"Fat people shouldn't cosplay"

marasw Posts: 75 Member
This is my biggest pet peeve about cosplayers and critics! I hate when people say plus sized people shouldn't cosplay! It's like saying certain people need permission from more "attractive" people to be able to do what they want. To them I always say "Sorry, we fat people get to dress ourselves in the morning, same as you"

Anyone have any other comebacks? How about some love for REALLY great plus size cosplayers?


  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I've seen that on this like page on facebook called the Otaku house where they have cosplay competitions and they made fun of people for being plus-sized, and one girl for being in a wheelchair. Also, they disapprove of gender-bender cosplays. I don't like people who criticize so much. cosplaying is about fun and the love of the character you are, not just the people who you look like.
  • sahados_shadow
    I've seen that on this like page on facebook called the Otaku house where they have cosplay competitions and they made fun of people for being plus-sized, and one girl for being in a wheelchair. Also, they disapprove of gender-bender cosplays. I don't like people who criticize so much. cosplaying is about fun and the love of the character you are, not just the people who you look like.

    EXACTLY. People take cosplaying so seriously. It ain't serious at all. It's a bunch of kids and adults playing dress-up. I'm not a fan of overweight people showing giant bellies and jiggly thighs, but I don't call people out on it. I prefer that people dress for their body size, but I ain't gonna say nothing. Cosplay what you want to cosplay and stop judging other people like you're perfect.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I've seen that on this like page on facebook called the Otaku house where they have cosplay competitions and they made fun of people for being plus-sized, and one girl for being in a wheelchair. Also, they disapprove of gender-bender cosplays. I don't like people who criticize so much. cosplaying is about fun and the love of the character you are, not just the people who you look like.

    EXACTLY. People take cosplaying so seriously. It ain't serious at all. It's a bunch of kids and adults playing dress-up. I'm not a fan of overweight people showing giant bellies and jiggly thighs, but I don't call people out on it. I prefer that people dress for their body size, but I ain't gonna say nothing. Cosplay what you want to cosplay and stop judging other people like you're perfect.

    yeah, and there were a lot of good plus-sized ones! there was a girl doing a Diedara Sexy No Jutsu and it was totally original and not showing too much. I thought she looked great, but people were saying all kinds of rude crap about it...
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Is this what you're reffering to?

  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah that problem with that pic is NOT the guy's weight ^^;
  • SidekickToHeroine
    Everyone should be allowed to cosplay, If they put their time and money into working hard on a cosplay we should all be allowed to cosplay whatever we want.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Everyone should be allowed to cosplay, If they put their time and money into working hard on a cosplay we should all be allowed to cosplay whatever we want.

  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Is this what you're reffering to?

    cracked me up! that is gross!
  • ReclusivePariah
    ReclusivePariah Posts: 49 Member
    Is this what you're reffering to?


    HAHAHAHA LOL LMAO LMFAO....sorry I was just watching Naruto and it had Gai with just a one piece on and that reminded me of what he(the guy in the photo) would look like in it.
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    I just got done reading comments on a hateful site bashing cosplayers. It was all cosplayers really, but in particular it repeatedly singled out "fat" cosplayers. I noticed even when people talk kindly about plus size cosplayers they say things like "I like plus size cosplayers but they shouldn't try to look sexy". WHY shouldn't I try to be sexy? Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I just got done reading comments on a hateful site bashing cosplayers. It was all cosplayers really, but in particular it repeatedly singled out "fat" cosplayers. I noticed even when people talk kindly about plus size cosplayers they say things like "I like plus size cosplayers but they shouldn't try to look sexy". WHY shouldn't I try to be sexy? Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.
  • Ruzuki
    Ruzuki Posts: 136 Member
    I think that plus sized people should be able to cosplay however they want. I personally dont like when they wear next to nothing... but its not my body. They can do what they want and I will do what I want.

    It took me forever to choose a cosplay that I felt I could do alright with my weight. I contemplated doing Kaito for a bit, but decided that my chest was too large to pull it off well... (Or maybe I should do a female Kaito... hmmmmm.....) But I think Ill go as Holo from Spice and Wolf, since she dresses rather modestly (When she IS dressed, that is. XD)
  • mforcemaniac
    mforcemaniac Posts: 18 Member
    I think that plus sized people should be able to cosplay however they want. I personally dont like when they wear next to nothing... but its not my body. They can do what they want and I will do what I want.

    It took me forever to choose a cosplay that I felt I could do alright with my weight. I contemplated doing Kaito for a bit, but decided that my chest was too large to pull it off well... (Or maybe I should do a female Kaito... hmmmmm.....) But I think Ill go as Holo from Spice and Wolf, since she dresses rather modestly (When she IS dressed, that is. XD)

    Tailoring the cosplay to your body is everything ^_^ (Sometimes even sacrificing a bit of accuracy). My Sakura skirt is a bit longer than it should be according to the anime, but I'm sure people appreciate the fact that it is :).
  • Miriai
    Miriai Posts: 34 Member
    I agree with the tailoring. Sometimes i make things a little longer or not as low cut. In the case of my amulet heart, I just made the ruffles longer to cover up more of the part I was uncomfortable with!
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Depending on what character you're cosplaying you might be supposed to be heavy to some degree.

    Although one of my motivational things to myself has been to remind myself to not get too heavy to look good in my faery gothy renny sort of clothes.
  • haruvamp
    Here my very honest opinion :).
    I think a cosplay should fit to the person. The proportion should be right aso.
    But! We all started somewhere, and we should not judge that.
    Do I like it? No. I'm a perfectionist. But I would never say anything bad or judge. You never know the background story of a person.
  • swan_jun_g3
    I tend to find its the self proclaimed -so-called "ELITE" cospayers and the BIMBO BRIGADE that tend to mock and ridicule the overweight cosplayers....seems about right if reading some posts here is any indication
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    I tend to find its the self proclaimed -so-called "ELITE" cospayers and the BIMBO BRIGADE that tend to mock and ridicule the overweight cosplayers....seems about right if reading some posts here is any indication

    A lot of times it's also the non-cosplayers. People who have never cosplayed before and have no appreciation for the amount of effort that goes into a costume, and just think of cosplayers as their eye-candy (guys who expect all cosplayers to be sexy women wearing slutty costumes for their viewing pleasure)
  • Kiroshinodeleted
    I am on the fence about this. On one hand, yes, there's no doubt people should cosplay whatever they want. On the other hand, I am repulsed by the sight of protruding flabs of fat whether it be on myself or others. I do believe costumes should be tailored appropriately to one's body type, but isn't accuracy visually pleasing enough?

    I could care less if you're fat and want to cosplay an anorexic character. What I'm unsure about is whether or not expecting an individual to tailor a costume according to his/her body type is mean or a matter of decency.
  • panda0920
    panda0920 Posts: 29
    There are boundaries to everything. An amazing, well-executed cosplay can change an entire scenario, but you need to find something flattering.

    I personally have a HUGE frame. My chest and hips are wide and even at my thinnest, I would still appear stocky, but I am in shape and what-not enough to wear costumes that are on the more risque side, but I would by no means, attempt a costume that wasn't flattering to my build.