Dating/Meeting People and What Not



  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I am on for fun, and I don't pay. But I guess someone will just drop into my lap?? I don't know, I don't really think there is ONE person out there for everyone, I think there are multiple people so I eventually will come across one, right??
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I am certainly open to looking to meet someone. But, the key is now I have so much more confidence than I used to. I have dated this guy a few times that I really like, who I gave my card to on an airplane! (yes, I met him on Southwest airlines, he sat next to me). He never asked for my number, I just handed him my card and told him to contact me if he ever wanted to hang out. I have gotten three dates out of it so far. :laugh: I am still single though, trying to meet other people all the time. Just being open and putting yourself out there. Maybe next month when the gym I joined opens I can meet some people there too. :laugh:

    That's funny, I met a guy on my recent Southwest flight (Dec 16th) He seemed very nice and talkative and complemented on my purse and my accent. LOL When our flight landed he asked for my facebook name and asked if he could add me and of course I agreed. For a second I was thinking about giving him my number , lol but I didn't . My friend said I should have given my number. but I guess if he really wants to hang out,m he has a way to find me. So I am just going with the flow and plus I am taking this time to work on myself.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I'm kinda just going with the flow right now. I've been on a few dating sites and been on some dates good and bad and it just hasn't been working that well for me. Right now I am just trying to focus on my fitness goals without any type of distraction.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Me too. I'm going to let my Match thing expire this week and take a break from it. I'll leave the okcupid one up since it's free, but no plans to visit it or search. I need a break.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I honestly feel like I have a better chance meeting someone here than on one of those sites. More people talk to me anyway...
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I am going with the flow and starting to reevaluate my standards. Maybe zero in on what is really important to me and be more lenient and a little less nit picky.
  • sandspur2012
    I usually meet girls through my social circle, at parties, or just saying hi at a bookstore. I think it's all about being really fun and outgoing. Once you stop having fun trying to meet people to just meet people then everything becomes an uphill battle.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I meet the love of my life by accident, so I do believe it can just randomly happened. Since he was killed in Afghanistan, I really don't feel like going out and actively looking for someone new, but I believe one day I will find someone.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I meet the love of my life by accident, so I do believe it can just randomly happened. Since he was killed in Afghanistan, I really don't feel like going out and actively looking for someone new, but I believe one day I will find someone.

    Sorry to hear that. :(
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I meet the love of my life by accident, so I do believe it can just randomly happened. Since he was killed in Afghanistan, I really don't feel like going out and actively looking for someone new, but I believe one day I will find someone.

    Sorry to hear that. :(

    Thank you
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Wow, @jnhu72, that's really sad. I'm sorry. :(

    For meeting people, my first stop would probably be, there are tons of groups and a lot of singles groups, many of which are specific to people with various things in common. I'd bet it will completely eclipse dating sites (with the possible exception of eharmony) in a couple years.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Yes I'm sorry to hear that too :(

    for me I just joined a coed bowling league that starts next week, keep you all posted on how it goes!
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    I have decided to work on "me". I've never really done that. I'm not opposed to finding/dating/meeting someone, but I'm not activly looking for it. I'm at the Carpe Diem stage of my life I think :)
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I really have no idea how to date when it isn't the online thing. I was in a relationship from 16-21 and then another one from 21-28, so I missed that all important part of life where we should learn to date. I feel very blessed that I have a beautiful son from my last relationship but that also makes dating harder. Being a single mom is tough on the social life. lol

    I recently deleted my POF account because I was not having a good time with it. A bunch of dates and nada. I am hopeful that one day I will meet someone in a normal way and not because he thought my picture was good online. lol
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    I like to go with the flow. I tried the online dating thing and just got a lot of creeps. Then my sister-in-law tried to hook me up with her friend and that was a big flop. *Facepalm*
    I agree with what some of you guys have said about meeting someone here.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    OMG you were brave! I REFUSE to be set up by anyone I know! It's just a potential disaster in my opinion. If I don't like the guy, I have to tell our mutual friend, who clearly DOES like the guy, why I don't. Ugh.
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    Well It was my sister in law who set it up. So you'd think it could have been better. I just told her that there was no Chemistry.
    Which there wasn't. I'm more open minded and he's not.
    But yeah, I don't want anyone trying to set me up, it is a recipe for disaster.
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    I've been on a couple dating sites since May and while I've met 2 people that I didn't click with, it's been a dry well since August. My problem is I work from home so I'm home all the time! I work at home, I workout at home, etc..At my age (45) I don't have a lot of friends that go to bars anymore and I just don't know where else I'd meet someone.

    Not into bar scene either, especially at our over-40 age... found the older ones in bars have name plates on the bar stools lol!

    Did online dating off and on, and well, here I am single, which I rather like in many ways, but still...

    Someone else mentioned meet-up sites online, and I was just looking at those... seems like fun way to meet ppl!

    And as a side note, rainbows may not be so mythical after all... recently met a boyfriend from junior high while on holiday vacation, and dang some sparks never die it seems :love:

    I am certainly heavier than back then, but recently lost 20 pounds so was felling all confident, and that my friends, makes all the difference in the world!

    Besides, until my MFP crush is free, life is on hold :blushing:


    Happy dating :drinker:
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Good for you Pax! That is cute that you are dating your old BF from jr high! I am pretty certain that I am going to be very lucky and be off the dating sites soon. I had date #3 (in 4 nights) with the new guy last night and things are going very well. Crossing my fingers. :)
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    Good for you Pax! That is cute that you are dating your old BF from jr high! I am pretty certain that I am going to be very lucky and be off the dating sites soon. I had date #3 (in 4 nights) with the new guy last night and things are going very well. Crossing my fingers. :)

    Fingers crossed for you Jill !!! Keep us nosy MFP friends posted on the progress ;-)