


  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hey! My name is Kristen. I'm turning 24 on Saturday (woo hoo!) and I have been trying to implement the Primal Blueprint since the beginning of October. I've had a few slip-ups along the way, but I love the way eating like this makes me feel and I completely agree with the reasoning for it.

    My goals are to slim down and just feel overall happy and healthy :)

    My weaknesses are wine and chocolate. If I can keep these more in moderation, I think I'll find more success on this plan.

    I love to cook so I'll try to share recipes as often as I can, and definitely welcome any suggestions!

    Welcome to the group!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hi & welcome to anyone I haven't responded to individually, I'm glad so many found their way here. This includes you lurkers who haven't commented yet :smile:
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! :) Have a great thursday!
  • kkarrolle
    kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
    Carol, 48 soon to be 49. A newbie to primal, the challenge will be a great motivator for me.

    Lost 17kilos with WW core plan a few years ago, put the weight back on along with some extra for a bonus.

    Sugar has always been a problem for me, and have recently developed some health issues. Was researching sugar free and other options, when I came across Primal Blueprint, bought the ebook, been doing lots of reading and visiting the website for lots of info.

    So now its up to me to put it into practice.

    Looking forward to the challenge and getting to know everyone.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Carol, 48 soon to be 49. A newbie to primal, the challenge will be a great motivator for me.

    Lost 17kilos with WW core plan a few years ago, put the weight back on along with some extra for a bonus.

    Sugar has always been a problem for me, and have recently developed some health issues. Was researching sugar free and other options, when I came across Primal Blueprint, bought the ebook, been doing lots of reading and visiting the website for lots of info.

    So now its up to me to put it into practice.

    Looking forward to the challenge and getting to know everyone.

    Welcome to the group..I have been trying to reduce my sugar intake even natural sugars like fruit. I came across a really great product called coconut crystals- coconut sugar- it is very low index..I stilll use it only in moderation like a few days a week in my morning coffee as I trying to wean myself from the need of sugars except for the occasional treat. if you are not allergic to sunflowers stevia is good alternative. it is natural no calorie sweetener.
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Hi, I'm MJ. I'm almost 40 (eek!) and working toward the best body composition and fitness of my life! As with anything, change takes time, but I've found that I'm really feeling soooo much better following the primal/paleo lifestyle, and I'm still just learning it!

    Like others, sugar is an issue, but I think when I've planned and cooked well for the week, the occasional fruit (or piece of dark chocolate) hits the spot! I'm trying to figure out how to "primalize" the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday so that won't become a carb trap!

    Looking forward to challenges and support (recipes, ideas, etc.)!

    Have a great day!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hi, I'm MJ. I'm almost 40 (eek!) and working toward the best body composition and fitness of my life! As with anything, change takes time, but I've found that I'm really feeling soooo much better following the primal/paleo lifestyle, and I'm still just learning it!

    Like others, sugar is an issue, but I think when I've planned and cooked well for the week, the occasional fruit (or piece of dark chocolate) hits the spot! I'm trying to figure out how to "primalize" the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday so that won't become a carb trap!

    Looking forward to challenges and support (recipes, ideas, etc.)!

    Have a great day!
    Welcome!! I have been looking for ways to primalize Thanksgiving also.. I don't want to be sick this year for week like I was last year in my pre-primal/pre-celiac awareness days from eating all the wrong stuff. I need to have a plan so me and my family can have an enjoyable and healthy holiday season.:happy: There is a thread about it here , some members have shared some great looking recipes.. when I have more time I am going to copy and paste them to the recipe section so they'll be easier to find.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    49, 20 lbs lost since August with calorie counting and logging exercise here. Been at the same weight for about 2 months. So, in December I'll be doing Paleo for 30 days to see how my body responds. In addition to the eating, I have started a group called "Peppermint Place" that will begin in December. Emphasis on miles, inches and strength training. Anyone is welcome to join us, we're 42 strong as of today. My ladies in the November challenge are blowing me away with their weight loss successes! They by far passed me, but I'm still very happy for them! I realize there are physical reasons I'm still teetering at this plateau and I am determined to keep myself going forward.
  • heathernz
    heathernz Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I am Heather from New Zealand, 41, and simply came across Primal / Paleo early January. Started on January 5 - cut out all sugar, wheat, grains etc. I have minimal fruit - it's summer here so access to lots of berries - YUM!

    I've found it suprisingly easy to cut out everything, but still have a glass or two of red wine a few days a week, and an occasional piece of the darkest chocolate I can buy.

    I've lost about 4kgs, which I think is about 9lbs. I notice that food tastes so much better now! Loving it!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hi Heather! That's really outstanding progress in a short time, congratulations!
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Awesome progress, Heather! Lovely to "meet" you! Please feel free to friend me. Happy to support you and swap ideas!
  • irishmindi78
    Hi! My name is Mindi. I have a wonderful husband, Freddy, and 5 wonderful kids Nikki is 14, Jae is 12, Kaylee is 7, Peyton is 3, and Loren is 18 months and breastfeeding. I have always been into a natural approach in life and when my brother told me about the paleo/ primal lifestyle it really clicked for me and my family. I have only been doing it for less than a week, so I am really new and have a lot to learn. Nice to meet everyone and how do I find out when a challenge starts?
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Mindi! Welcome aboard! :happy:
  • 2_young_2B_old
    2_young_2B_old Posts: 90 Member
    Hello, I'm Jenny. Starting my 30 day challenge tomorrow, and plan to focus more on the food with the goal to at least be active once a day. Along with the obvious fat loss goal I want to get stronger. My dream is pull-ups and heavy lifts. I also love my kettlebells and want to learn how to utilize them more.
  • kimby57
    kimby57 Posts: 11
    Kim here, I started Paleo on January 30th, 155 days later & 37 lbs lighter and I've never felt better. Just reached my first major goal with 75 more to go. I'll be 55 in a month and looking forward to 50 more years. I have two grandsons ages 8 & 9 that I want to be able to spend more time & energy with. :bigsmile:
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm a mother of 4 children. I started MFP Jan 2011 and Primal on March 2011. It was difficult at first since the first time I went about it, taking one grain food group per week starting with sugars. I found that didn't work for me as I still had craving. I ended up binging on everything.Then I went cold turkey following everything I read on Mark's blog. And that seemed to work best. Within a month, not only was my clothes looser but my back seemed to be in less pain, my sugar cravings were gone and my stamina was through the roof!

    By June 2011, I lost 63lbs!!! My hair shined, my skin glowed! And I was even off the meds for my PCOS!

    Uhhh, then in July I found out I was pregnant. And that I had not only a cyst growing but also a huge fibroid. I was put on bed rest. And against my better judgement my doctor urged me to eat grains again. I went to go stay with my ILs who cared for me, thank God. Anyway, long story short the whole pregnancy I wasn't able to work out. And I wasnt eating how I should have.

    I gave birth to 5.5 baby girl and an almost 7lbs fibroid. My baby is now 4months now. I'm breastfeeding full time and we are home! So I thought it is about time to get back on the staddle. I weighed myself 3days surprisingly I only gained 22lbs back I would have thought I gained it all back! But everything is all flabby for sure!

    So I'm here ... back ... looking for support, encouragement, and my health back!

    Good day to you all!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    I am really a baby then to this group... 27 years old, started a Paleo lifestyle in July, got derailed for the last few weeks, but lloking forward to starting my 30day Monday! I have been trying to stay true to the principles, but been making lots of excuses for myself! So, a group of people who know what I'm going through can't hurt right??

    After losing close to 100 pounds since 2010, I decided to run in my first Marathon on June2, 2012. I completed it in six hours, but feel like I didn't really dedicate myself to succeeding, so I literally have 7 weeks until my next 26.2 on October 21, and while mentally I know I can do it.... my body needs the clean efficient fueling that Paleo brings!!
  • thelady71
    thelady71 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there,

    I am 41, raised 5 children and "started over" the 6th is a high energy 2 yr old boy. Started this eating plan back in October, however my roommate "helps" me by bringing me home Pringles. I refuse to let him be my excuse here I go, today is my first day.

  • Kelibur
    Kelibur Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Kelly, recently turned 28 and NEED to do this! I have struggled with weight all my life it seems, although I was a 5lb premie (go figure LOL). I have tried everything over the years with most success coming from Atkins. Lost 50lbs and gained it back four years later after too much cheating and falling off the wagon completely. I recently watched hungry for Change and it sparked something in me. I really truely feel that I can do this now. Paleo just makes sense. I have Rhuetoid Arthritis, lupus, depression, allergies and asthma and I have to start doing something before I can't. Medications aren't the answer anymore. Life change is. Bring it on 2013!!!!
  • brujahqueen
    brujahqueen Posts: 29 Member
    Hi I'm Misty
    I'm 33 years old, live in the midwest, and started learning about the Primal/Paleo lifestyle a couple of months ago. I'm really excited to get started. I was a large kid that became a unheathly thin teen, and now I'm again a over weight adult.
    My goal is
    1. To be able to be taken off of the high blood pressure meds that I'm on now
    2. To not have to wear compression hoses anymore
    3. Looking good naked
    4. Being healthy
    5. Knowing that if need be I can get away from danger/ protect myself

    I'm know that i can do this even if i back slide a little. Lokking forward to the new me