Hi Everyone!

missjaynne Posts: 17 Member
Just received an invite to join this group as I was born and lived in Iowa my entire life. This is my third day of using MFP. I had never heard of this until a friend of mine suggested that we try losing weight together using MFP. Can you tell me more about where/who started MFP? I am probably the oldest one in your group as I am 60 years old (I can't believe that myself). I am married and have 3 children and 6 grandchildren. I live in eastern Iowa, having grown up in central Iowa on a farm. I am finding that MFP may be just the ticket I need to losing some weight. I would like to lose 25-30 pounds. On meds for cholesterol, elevated b/p and have been diagnosed with diabetes:smile: . So far am managing that through diet. How do you handle cravings? I have to be the biggest chocolaholic in the state. I have gone without my chocolate stars now for three nights and am beginning to have withdrawals I think, lol. Okay, just wanted to say "hi". I look forward to getting to know all you people. By the looks of things, alot of you have been doing this plan for a while now and have had great results. Please share all and everything that led to your successes! J


  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    I, too, love chocolate... and most other sweet things! I love to eat Tootsie Rolls since they are small. 1-2 of them i not very many calories, and t fixes my chocolate craving. Chocolate cereal is another way I get my chocolate fix. I love to have just a small bowl of Cocoa Pebbles or Cocoa Puffs. Not only is the cereal great tasting (I also LOVE cereal!), the chocolate milk that is left over is also delious.
  • jillybean
    jillybean Posts: 57
    Welcome to our Iowa group! I am from eastern Iowa too. I live in the small town of Tipton. Although my profile says I have been a member since 2007 I actually just joined the first part of April, and just joined this group a couple of days ago. You can get a lot of good advice from MFP members. This is the longest I have kept track of my eating and even though I have lost only 4 pounds since starting MFP I already have seen results in other areas (mostly being my attitude).
    Glad to have you with us!