Breakfast for the munchkins

Now that we have switched from granolas, biscuits and pancakes over to a primal breakfast I was stumped as what to feed the kids for breakfast that will keep them full and satisfied for a few hours at least. Also taking into consideration that 1. am not a morning person at all!! 2. I really need something EASY or that can be made ahead of time. 3. we have a house full of children that are pencil thin but have SUPER MAN-sized their daddy..
Scrambled eggs, a few trips of bacon and some fruit would not hold these kids- I know - tried that. they were all starving an hour later/ they need meals that stick to their ribs so they don't start nawing on the furniture lol. My fil saw them in action one holiday that he was in town and had come for breakfast.. I served 2 dozen eggs with cheese, 2 lbs of bacon, 2 cans of jumbo sized biscuits, a huge platter with fruit ..he watched with amazement at them down every last bite and ask for more. We only had 5 kids
I think I found the solution.. breakfast casseroles packed with eggs, meat and a variety of things are going to be my go to meal. I can cook enough meat for the week the morning grab the meat, crack a carton of eggs . mix in some milk and other ingredients and toss in the oven.
What do you serve the kiddies for breakfast?


  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    My husband always feeds the kids cereal, milk and toast for breakfast. I am never home weekday mornings as I choose to go to work early and leave early. On the weekends I try to take over. (My husband is totally not into Paleo eating)

    Last weekend I made a huge batch of pumpkin waffles with coconut flour. Served with nitrate free bacon and 100% pure maple syrup it was delicious and primal. Maple syrup takes you a bit higher on the carbs if you are counting carbs but other than that it was great. Best part is I have loads left over so I froze them and then the kids can just pop them into the toaster for breakfasts throughout the week.

    I also like the casserole idea. I do eggs in a nest with ham and egg in muffin tins. STick them in the oven for half an hour and you are good to go.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Both of those are good ideas. Casseroles can be made ahead too. Then slice and reheat in the morning.