Any good books you have read?

My favorite is Silent Spring. This book is so relevant today but it was written in the 60's.


  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    I read Ecoholic by Adria Vasil over the summer. It is geared to Canadians making it that much more interesting. It lists companies and products to look for as well as best practices. It is 2007 but still relevant.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    The Bible, The Memory Keeper's Daughter, Water for Elephants, One Hundred Years of Solitude (semi-hard read... a lot of characters, I actually made notes on characters' connections and family ties), DaVinci Code, The Help, everything by Kahlil Gibran, White Men's God: The Extraordinary Story of Missionaries in Africa, Night (by Elie Wiesel)- so powerful... just to name a few.
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    For fun: I just finished up The Help, fantastic book. <- I don't care if it's suppose to be a "chick book".

    For environment: I've been reading books about how to properly implement green computing as I am looking to get certified for the topic in the coming weeks.
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    My favorite is Silent Spring. This book is so relevant today but it was written in the 60's.

    Just looked it up, looks really good!
  • dubist
    dubist Posts: 279 Member
    I am a big fan of Daniel Quinn's books.

    Beyond civilzation. good solutions.

    My Ishmeal is a good book to read kiids
  • Dreadz_Veggies_4Life
    I am going going to check the book Ecoholic, the name alone has me
  • Dreadz_Veggies_4Life
    I have heard the book and movie was good.
  • crysofmyk
    crysofmyk Posts: 52 Member
    Recently with an eco theme:

    Animal Vegetable Miracle
    The Post Carbon Reader

    On Economics:

    The End of Growth

    Just for fun:
    The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon was good
    I too just read the Help
    The Island (about a leper colony in Greece...and if you don't know greek culture you won't be annoyed at the little things that are wrong throughout the book)
    Also just read Delirium, which is for young adults (ie: teenage girls), but I thought it was pretty good, way better than Twilight as far as teenage girl novels go...awaiting the sequel to come out in March.

    I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of that I've recently read.
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    Just finished two books last week, not about Eco but they were good enough to share: The Hunger Games, and Catching Fire. Now I need to get the third in series =0)
  • mark2757
    mark2757 Posts: 2 Member
    I absolutely love Jane Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear Series. It is very detailed and meticulous but its almost like a sustainability guide. The author has done so much research it is incredible. I really want to learn more about plant identification and medicinal purposes of native plants just from this book.