


  • teaparty069
    Hey all,
    I am Angie
    recently found out that I am allergic to all things dairy,from what ever animal, lol...although I CAN have eggs....I am also allergic to lima beans (who cares), clams, peanuts and sunflowers...I am also doing a gluten elimination to see if I have intolerances that dont show up on the allergy panel...

    still trying new things, and looking for good reicpes.

    the thing I miss the most is CHEESE!!! anyone tried a good soy cheese or non animal cheese??

    on top of all that I have some other issues to address too, I have inflamation in my body which i guess will go down as the dairy and gluten get out of the body, and I also need to lose about 50 lbs....which shouldnt be too hard now that I can only eat meat and veggies, lol!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Hey all,
    I am Angie
    recently found out that I am allergic to all things dairy,from what ever animal, lol...although I CAN have eggs....I am also allergic to lima beans (who cares), clams, peanuts and sunflowers...I am also doing a gluten elimination to see if I have intolerances that dont show up on the allergy panel...

    still trying new things, and looking for good reicpes.

    the thing I miss the most is CHEESE!!! anyone tried a good soy cheese or non animal cheese??

    on top of all that I have some other issues to address too, I have inflamation in my body which i guess will go down as the dairy and gluten get out of the body, and I also need to lose about 50 lbs....which shouldnt be too hard now that I can only eat meat and veggies, lol!
    Tofutti makes really good non-dairy cream cheese and non-dairy sour cream, but I have not found a decent cheese. I made pizza once with pasta sauce, Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese (instead of cheese), and chicken that was really good, although I haven't tried to make it again since I went gluten free.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Hey all,
    I am Angie
    recently found out that I am allergic to all things dairy,from what ever animal, lol...although I CAN have eggs....I am also allergic to lima beans (who cares), clams, peanuts and sunflowers...I am also doing a gluten elimination to see if I have intolerances that dont show up on the allergy panel...

    still trying new things, and looking for good reicpes.

    the thing I miss the most is CHEESE!!! anyone tried a good soy cheese or non animal cheese??

    on top of all that I have some other issues to address too, I have inflamation in my body which i guess will go down as the dairy and gluten get out of the body, and I also need to lose about 50 lbs....which shouldnt be too hard now that I can only eat meat and veggies, lol!
    Tofutti makes really good non-dairy cream cheese and non-dairy sour cream, but I have not found a decent cheese. I made pizza once with pasta sauce, Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese (instead of cheese), and chicken that was really good, although I haven't tried to make it again since I went gluten free.

    I remember Tofutti from when I was allergic to milk as a kid-- they also make great ice-cream substitutes, including ice cream sandwiches!! Very tasty! :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I'm Pam. Vegetarian, dairy-free, completely grain-free, allergic to walnuts, almonds, dates, raw pineapple, somewhat sensitive to various other foods. And yes, still possible to overeat no matter how restrictive my diet!

  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! I have a 7 year old son who is allergic to peanuts (severely), but we have to avoid all tree nuts too. I stopped eating all nuts too and keep the household nut-free and have done tons of research on alternatives in recipes, and research on nut-safe brands to bring into the home . I'm always looking for ideas and recipes and discussion on this topic. Glad you are all here!
  • amyk80
    amyk80 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I'm Amy!

    Recently discovered a lactose intolerance and a mild soy allergy. I also can't eat eggs or anything with eggs in it. It was difficult when I was living in college dorms, but making my own food has allowed me to decrease a lot of my symptoms. Always looking for healthy, yummy and easy recipes!
  • lisjbxy9
    lisjbxy9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am currently on an allergy elimination diet to see what exactly is bothering me. I have found that dairy, wheat, soy, corn, tree nuts and sugar anr the buggest problem so far! It's crazy, but I find that I feel so much better! I will do this for a few more weeks, then reintroduce the top allergens and see what happens. I am hesitant to do so because I feel really good and have lost weight:)
    Hoping to add some friends to my list to keep me motivated!
  • slroberts55
    slroberts55 Posts: 14 Member
    My husband calls me an alien, because he says I'm "allergic to everything on earth." But there are a lot of things I can eat-and obviously have been judging from my weight.

    I'm highly allergic to peanuts, MSG, citrus, citric acid, cinnamon, banana, cantaloupe, tomato, and shellfish. I'm moderately allergic to walnuts, egg yolk, and eggplant. I'm mildly allergic to wheat, coconut, cottonseed, and cow & goat milk. I'm also allergic to mold, trees, grasses, dust, cats, dogs, etc.
  • kessalove
    kessalove Posts: 27 Member
    I'm allergic/intolerant to corn, rye, spinach, raw onions, mold (no yogurt or cheese). When I have too much I break out in hives. People think it's strange that I'm allergic to corn since it's in EVERYTHING!
  • brimmyhop
    Hi All. My name is Dawn. I just joined myfitnesspal. I lost over 60 lbs and I'm back to get the last 20 off. I am allergic to corn, barley, quinoa, and clams. Corn is the most difficult to avoid of course (as kessalove knows so well), however barley is added for vitamin enriching so it often makes it into many of the non-corn foods available (like all purpose flour).

    I also have some experience with fructose malabsorption with my 5yo daughter. This is a digestive intolerance similar to lactose or gluten intolerance, just this time the offensive sugar is fructose. Unfortunately fructose not only occurs that wonderful product "high fructose corn syrup" but it is also in fruit. Low fructose fruits are ok for her, but apples are a big problem and added to everything for kids :(

    If you ever want to rattle my cage, get me on the topic of corn and corn byproducts! A corn allergic mom with a dietary fructose intolerant daughter. I am maddened all the time when people make reference to HFCS and table sugar being the same for the body -- my daughter is proof it is not.
  • gillybumbler
    Hi everyone! I am gluten free, casein free, soy free, MSG free, sugar free, and yeast free. I started this initially because my son has intolerance to many foods (although is is egg free and I am not). Since eating like this I have realized that I am intolerant to casein and MSG. I have just started (again) a very restrictive diet because last time i was on it i lost a ton of weight and felt so amazing! I am looking for other friends that are on a restrictive diet for support and recipes! -Lindsey
  • slroberts55
    slroberts55 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Susan, and here's how I fount out what I was allergic to, and to what extent:

    About 2 1/2 yrs. ago I went on this crazy diet I saw online - a banana for breakfast, salad for lunch, and a light dinner. After the salad (which had fresh tomatoes), I became light-headed, dizzy, and nauseous. I went to my doctor and she referred me to an allergist. They did the testing (very painful and tramatic no matter what anyone says), and the doctor looked at my back which was full of welts and said "Oh my, you're allergic to a lot of things."

    Since then, I gave up my cat, started getting allergy shots, and gave up all the foods that I was allergic to. I also limited the amount of foods I ate that were in the same food families as the foods I was allergic to.

    Over the course of the past few years, I have narrowed down which foods cause which reactions and am able to eat a fairly normal diet, but have to avoid MSG, peanuts, citric acid, citrus fruits, cinnamon, banana, and raw tomatoes completely.

    Eating out is a rare occurence, but there are restaurants that will cook a meal for me using a completely different set of pans, utensils, etc.
  • JennaGermain
    I'm Jenna.

    I'm allergic to plaintain, ragweed, timothy grass, chamomile, aloe, MSG and raw fruits and vegetables (which I only recently found out about. I thought everyone's lips, mouth & throat itched & burned when they ate these things but apparently not). Somehow cooking the veggies makes me not react to them, even if they are just steamed.

    My doctor tested me that I'm NOT allergic to cats, dust mites or gluten so at least I don't have to avoid those things (not that I seek out dust mites but it explained why winter was the only season I could breathe through my nose)

    I'm currently trying to eliminate dairy to see if I'm allergic to it. 2-5 times per week, I get a burning & itchy feeling on my face that then spreads downwards to eventually cover my entire body (and I also turn red everywhere as it happens). I feel like boiling water is being poured down my body and the itching is extreme. If I take an anti-histamine, the red/itching/burning will start to fade within 1/2 hour to an hour and a half and then I get shivering cold for 1/2 an hour to 2 hours where I have to have a space heater on me because I'm so shivering cold (and normally I don't hardly ever get cold and have a higher tolerance for low temperatures). This has been happening for a few months now and I can't point to any food I haven't eaten or drank that I didn't also have on days with no reaction. I've also noted all I've washed my body, hair & clothes with and there's nothing that I haven't also used on non-reaction days. After the fire & redness fade, my skin will still be sore for several hours and feel like I've suffered a severe sun burn.

    I used to think the allergen must be something at work because the reactions were always happening at work, but have since had the reaction happen twice at home and once at the doctor's office (though that one was a mild case w/o the freezing after-effect). My doctors are currently stumped and I think it may take forever to get them to solve this (if at all) especially since they currently aren't that concerned because I'm not (yet) having any breathing troubles.
  • my_username_was_taken
    Hi Everyone. I am deadly allergic to all nuts and peanuts as well as all shellfish and fish.

    My food sensitivities are now mild but didn't used to be. They are (and no I am not kidding with this list)

    milk (Rennent Free Cheese seems to be okay as does organic milk)
    nutra sweet
    the squash family
    brewers yeast - this is a bad one
    bakers yeast
    black/white pepper
    bananas - can't eat them at all

    I have also been told that I likely have candida albicans disease but not too terribly

    then we add the environmental stuff and the list goes on (I could have gone all day without knowing that I was allergic to roaches)

    I went thru hell to get the sensitivities under control. I can eat most of the non deadly list so long as I don't over do it or too many days in a row. When I start to feel bad its back to avoidance. this sucks

    When I got the list - I cried and said the the nurse "really, your going to tell a fat Italian cop she can't have coffee and doughnuts or pizza and coke or anything diet when she does get back on the wagon" she just shook her head.

  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Welcome to all the latest newbies! Stay strong, you can do it!
  • ivorygill
    ivorygill Posts: 5 Member

    I just got the results of a food intolerance test that tested over 90 foods from one blood test. It was brilliant and I was really surprised by the results (what I thought was the problem was.....along with many others that I would never have guessed!) It showed Wheat, which was the obvious one although I'm not intolerant to gluten, Cashew and peanuts, plum, brewers yeast, cows milk and barley.

    I'm off all this stuff since Wednesday and already I feel much better. Have cut the products out but have not tried any substitutes yet. That's the next step. I miss bread!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Doesn't sound too bad! Tell me if you need any recipes.
  • Sharni_19
    Some days I feel consumed with all of this 'thinking' about food. Like I'm a little obsessed. Does anyone else feel this way??

    That is how I have felt non stop for the past 14months or so.
    My name here is Sharni I am 29 and have 2 beautiful boys and a loving husband. I have been journeying with my closest friend for over 6 years with her severe food intolerances and have learnt what I thought was heaps about it until we discovered 14months ago that our baby boy is allergic to peanuts, dairy, eggs and banana (and other environmental factors) it feels like my whole life has been consumed and with little understanding or support from outside of my friend, my husband and my sister in law on the other side of our massive country.

    On top of this he is on a strict, supervised, elimination diet so we can discover what food sensitivities/intolerances he has. My eldest and I are also on strict supervised elimination diets to find out what we can and can't eat and how much and how often we can eat those that we can.

    Our house has to be nut free, traces of nuts free, sesame seed free due to the allergies
    my youngest is on prescription formula, dairy free, nut free, soy free, egg free so far
    my eldest is dairy free, wheat free and needs to limit certain types of fruit and veg so far
    I am dairy free, limited wheat, limited fruit and veg so far

    we are have to return to our strict baseline diet for at least 5 days before we can start the next challange which will cover other fruits and veg and a wider range of meat and cocoa.

    Is anyone else here journeying on or with a supervised elimination diet?

    eating out is difficult and never perfect, visiting relatives is stressful and takes us days to get over, shopping takes forever stresses me out and brings me to tears almost everyweek, staying at home without the rest of the world when there isn't money stress I find that easy but lonely.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • my_username_was_taken
    I have no clue if the will be helpful for the bread substitute - there is a bred version at the bottom of this. It was posted by someone on my mow carb group. Good Luck
    - L

    I'm going to dedicate this thread to low carb 'MIM's, which for those of you who are unfamiliar with the MIM, these are low carb flax meal muffins, which cook in the microwave in a mere 65 seconds!

    Here is the recipe and the method for the original muffin recipe:

    Serving Size: 1

    1/4 cup flax meal (8.09 total carbs, 7.6 fiber) which is 30 grams in weight
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder (0.64 net carbs)
    1 packet splenda packet (0.9 net carbs)
    1 teaspoon cinnamon (1.84 total carbs, 1.2 fiber)
    1 large egg (0.6 net carbs)
    1 teaspoon butter

    (total carbs is 12.07, fiber is 8.8; net carbs is 3.27)

    Put the dry ingredients in a coffee mug.


    Then add the egg and the butter. Mix.

    Microwave 1 minute. Try one of the following toppings:

    Cream cheese
    Almond butter
    Sugar free Jam

    Savory Version:

    1/4 cup flax meal
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    Pinch of salt & black pepper
    Herb/spices of choice*
    1 large egg
    1 teaspoon butter

    * Any dried herbs, I like rosemary or sage. You could also add whichever spices you like, so you have a savory bread to compliment your meal- like adding chili flakes to go with low carb chili.

    Chocolate Muffin:

    1/4 cup flax meal
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    1 packet splenda
    1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 large egg
    1 teaspoon butter

    (5 net carbs)

    Try serving the chocolate muffin:

    -With whipped or runny heavy cream
    - With a sugar free pouring syrup (fudge, vanilla, chocolate).
    - Topped with chocolate cream cheese frosting (Made by combining cream cheese, 1 tsp splenda and 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder)

    Lemon Poppy Seed MIM:

    1/4 cup flax meal
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    1 packet splenda
    1 tsp Lemon extract
    1/4 tsp poppy seeds
    1 large egg
    1 teaspoon butter

    4 net carbs,

    Try with:

    -Whipped or runny heavy cream.
    - Sugar free lemon syrup.
    - Low carb Lemon curd:
    - Cream cheese & lemon frosting: Mix cream cheese with splenda (1 tsp) and lemon extract.

    Mocha (coffee chocolate) MIM:

    1/4 cup flax meal
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    1 packet splenda
    1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 tsp ground instant coffee
    1 large egg
    1 teaspoon butter

    (5 net carbs)

    MIM recipe & method for sliced bread:

    1) Make up the MIM basic mixture without sweetener or spices.

    2) Add your desired herbs/spices.

    3) Then take a square or rectangular lid from a tupperware-type microwaveable safe dish.

    3) Spread half of the MIM mixture on the top of the lid, and microwave as usual, for 60 seconds. When it is cooked turn the lid upside down and just 'pop' the 'slice of bread' onto your worktop or a plate. Repeat this process, letting the second slice cool.

    Use your MIM bread as you would with regular bread, you can toast it, or make grilled cheese, or make mini pizzas, or sandwiches.
  • becschneider
    hi all!! i found out about a week ago that i am sensitive to gluten, dairy, chicken and eggs. since last week i've had to have a shake with aminoplex, intestamine, rice milk and blueberries for breakfast and lunch til i see the dr next friday. my tummy feels soooo much better since i cut these out. still trying to find some good recipes too :-]