Group Name

I saw the group name and I love it. Our body is definitely a temple and I'm frankly fed up with poisoning my body with unhealthy or excessive amounts of food. Some people call wanting to lose weight being vain but I truly think that we should be concerned with what we put in our bodies. An over indulgence in food can be just has bad as being an alcoholic, drug addict, or whatever kind of crime or disease that exists. God gave us life and although some of us want to lead a holy life not only should we be careful with what comes out of our mouths, we should also be careful with what we put in our mouths. Just saying :-)


  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I agree. We should be taking good care of our bodies.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Love this so much. . . Hope that we have some great time of edification and fellowship. . . :smile:
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    Just watched the DVD called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Wow! It's going to take a day or two to process that. Made me cry at one point when I thought of my brother, who passed away in 2004. He had diabetes and did not take care of himself and it killed him. I'm so committed to eating right and getting my temple healthy so that I don't put my loved ones through what his death did to us. I really am receiving strength from God to do this. It's really been quite amazing to me to see how I can resist things now that I've never been able to in the past. God is so good! :smile:
  • FitnezzGirlOfficial
    Awesome!!! Glad to have you aboard!! New life and a New Journey awaits you.