When are you due?

Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
Just curious to see where we're all at in this journey.

about 7-8 wks here, will find out for sure on Friday


  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Due Feb. 12th, but baby and everything else is measuring two weeks ahead!
  • Jessaamine
    Due May 8th, but will probably deliver earlier. It's twins!
  • faithhergy
    We are due on Valentine's Day...and we have an 11 month old..definitely trying to stay fit so that I can keep up with two kiddos and lose the baby weight quickly! I have been more active this time around and it has made such a difference in the way I feel.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    We are due on Valentine's Day...and we have an 11 month old..definitely trying to stay fit so that I can keep up with two kiddos and lose the baby weight quickly! I have been more active this time around and it has made such a difference in the way I feel.

    That was my due date at one time, given to me by an U/S tech actually, but then my doc said we will just stick with the original DD of 2/12. :)
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Right now they are saying June 21...have an u/s next week to see just how far along I really am...
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    I'm only about 8 weeks as well. I am due on July 24.
  • LLCoolBean
    LLCoolBean Posts: 40 Member
    Hey everybody I just joined here today. Ive been using the app for awhile but never realized there was a whole community and all this, pretty cool. Im due March 10th :-)