


  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Ah Ha! I found the intro thread!

    Hi! I'm Jessy. I've had tummy issues for as long as I can remember and I finally figured out that gluten was the main culprit when I was working with a nutrition coach. I had had hints in my life before then, like thriving on Atkins or gaining weight after adding one slice of bread when I did South Beach. Finally in May 2010 my body had enough and I felt like utter crap. Did some internet searching then tried an elimination diet - problem solved. No more headaches, no more belly aches, no more sleepless nights, and less irritability. I've been working on being gf since June 2010, I think, maybe July. I've had the darnedest time dealing with cravings - I've been going through treatment for an ED as well, which doesn't help the restrictions in being gf.

    The best way I've found to be gf is by trying to avoid some of the replacement foods. I do have gf pasta, but I try to avoid bread-type things. Instead I get my bready jollied from potatoes and rice. Summer is the best season for me since there are so many wonderful fresh veggies at the farmers' market. We'll see how this winter goes!

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Hello. I hope it's okay for me to join the group (please PM me otherwise if it's not.) I am not gluten intolerant or celiac but my 17 yo DD does have gluten issues. She's not been diagnosed by anyone, she was just feeling terrible and so I suggested a few things. The first thing I suggested she remove from her diet was dairy but there was really no difference for her. She reintroduced that and at my suggestion cut gluten and we saw miracles happen. Her skin has cleared up, she's got some energy back, the dark circles under her eyes are gone and she's just happy again. I've missed her smile! She says she feels amazingly better without the gluten so we are doing everything we can to support her.

    I have already learned a whole lot about gluten free cooking but I am just beginning to explore this way of life and can use some support and help from those who know what they're doing. I bake and decorate cakes as a hobby and am an avid baker and cook. The thought of my very own daughter having to miss out on things everyone else takes for granted (like birthday cake!) is just not something I can ignore and do nothing about. She doesn't have an account here but she is my workout buddy (P90X and soon to be New Rules of Lifting for Women. She also does Taekwondo with me and a little bit of TurboFire) so even though she isn't on here she is vicariously through me. :)

    I look forward to learning new things! The whole family is pretty much going gluten free to make sure she isn't singled out (and honestly, I don't want to have to make two versions of everything!)
  • achrysalis
    achrysalis Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm Amy.

    After having my asthma and allergies controlled for most of my adult life I've started to struggle ... I've been sick and tired all year, unable to do the things I enjoy (like diving). I finally got tired of visits to my regular MD which resulted only in more and more Rx's heaped upon me and decided to see a naturopath. I learned on Thursday that I am gluten/dairy intolerant. :-/

    I've got diet instructions and a HUGE pile of supplements ... I begin my detox diet today. I'm a little apprehensive about the shift but I really want to feel better so I'm committed. I'm glad to find this group and would appreciate any advice you have re: tracking gluten and/or dairy via MFP.

  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm self-diagnosed. About three days ago I made the decision to cut out breads, grains, flours etc after becoming increasingly frustrated with the way I've been feeling. For the most part, I felt lethargic, sluggish, and after a long night of sleep I always felt tired in the morning. I was also starting to feel down and very demotivated.

    As far as other physical symptoms, I would get rashes on my skin, and those little water blisters that itched like mad. So I tried gluten free for 3 days, and it made a world of difference. I had more energy, my head felt clearer. I was sleeping better at night. My skin wasn't driving me as crazy (winter skin always has a way of sticking around though).

    Then I had a few beers and a bagel yesterday. Back to square one. Same disgusting feelings as before. Not to mention my digestive system is all messed up again.

    So once and for all, I'm giving up the gluten.

  • Heartofwrshp
    Hey guys! I wasnt diagnosed with anything but decided to go gluten free because I know it's healthy for me. I dont now much about it, I just started on it a couple days ago. I used to be a dancer, and gained 60 lbs at college due to environment and food change and stress. My goal is to get back down to what I used to be so that I can dance again. I figured cutting out gluten would be a good start.
    I developed asthma while I was at college due to scarring in my lungs from multiple lung infections, so my ability to excercise has gone down drastically from what it used to be, so for now until I work up to it a healthy change in my diet will be good!!

    Definitely looking forward to the results!

    Good luck to all you as well, I'm sure you will all do great!!!

  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Hi everyone!

    In 2010 after about $30,000.00 worth of medical bills and about 7 different doctors and several emergency room visits I found out I was allergic to wheat. The last doctor thought it might be food related, so she sent me to a take a food allergy test. While I haven't been officially diagnosed with celiac disease I have been eating GF since then.

    I did make the mistake of eating the grilled chicken at KFC and with in a few minutes I was doubled over in pain. I did some research and found out they coated their grilled chicken with flour and use soy sauce (which is 40-60% wheat) in the spice mix.

    Who coats grilled chicken with flour???? That's a mistake I won't make again!!

  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so happy I found this groupon MFP! I am self-diagnosed gluten intolerant, and I have never been tested for celiacs. I went gluten free in July of 2009, after dealing with bouts of digestive issues. Because I am a dairy-free pescatarian/already on a limited diet, I felt the first allergen I should try cutting out was wheat and gluten. I did a 2 week trial and instantaneously felt better. All of the bad digestive issues I had been experiencing - gas, bloating, irregular stools, dry skin, stomach cramping and heaches- went away. In June of 2011, I accepted my dream job, which involved a move to another state and a summer of textensive travel to very rural areas in the Intermountain West of the US. I was stressed, overworked and did not feel I had the time to plan ahead for every weeks meals on my 2 day weekends. My stomach and immune system suffered (I started getting cold sore outbreaks, felt sore in my joints, battled with several running injuries, was depressed, and fatigued). I am now getting back on the perverbial gluten-free wagon, knowing that it is not a choice; it is simply what my body requires. I look forward to exchanging recipes in this group!
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    woops :) and my name is Danielle!
  • empresslove13
    empresslove13 Posts: 48 Member
    My name is Lindsay and I stopped eating gluten and almost all dairy in July 2011. My Mom has Celiac and though I don't test positive her world reknown Celiac specialist doctor says my symptoms say I have it! I feel so much better...!

    The longer I don't eat gluten, in general, the less I crave it. I feel so much better. I lost 15 lbs right away but now need to work on portion control, this MFP! Glad to meet you all.
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    Hi all! I'm Meghan. I am gluten sensitive, so I choose to eat gluten free. I was diagnosed with lupus a little over a year ago, and read a book about autoimmune diseases and their potential relation to gluten in the diet. So I cut it out as a trial and learned I felt a LOT better- less flare ups, not as bad when I did get them, etc. So here I am over a year later still eating GF and so very happy that I do! I do have an occasional "cheat" day, but that is very rare and I very much end up regretting it when I do!
  • bowties_r_cool
    bowties_r_cool Posts: 66 Member
    Hey! My name is Tonya. Two of my half-sisters are GF (also a few cousins have been added) for the past 4 years. One sibling is Celiac and the other Gluten Intolerant. I could not afford to have the test done but went free 2 years ago and have never looked back. I always had anxiety and other health issues, weight issue most recently, but since going GF everything has turned around! I have slowly been losing weight (50 pound all ready) with going GF but it is time to get serious! My hope is to one day run a Walt Disney World Full Marathon! My second ever half-marathon is coming up in April and my third in August! Wish me luck! :tongue:
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle.

    Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints.

    I have a blog where i post a daily blog about how im coping, what im trying and what i find out about CFS alont the way.

    I was recommended this site as i have wasted money on weight watchers and tescos diets both of which didnt loose me a single lbs but cost me lost of £££'s.

    I'm also allergic to wheat, severely allergic to wheat and aspartame, which means alot of diet and none sugar food/drinks are a no go too.

    Coping everyday and my husband stops my buying chocolate. To date I havent had a single peice of choclate single boxing 2011 to 1 month and counting. It's not easy tho, I crave chocolate everyday.
  • Mollysdad133
    Hi! I'm Stuart, 59 and from the UK, married to Phil for almost a year but together for nearly 16 years now. "Dad" to Molly our five year old Dobermann who is the gentlest of dogs. Joined MFP and this group today after sucessfully using the very similar Boots Diet system. Survived a stroke in 2009 and developed IBS 2010 so needed to look at my diet and lifestyle carefully. Being diagnosed with IBS gave me the incentive to really understand and embrace my intolerances, which included caffiene, alchohol, wheat,barley.rye, red meat,brocolli, and some dairy. Am now gluten free, almost alchohol, caffiene and dairy free. And feel so much better. Have reduced my weight from 89kg in August last year to a current 78.1kg (every part kg matters guys) and am feeling much more energetic with normal blood pressure. Love cooking and eating food so dieting has always been a challenge, which I can't say has always been enjoyable or successful in the past. Counting calories works for me!!. Especially as I can enter my own recipes and from that gain a greater understanding of good/not so good foods. Whilst I weigh 78kg and put on weight easily, by contrast Phil, who works as a postman is under 60kg, eats like a horse, has no intolerance issues and never gains weight. So I have to make sure that what I cook is not only good for me but also filling and tasty for him too. This method of calorie counting enables me to achieve this quite easily and I look forward to reducing my weight and waistline even further in your good company. I'd love to make new friends too so if anyone feels like a chat then chat away
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Claire and I'm gluten sensitive and have been GF for about 4 months. I have experienced a variety of stomach and skin problems and excessive fatigue, all of which have been improving since being GF. I'm still learning ,and constantly surprised at how many things have gluten in them!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    Hi my name is Summer and I work in a GI clinic. I developed this crazy rash when I switched to whole wheat/whole grains to be healthier. No matter what I tried I could not get rid of it for a year. I have had horrible migraines since I was 5 that would land me in the ER multiple times a year. NO preventatives helped besides botox and that was because the nerves were paralyzed. I decided to start the HCG diet as a cleanse and to kick my body back into gear. While on HCG my rash and migraines went away and so did my big ole belly. I was a bridesmaid for a friend and at her wedding and she had heavy gluten foods so I ate them because I was starving and bam migraine was back, belly was back, and rash was back with a vengeance. I told one of the docs and work and he said oh yeah you have Dermatitis Herpetiformis told me I don't need blood work cause it will most likely come back negative since I have Dermatitis Herpetiformis and ever since then I have been gluten free. I don't believe it is fair to punish us because companies have to take 1 product out of their food we should pay less for our food not more but in the food being so expensive it has drastically cut down on my carb addiction and over eating.
  • jjpoir
    jjpoir Posts: 1
    Hi everyone my name is Jessica. I live in very northern part of the US-lots of snow & very little sun for 5mos of the year. My Doc(Holistic) & I have been watching my Thyroid & Iron for two years now. She tested my vit D levels this year & they are 1/3 to 1/4 of normal levels. My symptoms have not improved even though my blood levels for Thyroid & Iron have. So she thinks it is my adrenals & that wheat may be interfering with my ability to absorb iron & causing my 'thyroid type symptoms'. So I am on a 1 month wheat free trial - I guess that makes me gluten free, at least for the short term, starting today. But it sounds like it may be a new way of life for me. I'm also starting vit d, & Cytozyme AD & continuing omega-3 & glandular thyroid supplementation. I'm can't wait to see if this will help me feel better.

    What I've read in the past 18 hrs, has me wondering about our oldest son-he is 10yrs old & has had seasonal allergies since he was a baby. But for the past few years has been taking his allergy meds almost year round & the 2 months he isn't on the meds, he is still stuffy & has a runny nose. But it is not as bad as the rest of the year, so he tolerates it without meds. He is has some anxiety, is very hard on himself (great student, but not very athletic-expects athletics to come as easy for him as academics, it does not. he is heavy for his height, but so is my hubby) He is highly sensitive to detergents, textures, light, noise & what others think, to the point where we almost took him out of school last year cause he wasn't getting any work done in class. Did I mention he is my 'carb boy'...very picky eater. Would live on pasta of any kind & 'pizza rolls' (wheat tortilla with pizza sauce & cheese, rolled up). Has only started eating meat (other any a chicken nugget) in the past year or so - he did not like the texture of meat & still doesn't eat ground beef unless its in lasagna, which he tried last year when the school served veggie lasagna during Lent, now he'll eat meat lasagna if it has a lot of cheese. I am wondering how I try to get him on this trial with me, he really lives on wheat & makes up his mind that he won't like something even before its on his plate, to the point that he gags when he puts a new food (say a yellow pepper) in his mouth-even if its covered in ranch. It seems like gluten may be to blame, but how to eliminate it for him is the question.

    I look forward to reading this board for ideas for my (our) new lifestyle.
  • acantu59
    acantu59 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Angela and I'm a 52 year old widow that just decided to try the GF lifestyle after reading some articles by William Davis, M.D. - the author of Wheat Belly. I have been exercising on a regular basis (3-5 x/week) at Zumba Fitness since last April, and although I've toned up, my weight remains the same. I'm at my wit's end. I take synthroid and am taking HRT for menopause, so I'm sure that would have some effect on weight loss, but I don't believe it should prevent it. I realize that most here are truly diagnosed with celiac or wheat allergy, and can't understand why someone would go GF by choice, but here I am. It makes sense to me. This is day 2 for me, and I'm hoping to log a loss this week.

    edit: html error
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Hi All, I am glad to see this group since I'm still new to being GF (it's only been just over a year now.) So, my story: Had been gaining weight for the past several years, having the general blahs. I knew I was allergic to shellfish (found that one out the hard way-especially since it happened when I was in my late 20's) So, anyway, I ordered from my fave chinese restaurant (they know no shrimp!) and the next day, one of my eyes swelled up to the size of a golf ball. Just happened to have an appt with my primary care doc a few days later, told her what happened and she suggested allergy testing because I was developing allergies left and right to medications and now this. Allergist did the pincushion test on my back, checked in on me after 10 minutes and said 'Oh my!" (Say What?!) I said "oh, must be the shellfish one" she said that yes it was showing, but it wasn't as bad as three other foods (Huh?) So long story short, after the test was over she tells me that I am allergic to peanuts, soy, shellfish (of course), and WHEAT (big time!) She explained that with as bad of a reaction I had, I needed to go GF and carry an epi pen.
    It took until last year for me to really believe her, I had gained 20lbs in a year and doc got me into a extreme weight loss program to jump start me ( the program took all grains out of my diet for 45 days) I felt better, lost 35 lbs, and I finally understood what allergist was talking about. So I took the leap and started reading labels (another eye opener... who knew that there was only two brands of sour cream I could use because they don't have modified food starch in them!) and have been going strong ever since! I've lost a total of 40 lbs now (20 more to go!)
    I will admit that I still have some slips, but I'm more aware and more careful.
    Great to be here and hope to learn a lot from you all!
  • eatlessnmovemore
    eatlessnmovemore Posts: 7 Member
    I am not currently but am trying to be gluten free. I have no medical diagnosis of being intolerant, but I do believe I have a level of intolerance. Times when I have successfully been gluten-free have shown a marked difference in my digestive system and my overall feeling of vitality. I have come to believe we are all intolerant to gluten on some level, some growing accustomed to its effects more than others, some not being able to accustom their body to it. I have read that the gluten content of today's wheat, after so many genetic modifications to it for mass production, is 30 TIMES what it used to be back when we just grew grains the way nature intended. Anyway, I am glad to find this group and hope to learn from everyone, share, and maybe even inspire others to free themselves from gluten's clutches.

    But damn, I love breads and cereals, so my challenge is to find cost-effective alternatives to these pleasures.
  • Eccendentesiast
    Hi everyone :)
    I'm Kelsie, and as of one day ago I'm going gluten free. I have all the symptoms of celiac, so I'm not eating gluten anymore and seeing if those symptoms go away.
    But today is my first day 100% gluten free, so I'm brand new to all of this.
    Breads, cereals, granola, pastries, pizza, etc. are my biggest weaknesses, though so this is definitely going to be a hard road for at least a little while until I can afford alternatives.
    But yeah, I'd love to learn every ones tips and tricks, recipes, and support :)