Assumed Attraction



  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    Damn dude, great post.
    Got me laughing more that like 5 times.
    I figure jus like any community, theres gonna be distortions. Its nice to see that since i was a kid, in California society has advanced a lot in terms of acceptance and equality, it aint perfect, but its getting better.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    This really drives me nuts! For some reason, people seem to think that being gay is all about sex, or that gay people want to have sex all the time. So weird!

    I also find it really strange that people think I don't know - or can't find - men attractive, just because I don't want to sleep with them. I'm not blind.
  • evie70
    evie70 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm from Miami and I believe it's actually called discrimination when you tell an employee they can't speak Spanish. You can only discourage personal conversation on employee time, not decide the language they may speak. I used to have to go at it with customers all the time over it. That was total ignorance of them to even think they had a say in complaining about a language. I for sure knew I wasn't allowed to tell Spanish speaking employees not to speak their language. I would ask them to engage with the customers and not congregate amongst each other on company time.

    I couldn't imagine being told not to speak my own language. That's a very iffy situation.depending on where you are. And screw the "PDA" ! I think it's horrible, gay, lesbian bi, hetero, or trans, whatever ones orientation. It's not "PDS" Public Display of Sex, our children can't even give a high five in most schools these days let alone a hug to a friend. I think it's ridiculous how the world finds ways to control people, meanwhile crime is at its highest rate and people are victims with no protection. Such a simple subject can really get me going....but, as I said before, I don't want to be that one to write a novel either.