about

    wow... I never thought I'd see someone with toons on the server I was on. :laugh: :laugh: Please tell me your Horde.
    No ally :( I hate that server with a Passion I went there cuz I followed my friends they al left, if I ever get back on wow ill serv change
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    OMG! I played EQ too when I was like 12 years old. My parents bought me a copy back when Ruins of Kunark was the expansion and Shadows of Luclin was just coming out...!!! I've been playing MMOs for over a decade and I'm only 23. I'm sure it won't ever end either. I played a cleric/necro/bard in EQ. lol!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    ^ I was teasing. However, everything I do in life, be it gaming, running a business, etc, I strive to be the best.

    would never imagine a person named justjoshin to be teasing , i mean really
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    I have quit WoW so many times. But I am done for good these days.

    I can't play a game and not be the best. WoW requires you to play 24/7 to be at the level I need to be.

    need to be, you should not be playing if your priorties are that you NEED to be anything in a GAME

    What kind of gamer are you?!

    LOL.... you are totally right. I'm the same way. I raid and PVP and it consumed my ENTIRE being to have the best gear, max professions, and all of the achievements (rofl) ohhh and to pwn some serious face and kick the *kitten* of all the men who say "girls don't play wow" DAMN RIGHT. I'M A WOMAN! lol
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    OMG! I played EQ too when I was like 12 years old. My parents bought me a copy back when Ruins of Kunark was the expansion and Shadows of Luclin was just coming out...!!! I've been playing MMOs for over a decade and I'm only 23. I'm sure it won't ever end either. I played a cleric/necro/bard in EQ. lol!

    did you play runescape too? lol
  • Galletakek
    all this WOW talk makes me want to go back to my troll ways : / ..!!! miss the dang game! -.-
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    85 Hunter on Exodar is my main

    Not raiding now right now. I don't mind raiding with laid-back people but I get too stressed out if someone takes it too seriously. I'm a weenie, I know.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    85 holly pally uldum
    85 lock uldum
    70-76 like 4 chars stread about

    wow... I never thought I'd see someone with toons on the server I was on. :laugh: :laugh: Please tell me your Horde.
    No ally :( I hate that server with a Passion I went there cuz I followed my friends they al left, if I ever get back on wow ill serv change

    This was my server when I was playing I had a lvl 84 hunter
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Main is an 85 human arcane mage on Zuluhed and I raided through WoLK, but Cata pissed me off so badly that I hung up my toons until MoP is out.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Anyone done Ragnaros on heroic mode?! o___o

    a question like that almost makes me want to reactivate my account....almost.

    I'm on Area 52 and the top guild barely got that boss down last week! :O

    No, we're 6/7 heroic and we've all kind of agreed that we don't really care to bash our heads against him for weeks on end. We like to have fun and wiping for 6 hours a week for WEEKS in a row is NOT fun.

    Have you actually looked at that fight? Its horrendous. They basically put it in (like Sinestra last tier) to give the really hardcore raiders something to do, since otherwise most of the fights are pretty easy (I mean you know, relatively).

    We'll go back and do him after the next tier is out when we have T13.

    So um:
    I was horde in college but my lame bf wanted to roll alliance when we started playing together so:

    Draenai Shaman <-- my main
    Gnome Mage <-- the only alt I ever raid on
    and then I have a few lvl 85 alts that I rarely do stuff on that are mostly only 85 because back in Wrath we played a TOOOON and I got a ton of lvl 80 alts, and it was SO easy to gear in Wrath that mostly they were nicely geared so I blitzed cata leveling on some of them.

    Got a lvl 85 priest, lvl 85 druid, lvl 85 paladin, and working on an 85 hunter (very casually - probably play an hour or two a month.

    We basically raid Tues-Wed for 3 hours each and that's pretty much all I play now. That and maybe 2-3 times a month we do a Sat Alt raid for 3-4 hours.

    I'm kind of tired of it since I played back in Vanilla and I played a LOT when I was single and then my boyfriend and I played a LOT during Wrath (a ridiculous lot) so I'm happy to just raid my 6 hours a week and then workout the rest of the time or play more casual games that don't rely on other people.