


  • akjstyles
    akjstyles Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone, so glad I searched to see if there were any belly dance groups! I'm Adrienne, I have been dancing for close to 2 years now, have taken 5, 10 to 12 week sessions of dance class in a more folk-ish style, very earthy. Here's the thing about me though, I have no rhythm, none! But I absolutely love to belly dance. I can do every isolation movement that my instructor teaches, it's when she gets us to do choreographed routines where I need to be doing more then one thing at a time that I see I have no rhythm. lol I keep at it though because of my love for it, and I feel that one day it might just click and I will be able to easily do more then one thing at a time. I recently moved and have not yet found a new class to take so I dance at home on my own. Just picked up a belly dance workout video which has been great since I still need the "leading" of an instructor to get anything out of it.
  • ArwenP
    ArwenP Posts: 53 Member
    Hi. I'm Arwen. I've been dancing for about 5 months now. I'm still very new, but I love it. It's so much fun and what a great workout! It's been really helpful for my weight loss. I've lost 5 inches on my waist so far, and I'm very excited! I may never quit!
  • Lilith47
    Lilith47 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello! I'm Michaela, been bellydancing for over 8 years now, I'm learning, performing and teaching Tribal, both in its ATS/ITS variation and Tribal Fusion.
    Looking for a bellydance group was the first thing I did after registering here ;)
  • Hello! My name is Rachel. I've been trying out videos for a couple of years but I had my first class at the community center on Tuesday. I'm very excited to be in an actual class and learning more about belly dancing. It's so fun and so beautiful!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Hello, My name is Rachel (aka Raya) I have been a bellydancer for almost 9 years now, performing for the last 6, soloing for the last 5.5. I am a member of Raks Fi Shams dance troupe out of Florida.
    I was looking through the groups and was delighted to see a bellydance group so I thought I would shimmy on in and join the fun!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Hi Candace,
    I know where you're coming from on performing (and showing off the belly.) I have always been a shy introvert until I started. The girls in my class (at the time I was in intermediate-advanced class) twisted my arm to perform in recital, so I agreed, sucked up my courage (and my gut) and went out on stage and had a blast (bare belly and all) then I got moved to the advanced class and they twisted my arm saying that I had to perform because I was in advanced (which is the dance troupe) so I did, then they told me that if I performed I had to start soloing... so I did... have been one of the lead dancers in the troupe (even at my heaviest!)

    So I say, take your time and if someone twists your arm go ahead and give it a shimmy, you never know, it could be a blast. If you want a top that covers the belly area, check out Moondance Bellydance's website, they have some tops there that have sections that cover the belly (it's sheer, but still effective)
  • Izanami66
    Izanami66 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Izanami, and I've been dancing for four years. Most of my training is in American Cabaret (with Egyptian Breeze of Yellow Springs, Ohio), but I belong to a fusion troupe as well (Troupe Roja of Dayton, Ohio), so I'm gaining lots of experience with fusion and theatrical numbers. I've taken a few tribal fusion workshops and would love to explore that as well.

    I honestly don't know where I'd be without belly dance. Life before dance seems so dull, though I did have a lot more free time! I love using dance as creative expression, but also as part of an exercise regimen. Dance on, everyone, and please feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the site and pretty new to belly dancing. I've been taking cabaret style classes for 8 months, but recently had to quit due to time conflict. I am learning from dvd now. Most of my dvds are tribal style with Rachel Brice, Zoe Jakes and some drill dvds with Michelle Joyce. I started to regain core strength after having a c-section. Now I'm practicing because it's fun. I'd love some Fitness Pal friends who are into belly dance, whether you're a newb like me or a pro or anything in between.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    hello, i am into bellydance tribal style .. have zoe's a to zoe, wish i had more time for it. well wish i had more time with the tv that has the dvd player LOL son always has it. i had one of rachels on my compuer but dont have that computer anymore.

    take classes once a week with a fantastic teacher though
  • nobeardthepirate
    nobeardthepirate Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm ali. I've been belly dancing for 3 years now. I started in Egyptian/Turkish cabaret and moved into ITS and Tribal. My focus right now is Dark Fusion. I'm also an editor and contributor for 'fuse' magazine. :)

    I've noticed that I've sort of hit a plateau in my dancing because I'm still very out of shape. Losing weight is a definite goal, but I really want to have more strength and flexibility. I've been documenting my quest to implement a sustainable daily practice in my blog http://aposhsentinel.com/darklysparkly -- please give a look if you have time! I need all the cheerleaders I can get. XD

  • wofford16
    wofford16 Posts: 63
    Hello my Sister's in Shimmy,

    I have been taking belly dance classes off and on for about 3 years now, mostly Egyptian cabaret but last year our studio introduced two of my favorite styles of dance into one and we now have a Latin Fusion Belly dance class and troupe. I get a wonderful workout with latin dances layered on top of traditional belly dance moves. I haven't danced in a show yet but it is one of my goals this year along with consistently attending classes because life always seems to get in the way.
  • Goatgodess
    Goatgodess Posts: 23 Member
    Hey fellow dancers, I am a cabaret and sword dancer, danced years ago, and restarted about a year ago, I dance with a troup and take any class I can get. Any of you doing Shimmy mob this weekend,? May 12 is International Bellydance Day so make sure you dance sometime and Break a Zill
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 52 Member
    Hey everyone- I am Chandra and I got into bellydancing when I was younger through a workoutVHS tape (this was when I was a young teen). Since then I have only dabbled in it, taking a class here and there (they are expensive!). I would love to be able to put together a group to work on practicing it or just find a group online like you guys to talk to about and learn things from. My goal/dream is to eventually perform in front of people either with an informal troupe or for real as an entertainer. I would love to teach it too but that is a long way off (150+ lbs off to be exact!)

    Anyway, loving this group so far!
  • Khaduja
    Khaduja Posts: 2
    Hey everyone! I'm Khadu'ja. I've been belly dancing since '98 and began teaching in '10. I studied Turkish and Am Cab before losing my heart to ITS. I took a break for a year while pregnant and a few months after my little guy was born. Recently I've been getting back into performing and not many of my costume belts or pants fit well anymore, but my boy is my real impetus though as he's been poking at me or asking why my belly goes over my belts. My goal isn't to get back into my costuming, rather it's to make my movements more refined and defined for my students.

    Shimmies on!
  • erika613
    erika613 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm erika and I've been dancing for about 18 months now. I started taking a class at a birth education center -- it was supposed to be pre-natal bellydance, but anyone was invited to join. I felt too self-conscious to take classes at a dance studio, so i figured this would be a good place to start learning WITHOUT feeling like the only one with an actual "belly". I loved it and started taking a second class at a dance studio about 8 months later. :)

    my primary teacher does a mix of a lot of stuff, but mostly turkish-american caberet. I was able to join her student troupe in January and had a great first performance at Rakkasah west. We had one more performance, but lost our rehearsal space in June so we are on hiatus until we find a new space.

    my secondary teacher (the only one I still go to now) teaches more folkloric/ethnic dance. a lot of focus on turkish and romani traditional dancing. i love being able to find bits of the different styles that resonate with me for different reasons.

    If you are in the SF Bay Area (south bay, specifically), friend me! I'd love to hear about your bellydance experience.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    Hello shimmyliscious ladies,

    I have been dancing for like 4ish years, but haven't danced in a over year now due to numerous changes in life - mostly location and job. I've not really focused on one type yet, but I've done some Am Cab, Egyptian, folk-loric, a little ATS, and a little bit of some other stuff as well, including some props -veils, fans, stick/cane. I have decided now that things have stabilized, I really miss it. While I never did enough to lose any real weight, I was more toned and less squishy. My schedule is still too random to regularly dance witha group for now, but I am trying to start dancing on my own again.
  • julianne1963
    julianne1963 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Juli...I have bellydanced on and off for about 12 years. I have taken traditional classes. I DO love the flashiness of Cabaret style. What are everyones favorite DVD's. I remember when I first started, only one DVD was available now their are hundreds!
  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member
    Hello! I'm Selenity and I got introduced to belly dancing when I was a freshman in High School... in August 2001 by two friends who were Egyptian and followed the Egyptian style.

    I've never taken formal classes but would love to find Egyptian or Romani style as I saw there was a romani style referenced.
  • AmyOwl73
    AmyOwl73 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone! I started taking a beginner's bellydance class in January 2005 at 31 years old, and have been hooked ever since! I craved every bit of information I could get - movements, technique, combos, music, history, costuming, etc. I constantly want to improve and I LOVE to perform! I'm a member of a dance troupe in the Dallas/Ft Worth area.
    2010/2011 were bad years for me (stress, family/marriage issues, etc) and as a result, my weight crept up and my dancing suffered! At one point, I was considering giving it up, but I couldn't imagine life without it; So, I decided in August of last year that I was tired of feeling fat and tired, so I re-dedicated myself to the art and to making myself healthier.
    As I work on my body, I can't neglect my mind. I'm told my biggest challenge isn't physical. My self confidence has been low most of my life. It affects my performances - everyone can see I don't believe in myself. I didn't realize how OBVIOUS it really was until this year. I'm working on that.

    Sorry for being long winded :) Do any of you feel like you're apologizing WHILE you're dancing? I do.. it's like "I'm sorry I don't look like so-and-so" or "I know you were expecting better" ...
  • Just introducing myself. I go by Orin and have been belly dancing for 3+ years. I enjoy all styles of belly dance and take any and all classes I can fit into my schedule with having a family.

    I mostly enjoy what I would call Tribal Oriental. I also like the zills, even if my fingers don't.

    I am now looking at getting my health to a level where I could perform on stage and have the energy to look and feel amazing while doing it.