Just saying hi!



  • ladygigis
    ladygigis Posts: 9
    Hello! I am a geeky girl with a geeky husband and a future geek daughter! We play WoW, and I am a total lore nerd! I can tell you just about anything about WoW history and like to put on my tin foil hat too! :D I grew up watching Star Trek and am completely in love with Wil Wheaton, he was my first celebrity crush and I still get weak in the knees when I see him on TV! :D

    I come from a very geeky family, my dad is a huge Sci-Fi fan and also has an impressive collection of old comic books ranging from the Blue Beetle, Avengers, Superman and his favorite Batman. My mom was always just along for the ride ;). My brother is probably a bit geekier then me, he works at a table top gaming store that his friend owns and got me into going to local Anime Conventions. He is more of a Star Wars geek though.... just some friendly sibling rivalry!

    feel free to friend me :)
  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    I am in a mixed-geek marriage. I am Doctor Who, D&D, Justice League (but Marvel tolerant), scifi, anime, etc. Hubby was Star Trek, Star Wars, Duke Nukem, Palladium, etc. We found common ground with video games, board games, GURPS, Weird Al, Star Trek and Star Wars, among others. We are now a full-fledged geeky gaming household of 5, with his weekends dedicated to online gaming with the guys at our place, while the kids shuffle between that and old fashioned RPGing. Now we go to cons around California, but I have scaled back in an attempt to get fitter, so my geek quotient had gone down. I am assured that getting more fit will help balance that out by geek husband.
  • ieatlife
    ieatlife Posts: 2
    New to this website, Did I become a member of this group that easily??
    Hopefully somebodies in this arent addicted to video-games. I used to be a video-gaming addict, but into my first year in college school that time I spent video-gaming was complacating my "social life".
    I pick up a controller every few months but its been such a long time since i was all-into that life-style that I cant play with or agianst most teenagers out there.
    Like my cousin, a few yrs. back, he introduced me to Halo and the xbox and deafeted the game in 2 or 3 days. I think it was 2! Then he went through my most difficult Saturn, CD, SuperNES, N64, Playstation, GB Color, 3D0, W.T.- & MicroSoft- PC games like a river. I was shocked and pissedoff and suprised all at once. But he didnt ever pass me in any Tetris, Columns, or SoulCalibur/Blade games though. He plays virtualgames in the US Millitiary now.
    I've gotten intrested in "systems" for help living since then. Has anybody else been "clean" from V.G. for about 7 years here?
  • ieatlife
    ieatlife Posts: 2
    If that was too long a post...
    ...Hello to all of you, I'm about 6'2 most people say I'm 6'4 [including some doctors], weight ranges from 140 to 155 [been attempting to add more muscle weight to my body] I need to alot more than I want to [ask me about that], I'm a male, 20's in age,
    Is all the digital-fitness mechines at more and more fitness gyms starting to annoy any one else. Its already discouraging growing from a typical geek/nerds body to a brawny slender guy or gal, but I'm all guy. Eventhough I've managed to add muscle I've been discouraged at the gym, have any of you?
    Do any of you go to a fitness gym at all?
  • CarlaSol90
    CarlaSol90 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been using My Fitness Pal for awhile but am just now discovering the desktop site. I'm kind of an all-around geek, I just love everything about the culture. I started realizing I was nerdy when Pokemon became popular when I was a kid, and well, I was just about the only girl at school who played the video and card game. That gave way to an obsession with Harry Potter, and then pirates. As a small child I grew up watching Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, My Neighbor Totoro and so on, and that love for anime was rekindled when I was a teenager when I discovered manga. Theses days I dabble in everything: comic books, games, table top gaming, anime, fantasy books, fantasy/sci-fi tv shows and so on. I've always been a computer geek (started using one at the age of 3), am CCNA certified, so the bulk of my nerdity comes from there, and that's also probably why I'm completely in love with The IT Crowd.

    @ieatlife: I go to the gym! My parents got me a membership when I was 12 and I've been going off and on for the last 10 years. I used to have some real reservations about going but it's not so bad now. I prefer going alone as opposed to working out with a friend.