
I am Emma, I am 29 and originally from London. I now live out in Essex. I have followed slimming world since Feb 2007. I lost all my weight (nearly) and was 2 pounds away from target a month into my relationship with my husband. Slowly the weight crept back on and with all the dates and holidays it was hard to get the weight off again. We got married this summer and I managed to lose a stone for the wedding. I still have another 2 stone 8.5 pounds to lose. I am fast approaching the big 3-0 and number 3 on my list is to have children (one was buy a house, two was get married) and I refuse to do that until I can fit in most of my clothes (if not all) so I am desperate to get back down to target again.
I was struggling to lose weight for the wedding so I got to thinking I need to try to do some exercise. I kept seeing all my friends on facebook talking about zumba so I thought I would see if there was a class in the area. I happened to find one in the road parallel to my own and it was on in like an hour and a half. I rang her up and she persuaded me to come along. I haven't looked back since.
That will do for now. Hope to get some members of this group to share ideas with.


  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    I'm 23, originally from Hertfordshire, but I'm at Uni in Oxford at the moment studying the 2nd year of my post-grad in Architecture (so 6th year of uni).
    I've always been "big", even at school I always had hips and boobs, and at my smallest I was a size 12.
    At uni, with the late nights, the extra snacking and stuff all the weight crept on. It's not that I ate badly at meal times, it's just sometimes I ate too much at mealtimes, and it was all the sugary fatty coffees, late night munching and extra snacks.

    I've followed slimming world since Jan 4th 2011, and so far I've lost 4stone 8.5lbs, and I have 3.5lbs to go until goal.

    The slimming world plan has been great for me, it fits into my life so easily, my friends at uni didn't even realise that I was dieting for the first 6months!
    Back in march I started learning to jog for the race for life, and I've kept it up. I also now do zumba, and boxercise whenever I can (and whenever it fits around my uni life/coursework).

    I love cooking and all the slimming world recipes!
  • Welcome penny and Congrats on your weight loss! Good luck for the remaining few pound.
  • New members don't forget to introduce yourselves.
  • hi... i'm erin and i started slimming world on the 2nd jan. i lost 2 pound in my 1st week and i get weighed tomorrow and havent had the best week! just hope i don't put on xx
  • Hi! I'm jaki and really pleased to see a few SW followers on here! I'm TRYING to do SW on my own at home, but struggling :-( However, I'm not prepared to give up so have "started fresh" again this morning! I have to do this literally meal by meal as I find it such a struggle. Hoping to be inspired by how well you guy's are doing and looking forward to a bit of friendly banter along the way! Good luck to those who are weighing in this week :-)
  • hi... i'm erin and i started slimming world on the 2nd jan. i lost 2 pound in my 1st week and i get weighed tomorrow and havent had the best week! just hope i don't put on xx

    OMG! Erin if that's you in the bikini then I don't think you need to diet!!!! :smile:
  • its what i used to be like :( hoping to aim for that for the summer xx

    hi... i'm erin and i started slimming world on the 2nd jan. i lost 2 pound in my 1st week and i get weighed tomorrow and havent had the best week! just hope i don't put on xx

    OMG! Erin if that's you in the bikini then I don't think you need to diet!!!! :smile:
  • Erin, you look just like Michelle keegan from Coronation Street! ( Can't remember her name in the programme but she works behind the bar!) What a stunner! Stick that picture on your fridge and I'm sure you'll be fine! Let us know how you do at your weigh-in! jaki :smile:
  • thanks :) everyone says that!

    2 and a half hours to go eeeeeeeeek xx
  • stayed the same xx
  • stayed the same xx

    Hi Erin. Don't worry, maintaining is better than putting on! (Sorry if anyone has put on but I think you all know what I mean!) Hopefully you'll have a fab week and have some positive results! Jaki :smile:
  • thank you! trying harder this week xx
  • mrsrobbo85
    mrsrobbo85 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I'm Laura, live in York. Been using MFP for a few months since having my baby boy in October but struggling to motivate myself. I joined Slimming World 3 years ago to lose weight for my wedding and lost 2 stone that time around so decided that perhaps it was the boost I needed. Re-joined on Wednesday last week and have 3 and a half stone (49lb) to lose this time.. so my first weigh in is 2 days away! First week gone fairly well, weekend a little 'iffy as we were away at my brother-in-law's but did the best I could with what they fed me! Finding Extra Easy plan much more lifestyle friendly than Green/Red days so far!

    Are there many active members in this group? Feel free to add me and hope we can motivate each other along the way!

    Laura xx
  • Hi I'm Laura, live in York. Been using MFP for a few months since having my baby boy in October but struggling to motivate myself. I joined Slimming World 3 years ago to lose weight for my wedding and lost 2 stone that time around so decided that perhaps it was the boost I needed. Re-joined on Wednesday last week and have 3 and a half stone (49lb) to lose this time.. so my first weigh in is 2 days away! First week gone fairly well, weekend a little 'iffy as we were away at my brother-in-law's but did the best I could with what they fed me! Finding Extra Easy plan much more lifestyle friendly than Green/Red days so far!

    Are there many active members in this group? Feel free to add me and hope we can motivate each other along the way!

    Laura xx
    Hi Laura. Most of the members of this group are active on mfp but not so much on the group. I would like the group to become a little more active though. It was nice coming on here and seeing the last couple of posts on here. I am friends with Most people on the group but we tend to talk via status updates. Would be nice to talk here too. Welcome
  • Gracebel
    Gracebel Posts: 25 Member
    Hi guys, I'm Lisa - originally from Yorkshire but now living in Bedfordshire with my lovely hubby & 2 gorgeous girls.
    I lost 3 1/2 stone with SW but mistakenly stopped going in the summer & put a stone and a half back on :( I'm now back in group & absolutely love the plan & ethos of it. Having 2 girls almost 13 & 10 I think it's important they know what a healthy eating plan is.
    I've always been 'a big girl' & struggled with my weight. I was hoping to be thin at 40 but seeing as that's in 3 weeks I haven't much hope!! Since going back to SW I've pretty much stayed the same which I think is down to the unlimited free foods & having no control - I think I'm going to look like a grape!! So I decided to look at the calorie content of the food I was actually eating & was shocked!! Finding the MFP app & this great site is brilliant, I can track my food & still have the support of people in the same/similar situation as me. I'm not ready to leave SW, it's been such a huge part of my life & I've made such great friends, but will be able to see how I get on with a little more self control from restricted calories.
    I would really like to loose 2 stone during my 40th year !!
    Good luck to you all, I look forward to our 'chats'!!
    Lisa xx
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Charlotte I'm 26 and a mum to a 6yr old boy, I've been a size 16 since I hit puberty and the weight refused to go. I joined Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and lost 3 stone, but when I went back to work, it slowly crept back on and now I am a size 14-16 again noooo!!
    I managed to lose weight to fit into my wedding dress last year, but it all crept back on again.
    I am all set to join slimming world next thurs ( i missed it this week, Thanks son!! lol) as I have seen the results my mum has achieved and I am so ready to do this.
  • Hi there, my name is Karen and I've just joined MFP today. I joined SW at New Year and so far I'm just about managing. I was always a skinny minny and was bullied at school because of it. I was just so active doing swimming, dancing, horse riding and just about anything that I could. I put weight on after my children and ended up at 15 stone at my heaviest. I lost a lot of that and sort of hovered at around 10 or 11 stone until my divorce when I went down to around 9 stone which was perfect. That was about 7 years ago. I then met my partner and soon after I gave up a 40 a day smoking habit. I put on 4 stone and haven't managed to lose it since. That was 4 years ago! I've joined SW and am really determined to lose the weight. I'm trying to get rid of my lose weight quick ideas and am going for the long term. Am hoping we can all support each other and swap recipes and such. :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Welcome Lisa charlotte and Karen!
  • Hi im Tanya, im going to rejoin Slimming World next week (after my hol) and id really like to make friends with some MFP/SW followers so i can get tips on how you do your diaries - things like that. Please add me! Im finding calorie counting really hard and miss the SW plan.
  • Hi im Tanya, im going to rejoin Slimming World next week (after my hol) and id really like to make friends with some MFP/SW followers so i can get tips on how you do your diaries - things like that. Please add me! Im finding calorie counting really hard and miss the SW plan.

    Have a look at my diary that may help you out! Good luck!