What's your fitness routine?

sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
Do you make use of our constantly lovely weather and exercise outdoors?

I love walking and running outside! I'm so disappointed to have to resort to indoor stuff because of the time change making it dark and unsafe in my 'hood for outside exercise. I'm doing Insanity lately.

What 's your workout looking like?


  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I use a variety of workout dvd's such as Zumba, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Chalean Extreme, etc... I also try to get outside to do yard work yard work, play with my dogs, etc... But those are just added and not my primary exercise.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    I'm currently doing 3 days of new rules of lifting for women, 3 days of 1/2 marathon training and 1 day of rest.

    On 1 of my lifting days I take spin class and I do cardio on the elliptical before and after my other lifting days.

    Right now my running days are two 30-45 mins 2:1 intervals and one "long" run. Last week I completed 5 miles in 60 mins and it felt awesome. This week is back to 3 miles and then up to 6.5 and then back down to 4 and back up to 8 thru the first wk of december.

    I love feeling so settled in my workout schedule.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    For cardio, I go rollerblading on weekends when it's not too windy. I love, love, love it!

    I walk around my neighborhood also (5 miles) when it's too windy for rollerblading. I have a pitbull and I can walk around my neighborhood day or night. She looks intimidating enough to cause some to cross the street... but when people actually come near enough she wags her tail and gets all Giddy.... LOL! She is a giant puppy :laugh:

    I just recently rejoined the gym because I was getting bored with the same routine. I need to keep my workouts different to stay dedicated.

    Now i'm back to Step & Zumba on Saturday mornings, Rollerblading on Sundays, Weights & Elliptical on Mondays, rest Tuesday, Elliptical Wednesday, Weights again on Thursday , Rest Friday. :bigsmile:

    I'm ashamed to say I have Brazalian Butt lift, Tae Bow, Chalean Extreme, 30 DS, Kettlebell DVD and adjustable weights at home. I've discovered i'm definitely a 'Get out of the House' to workout kinda girl. :laugh:
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    The local hospital here has an awesome track that I like to go speed walking and jogging at. And I loooove going to the Withalacoochee forest park to go bike riding. :D I used to go walking at Hillsborough State Park, but the mosquitoes are beyond insane there. I'd love to find a place to do outdoor yoga...I mean, I know places like that exist...just gotta find them. :tongue:

    We also turned one of our sun rooms into a little home gym...got the stationary bike for when it's too disgustingly hot or raining to go biking outdoors, my exercise ball, and we have a weight machine.

    I also have the original Wii Fit, Zumba for the Wii, and I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred.
  • jaxdiablo
    Right now I'm doing modified crossfit to strengthen my core from back surgery. I do that 3 times a week, I also try to get out and do some cardio on my own. Walking/jogging something on my days off. Recently I did a 5k just for kicks and my knees are still killing me. I think I'm going to actually have to do the couch to 5k and get truly ready for a 5k, not just get out there and run it for kicks.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I alternate between 30DS and Turbo Jams. I also have a tendancy to do squats lunges ect while I watch TV. I generally have alot of excess energy at the end of the day so I gotta burn it somehow lol
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm like Forrest Gump...I run my *kitten* off. Every now and then, I do a little Insanity and life a couple of pounds at the gym, but running is my *kitten*.I own her.
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    I try NOT to have a routine, but here's my activity list. I prefer to exercise outdoors, but we have converted a spare bedroom into a little gym with a treadmill, bowflex, free weights, mats, and a TV/DVR player so I can watch TV or do exercise videos.

    Jogging (barefoot shoes)
    Strength Training
    Circuit Training (30 Day Shred)
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    Before work I do a Jillian Michaels dvd (30DS, Shred-it with weights, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, Ripped in 30, etc). After work I bike on the bike path near my house for about 45-60 minutes.
  • cb58
    cb58 Posts: 4
    I am just getting started. Been extremely overweight too many years. Currently my goal has been to take my dog for a walk each morning for a minimum of 30 mins. On the mornings I may want to slide, my pooch guilts me into taking her out. She loves to "walk". I have the Walk at Home Fittness DVD's by Leslie Sansone. They have been a great tool for me. Even when I tell myself I do not have time to do any exercise, I can at the very least do the 1 mile - 15 mins and done. Takes away many of my excuses. I am looking forward to getting to the point where my back and knees will allow me to move on to more demanding workouts. Baby steps..and moving forward.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I work out after school with one of the other teachers. We alternate walking 2 laps (1/2 mile) at a darn brisk pace with running up and down the stadium stairs. I do half little stairs and half doubles, up and down 6-7 times in between each set of laps. We end up doing 2 1/2 miles and 4 sets of stadiums, for a total of about an hour. We were doing this 4-5 days a week, but decided to cut back to M-W-TH so we can fit in some weights on our own or other stuff...
    On days when I don't hit the track with her, I will do 20-30 minutes on the elliptical, or yard work. I walk the dog every night, too....he is old, so it is only a 10-15 minute walk, but it involves a big hill :) I also kayak for about 2-3 hours once a week. I would absolutely rather mow my lawn for an hour than be inside! I enjoy tennis, biking, and hiking also.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I am just getting started. Been extremely overweight too many years. Currently my goal has been to take my dog for a walk each morning for a minimum of 30 mins. On the mornings I may want to slide, my pooch guilts me into taking her out. She loves to "walk". I have the Walk at Home Fittness DVD's by Leslie Sansone. They have been a great tool for me. Even when I tell myself I do not have time to do any exercise, I can at the very least do the 1 mile - 15 mins and done. Takes away many of my excuses. I am looking forward to getting to the point where my back and knees will allow me to move on to more demanding workouts. Baby steps..and moving forward.

    thats what I did when I started out.. just keep at it and it gets easier. I have had 2 knee replacements and a hip replacement and losing the weight has helped with my back pain and my endurance is soooo much better!!

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  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I go to the gym and exercise in my pool when its warm enough. Because of my knee and hip replacements I am unable to run but I do 45-60 min on the elliptical and 30-45 min on the treadmill. I sometimes do interval training when I have a hard time getting my HR up. I also do 300-400 abd crunches and do the upper body strength machines 3 days a week. I work with a trainer 2 days a week also.
    Usually spend a couple of hours a day at the gym

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  • TallyNick
    TallyNick Posts: 27 Member
    Soccer, soccer and more soccer. 1 game = 1200+ calories.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have my own elliptical and a gym membership, but I'm outside as often as possible.

    I have the good luck of living in a part of Florida with actual HILLS, so running and walking outside is a great workout. I can just step out my front door and go. :-)

    I have the elliptical for rainy or really, really, really hot or cold days and the gym membership for the weight equipment (with my insurance picking up part of the cost, it's about $7 a month out of pocket or I wouldn't bother).

    Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings, I meet friends for walks and runs in local parks. We try to hit a 5K each month, too.

    Almost forgot! I rollerblade (but I need new ones, so it's been a while) and swim in the warmer months. I need to get back into ballet classes, too.
  • Capone007
    Capone007 Posts: 33 Member
    I don't have a "routine", but I am as active as possible. I ride/train horses 4-5 days a week, and I play tennis once a week (was an A level player when on teams). You would not BELIEVE how many calories you burn riding, I compete in show jumping...so we're not talking trail rides. I wear a polar HRM and am always amazed!

    Oh, and I walk my dogs too, but compared to the above it's barely exercise to me!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I have done P90x and Insanity! Great programs!
    I just joined LA fitness though and I am just trying out all these machines now!
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    I prefer outdoor fitness. I go on reflective walks... or just regular walks ranging from 3-5 miles and I roller skate.
  • helper1112
    helper1112 Posts: 80 Member
    I go for a lot of walks with the dogs. I also do walk at home dvds in the air conditioning. I also use my home gym which is outside for my weight training and yard work
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Running Biking walking 1 day a week with a personal trainer - and swimming in my pool but right now it's tooo cold brrrr