Struggling with discipline...

wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
edited October 5 in Social Groups
I've prided myself on the fact that I've maintained strong discipline when it comes to watching what I eat and drink and I've done extremely well to the point that I am no longer dependant on blood sugar medicine or blood pressure medicine and I've managed to lose between 50-60lbs. Here recently, I would say over the last 2 months I've struggled keeping that discipline. I've started drinking coffee some morning, although I haven't had any in two days, but other than that it's strictly water and I'm back to drinking almost 20 glasses a day. My food intake has been unimpressive to say the least. We feed our associates at work whether it be actual meals or little snacks like cookies, pies or cake. Well, I can't pull myself away from it all. I do well some days but others I just can't avoid the cookies. Today was one of those days. I had 1600 calories just in cookies. Sheesh, I need to be punched. I'm working on it each day. I want to hit my goal, I want to maintain my health.

Having someone supportive in your life makes things a lot easier, unfortunately for me I just recently realized this. Better late than never I guess. I love her more than I can say. I hunger for her presence, I crave her touch. Sorry, getting a little to into it. I do that when I think of her though. I've never experience the feeling of actually having someone that loves you and cares about you. My whole life has been a huge, dark span of time with abuse on top of abuse in all aspects, physical, mental, and emotional and it's always been by people who I though loved me. It's nice to have someone in your life and FEEL loved. I turned this into a therapy session and I'm sorry. Getting things off your chest like that ease stress and allow you to focus on what truly matters.

Back to the topic at hand.....

We recently also strayed off from walking and hiking like we used to but starting Thursday we decided to change that and in the last 3 days we've walked/hiked almost 13 miles. I can hold up well on long treks as long as I have plenty of water. I can push on for miles. i enjoy the scenary, we enjoy the scenary, enjoy the sounds of the outdoors and just exploring new places. Most importantly we enjoy doing these things together. It's not the same when I'm alone on a trail. I would like to start running again but kinda nervous about how my legs will hold up. The last time I tried my shins felt like they were going to rip apart.

Well, I've ranted and raved too long and I apologize. Hope to hear from others soon and lets make this a HUGE group. The more the merrier right?



  • i know we've both gotten off-track here lately. not so much with the eating (on my part), we've just been so busy between our jobs that when we get the chance to spend time together, it's all-consuming. we've both gotten slightly away from working out every free minute, but we've not got that far away. we still look for opportunities. we still talk about it and look for chances. no, we haven't just walked the neighborhood because we only have an hour to spare in the mornings, but we're not junkies, either. it kind of makes me seem like an addict when i start thinking i should be working out instead of holding your hand and looking into your eyes. we'll do better. you'll do better. i saw some of your self-esteem shine through this morning when you were realizing, truly seeing, that your clothes are just terribly too large for you now. you're gonna make it. let's get there together.
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