Today I Will...

I wanted to start a thread for daily goals. They can be simple things like trying a new food or going five more minutes on the stationary bike.

Small goals help me to reach for the larger ones by acting as a ladder.

I'll start...

Today I will...

Drink 2 more glasses of water
Walk a little farther/faster
Remember that I am on a journey from A to Z, that has many milestones in the middle, and I will not reach the end overnight.


  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    not go over my calories
    go to my exercise class this evening
  • Today I will...

    drink 10 glasses of water at LEAST.
    cook supper before or after choir rehearsal instead of picking something up on the way home because it's "easy"
    Support my friends with everything I have because I'm doing what they're doing and we all need a little support sometimes.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Today I will be more mindful of the grazing that I do when I am making dinner for the kids. I put a lot of food into my mouth that way. I will walk a mile and drink at least 4 bottles of water.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Eat reasonably when I go out to eat with a friend I haven't talked to for several years.

    And I did! 1/2 of buffalo chicken wrap and 5 kettle-cooked chips (instead of the WHOLE wrap and the pile of fries I could have ordered)
  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    great job h20logist! I find that so hard to limit myself when I am eating out.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    ................not eat a cookie from the break room.

    ................walk past the Tootsie Roll minis, and eat no more than the 2 I've already consumed, lol.

    ................not go out to dinner with my husband, but instead make the tuna casserole I planned on making.

    ................enjoy the hell out of the chips I'm about to eat, bc I fit them into my calories. :)
  • projectviolin
    projectviolin Posts: 9 Member
    Increase my intensity on the treadmill...I did, I jogged for 2 mins with my sons encouragement!

    See the positives instead of the negatives

    Be an encouragement to someone
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Today I will move more
    I will watch my calories
    I will not be so negative towards myself
    I will love me
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Today I will...

    ...only drink one cup of coffee, no soda, and the rest water. tennis for at least 45 mins.
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Awesome! Great daily goals.

    Today I will...

    take my afternoon walk and ramp up the time

    enjoy the massage I am getting after work (Physical Therapist recommended it.. and who am I to disagree... :wink:

    drink 32 oz of water before noon (and the full 8 before 9 pm)
  • ash1220
    ash1220 Posts: 33 Member
    ................enjoy the hell out of the chips I'm about to eat, bc I fit them into my calories. :)

    This literally made me laugh out loud. I know that feeling when you fit something into your calories and you want to savor every single bite!
  • ash1220
    ash1220 Posts: 33 Member
    * take a second and THINK about every single thing I plan to eat or drink

    * remind myself that I am worth it

    * move, move, move

    * CLOSE the kitchen after I am done cleaning up from dinner ~ with the exception of my water and unsalted sunflower seeds (that keep my mouth nice and busy so I don't snack mindlessly!)
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    I want to walk today. Haven't been able to at work for a couple of days due to meetings and being generally busy playing catch up/
  • boxnchic
    boxnchic Posts: 44 Member
    Go to the gym

    Straighten up my make me feel better and puts me in a better state of mind

    Eat a sensible lunch

    Make a game plan for tonight budgeting extra calories, as I'm not sure what we are doing for dinner (we'll be out)
  • rebbekkah
    rebbekkah Posts: 25 Member
    I am glad to have found this group - as I am on a path of change in way of life to eat less and move more. I know this is a long slow journey, and it is hard not to get impatient.

    Today I will get my absolutely critical work done for work - so I can have tomorrow off. I will cook the cheesecake I am bringing to a party tomorrow (thank goodness there is no tasting required!) I will go for a walk, and have a great laugh with my beloved.