How Does Being a Fussy Eater Affect Your Life?

I've found that I haven't been out to a lot of food places becasue there is nothing there that I would eat - and if I did eat them, the chef would have to take half of the ingredients out! As a child I wouldn't even eat the batter off chicken nuggets from McDonalds - my parents used to have to peel it off! I like a lot of plain foods, so anything with sauces, or food inside food (like kievs) are a no no.

People judge me for what I eat, and I find that difficult sometimes - for instance I eat a bowl of peas for lunch at work most days.

Just peas.

But I wouldn't eat them wit ha meal unless they were in their own bowl or something and they would have to be a certain brand, a certain type and they would have to be drained before zapping in the micro.

All in all, it's a pain!


  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    i just find i get really stressed/anxious if i'm in a situation that will require me to try new food, or eat something i don't like.

    As I really don't like making a big fuss about what i don't eat. I guess i don't like people around me knowing i'm a fussy eater, Ive always hid it quite well.

    I also worry that people will think i'm boring because i always order the same meal, but if I've found something i like at a restaurant i don't tend to want to risk trying anything else.
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    I'm not as fussy as I used to be as a kid, but it's still really annoying for weight loss. I can't have a salad because I dislike pretty much all salad vegetables. I'd love to be able to have a salad for lunch some days so I can have a big dinner without worrying about going over on calories, but I just can't.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I'm a vegetarian & I don't even like most veggies! In addition to meat, there are many other things I don't like, so it's hard to build a healthy menu, but I've managed..I do wish that I really enjoyed all veggies, it would make things easier!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    It's frustrating to always have to order my food "special'. If coworkers are picking up lunch, I usually don't order because it's too much trouble to ask them to remember to order mine plain. I don't eat condiments, gravies or sauces at all. I don't like most veggies, so pickles, onions, relish and the like are out. I'm a meat and potatoes girl for the most part. I'm not even big on most spices, but I do try. I don't like cooked fruits, coconut or anything with cream cheese - but I love to bake. I never know if the dish is turning out right until it's done, which causes a lot of stress if I'm making it for anyone other than my husband. I love to cook, but since I don't eat most of what goes in to any recipe, I can't enjoy what I make or ever come up with my own dishes. I don't know how things work together so I have to use a recipe for everything. I've really tried over the years to force myself to learn to eat new foods, but it never works.
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    It's frustrating to always have to order my food "special'. If coworkers are picking up lunch, I usually don't order because it's too much trouble to ask them to remember to order mine plain. I don't eat condiments, gravies or sauces at all. I don't like most veggies, so pickles, onions, relish and the like are out. I'm a meat and potatoes girl for the most part. I'm not even big on most spices, but I do try. I don't like cooked fruits, coconut or anything with cream cheese - but I love to bake.

    You sound just like me! :)
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    I am the pickiest eater out of all of my family and all my friends. It is so frustrating! It has became to the point to where i am "afraid" of food. I am 22 and have been that way all of my life. My grandparents actually tease me about my eating habits. It breaks me down inside, but they have no idea what they are doing. I can't bring myself to tell them how bad it hurts. There is not 1 veggie out there that i like. I enjoy the flavors of some fruits but it is the texture that i can't handle. I also like a lot of my foods plain and never order something for lunch with friends at work or partake in celebration lunches at work we have. The only potato i eat is curly fries and only from certain restaurants. My diet consists of lots of rice, pasta and chicken. The only "red" meat i eat is hamburger and as long as it isn't too fatty i do enjoy pork.

    So with all of this.. it is 100 times harder to lose weight and find a healthier way of life. I have tried new foods countless times and end up in tears because i either A) can't bring myself to actually eat it or B) take one small bite and have to chug a full glass of water to get the taste out of my mouth and end up being totally wasteful. I envy anyone who can order exactly off the menu and enjoy it.

    If anyone has ideas or helpful ways to get over their anxiety and enjoy eating and trying new foods, please do tell!
  • sumnerfan
    sumnerfan Posts: 244 Member
    I'm just tired of being the butt of all the food jokes. I don't let my food touch, and I can't tolerate even thinking about certain food combinations. I also can't stand to sit never to people who mix all their foods when they eat. It's a big joke to my family and friends, and it gets soooo old. I personally feel that everyone has their eating quirks, but they choose to focus on mine because I'm open and honest about how I feel.