


  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi my name is Kathy, just married my college sweetheart last September. We have been together since 1983, engaged since 1994, and finally married in 2011. We liked our independence but still being committed to each other, however, he almost died in November 2010 due to a tear in his Aorta. Totally shocked us and we live day to day knowing how short life is. We have no kids, but a happy household with 1 dog and 4 cats.

    At one time I weighed 202 lbs, then I lost 52 lbs. and gained 30 of it back. When I lost the 52 lbs the first time around it was soooo easy, I followed everything to the T. Exercised, watched my calories, it just melted off! I am really struggling with the 2nd bout of the bulge battle. I know I can do this, but just fall apart by the end of the day. So discouraging.

    A big problem I have right now is not being able to work out. I had foot surgery in November and just started physical therapy. I really miss working out and find it difficult just to maintain at this point. It's only been 13 wks and my doctor said I should be walking by 4 months. The end of February will bring it to 4 months and I am so looking foward to just taking a simple walk around my neighborhood with my husband and our dog!

    I look forward to making new supportive MFP friends in this group, if it wasn't for MFP during the holiday's I probably would have gained the 20 lbs back!!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I've been posting on this board, but just realized I never introduced myself. I'm Mara, age 42, music teacher, musician, married for 16 years, and have 2 slithering babies -- a ball python and a rubber boa. I used to be one of those people that could eat gobs of junk, not exercise a lick, and stay bean pole skinny. My poor eating habits caught up with me and from age 25 until 40 I slowly put on 50 pounds. The wake up call for me that I needed to do something was after I gained 15 lbs. in one school year right after I turned 40. A year and a half later, after joining MFP and a local gym, I'm back down to what I weighed as a senior in high school in 1987 (never thought that would happen!), have gone down 5 sizes, and I'm in the best shape I've ever been. Now my goals are to maintain my current weight, continue to build muscle so I can be stronger and lose this last bit of stubborn lower belly fat that I've had all my life (even when I was underweight), and increase flexibility. It's important to me to have goals so I don't backslide. 85 to 90 percent of people who lose a significant amount of weight gain it all right back. I'm determined to be in the 10-15 percent that doesn't and I need all the support I can get!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Rachel and I'm 27, been married for 7 1/2 years to my high school sweetheart. I am going to pull the bad childhood card, for my obesity. I hate to admit it but its true, I was an active kids, always riding bikes, playing tag, hide and seek, anything to get out of the house. Then middle school, is when I really started gaining weight, I was 5'2 and 120 pounds at age 13, which isn't bad, I was only a size 6, but that was still bigger than my friends. I started pigging out and my depression set in, I was 5'5 and about 180 at 16, my Jr. prom dress was a size 20. Then I met my husband at the end of my junior year (he went to a diff. high school), he thought I was hott, and that made my day, guys only thought I was friend material, no one tried to date me. I did manage to lose some weight, my sr. pom dress was a 18, my wedding dress a 16. I have for the past 8 years yo-yoed between size 14-20. I'm done! I'm going to seriously lose the weight and keep it off.

    Oh, we have no kids, just cats. We want kids, it just hasn't happened yet (multiple miscarries), we are happy with just us, and no we don't feel like we are missing out on anything, because we don't have kids yet.