
KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
Hi im Kim im 24 and I live just outside of Huntsville AL. Ive been a member on MFP for just over 2 weeks now and managed to lose about 9 lbs. The first week it came off quickly and now its going really slow. Im doing the 30 day shred right now and I also use my elliptical and play zumba or ea sports on the wii to workout. I could always use more motivation to get through this since days like today where the scale actually went up make me just want to give up. I still have about 80 lbs left to lose.

Im also a member in the other Alabama group. Feel free to send me a friend request I add everyone.


  • MrsC3761
    MrsC3761 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, Congrats on your weight loss thus far & keep up the great work! My name is Tiffany. I am a wife, and mother of two girls (7 & 3). I am a SAHM looking for Friends & Motivators! I've been heavy mostly my whole life that I remember but I am older now, finsished having kids so I have no reason to gain anymore weight & every reason to loose. I am ready to get in control of my life & stop letting my Chocolate addiction get in my way of living life to the fullest! :)
    I am a member of my local ymca, I love ZUMBA aerobics! If I cant get to the Gym I walk around my neighborhood.

    I have been on MFP for a little over two weeks & I've lost 5lbs so far. I LOVE THIS SITE. It's helped me learn about what I am putting in my body. I've learned a lot already about portion size & calorie counting. FEEL FREE TO ADD ME.. I will give support & only ask the same in return!!
  • Hiyas everybody! Congrats on you guys' weight loss so far! May it continue without a hitch! y name is Dominique, i reside in Birmingham, Al, and have recently graduated from college. I've been large my entire life, and am for one sick of it. The health problems do nothing for me but add extra stress and are a waste of money for something that can easily be controlled or eradicated altogether with a few tweaks here and there to my lifestyle. I've been at it since January and so far have had some weight come off. It's a nice start, but I have a way's way to go before I can gloat. I'm glad to see that there is a group especially for us ladies of the great ol' AL. who want to lose. Feel free to add me if you want. ^__^
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Hi! Ladybg81 here! Live in the southern most part of AL!! I have 1 3 year old son. I am in maintenance.

    ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi Everyone, I am a 32 year old Mom of two wonderful little boys. I live in Huntsville, AL but am not originally from here. I was born and raised in PA. I am a former Soldier who used to be in great shape. In 2004, I left the Army and moved back down here. I started to gain some weight due to laziness and the lack of structured physical training, an added divorce didn't help matters much. In Sept of 2005, I met the love of my life and got even lazier. In 3 years, I went from 135 to over 200 lbs. I look back at my wedding photos and don't like the way that my body looked even then. I had my first son in May of 2009 and 9 months later got pregnant with my second son, he was born in November 2010. Pregnancies that close together wreaked havoc on my body. I started MFP in August at 211 lbs and have since lost more than 20 lbs. However, in the last couple of weeks, I have gotten complacant again and really need to get started again. My goal is to be around 150-160 by next summer. Feel free to add me and we can try to help each other. Thanks

  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    Hey Tanya, I actually added you *kitten* a friend when i signed up and was looking for people in the area but we havent really talked. I live in Athens but im originally from DC so we both came from up north. Im currently 247 and im trying to get down to about 170.
  • clkaplan
    clkaplan Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Cassy and I am 19 years old. I was born and raised in Sioux City, Iowa but I moved to Tuscaloosa to attend the University of Alabama. I am currently a sophomore studying public relations and theatre. When I came to school, I didn't know how to cook very well so I relied on frozen dinners and eating out. I felt as if I didn't overdo it until this year. When I came to school, I weighed my normal weight that I had plateaued at for the last few years. When I weighed myself a few days ago, I was 15 pounds heavier. I'm not looking at anything unrealistic such as dropping to 95 pounds in three weeks, but I found that a reasonable goal of weighing 130 by the end of the summer would be such an achievement. I'm really looking for support and if anyone from Tuscaloosa would like to work out with me, just let me know. Roll tide!
  • AnnaCVeach
    AnnaCVeach Posts: 56 Member
    Hello. My name is Anna and I live between Huntsville and Guntersville in Grant. I am 30 years old and have a 10 year old step-son and a 4 year old daughter. I am a receptionist working on Redstone and joined MFP about a week ago. When I joined I was 230 pounds (as of the last time I had gotten on the scale) and had been working out for about 3 weeks and so I weighed myself the next day and realized I had dropped 22 pounds! Amazing what happens when you don't stop at McDonalds for breakfast everyday.... And I wighed myself again today and have lost an additional 3 pounds. So here I sit at 205 pounds actually looking forward to going to the gym everyday for that hour to not only "get away from work" but so I can help myself to lose weight. I want to get down to 160 definately but no lower than about 150 as I start beginning to look like I should be the next poster-child for "Feed the Children". I've rambled on enough as it is so let me end this post with a big ROLL TIDE!
  • trolkeeper
    trolkeeper Posts: 127 Member
    Hey, I am Lee from Mobile, looking forward to loosing weight. ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    Hey y'all,
    I'm from Mobile, but I moved to Birmingham about 6 months ago. I joined MFP a couple of weeks ago, but just started tracking on it this week. It's great to see some people from the same area. I also have PCOS and Fibromyalgia, so that adds an interesting level in life. My background is in education/training.
    Feel free to add me!
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everybody! I am Christy and I live in Cullman, Alabama. I joined MFP in March of 2011 lost 61 pounds from March till October and have been maintaining since. I have decided to focus on some fitness goals and losing a few more pounds! Send me a friend request and I will add you!
    BR1TTNIE Posts: 11
    Hi ppl! I'm Brittnie, 26 and from Birmingham. I came to this site a few months ago. I was using FatSecret but, this site offers more so I thought I'd give it a try! I'm glad I found a local group. I lost 40lbs a couple years ago, but now it seems to be sneaking back up on me. Mainly, I think the weight gain is due to some of my medication. It has been a struggle to lose, and seems to flip flop like crazy! I've been wanting to meet some local people for support, and make goals together. =)

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I'll be glad to support you as well. Hopefully we can get through this!

  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Hi Britt and welcome!!!
  • rlkilgo
    rlkilgo Posts: 48 Member
    Hello! My name is Rachel and I live in the Boaz area. I have lost 9 pounds since the 1st of January and it is coming off slowly but I really don't mind. After years of losing and gaining, I am figuring out what is best for me. I have put myself on a 1200 calorie a day eating schedule. I don't like the word diet. It is a lifestyle change that I am making and at 50yrs, it's about time. My husband is very supportive and that helps tremendously. My biggest problem is my job at school has me in a chair most of the day. I am making myself get up and MOVE! Looking forward to being in this group.
  • CarlaPhillips22
    CarlaPhillips22 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm from north Alabama and trying to find people I know and/or people I have stuff in common with. I am a stay at home mama of 2 under 3y...after being a single working girl. 1 of my kids is prone to febrile seizures. I'm tired all the time so as much as I'd love to exercise more...I'd rather nap or watch an hr of noncartoon tv while they nap lol.