
jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
edited October 5 in Social Groups
I'm To****ugu (aka joe)

I have been interested in all of this for as long as I can remember. I had several strange experiences as a child, that I still can not explain.

My aunt gave me my first Tarot deck when I was 9, and I have been at it for almost 28 years. In 1995 I got involved in Remote Viewing and have had various forms of training. I have devoted a lot of study to consciousness as it relates to psi.

Be that as it may, I remain a skeptic, and I don't automatically believe everything I see, hear, or even experience.


  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I'm Elisabeth.

    I was raised by hippy artists. My father was heavily into philosophy, the occult, and yoga. My mother was very intellectual and was a professional student, basically.

    I've always had an interest in the occult, the supernatural, and mythology since I can remember. I've also always believed in ghosts and have had some personal experiences with them. As a teenager I was constantly trying to find out everything I could on witchcraft. I've also heavily researched Egyptian and Celtic mythology. I'm actually an atheist, I've never found anything to convince me to believe in anything. But I just find it all so fascinating.

    I'm not so much a believer in UFO's and most related conspiracy theories. It's not that I don't believe that there is intelligent life out there. It's just really, why bother to go about things that way? There's gotta be better ways to get information than probings.
  • My names Amanda, 19, and I also have plenty of strange experiences. I'd be interested to know any theories you have on how entities and paranormal happenings exist. I'd be glad to share mine if anyone is interested.

    I was raised a baptist christian and converted to an eclectic paganism which i vaguely associate to Wicca. I just started getting into yoga and have enjoyed it so far. Feel free to add me, I'd love to have some friends on here :3 might just keep me off facebook games if there's some interesting conversation here.
  • I'm To****ugu (aka joe)

    I have been interested in all of this for as long as I can remember. I had several strange experiences as a child, that I still can not explain.

    My aunt gave me my first Tarot deck when I was 9, and I have been at it for almost 28 years. In 1995 I got involved in Remote Viewing and have had various forms of training. I have devoted a lot of study to consciousness as it relates to psi.

    Be that as it may, I remain a skeptic, and I don't automatically believe everything I see, hear, or even experience.

    I would be VERY interested in conversations with you pertaining to this subject :D especially the tarot cards! though I haven't touched mine in quite some time..
  • Hey, my name is Leanne

    I have been seeing strange things since I was about 6 months old, and I do believe in ghosts, whether they be mirrors from the past etc (I have never and probably never will try to explain them!)

    My spirit animal is a panda bear and my spirit guide takes the form of Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty (embarrassing I know, but a friend who is into that sort of thing explained to me why she was my guide.)

    I have seen a few ghosts or whatever you would like to call them; I have seen 'orbs', and I can sense when something is amiss in a place - god, finding a house to buy is going to be hard!

    I'm not religious, but I'm not scientific either - I know you have psychologists like Derren Brown etc who can 'read' you like a book - so I'm not so up on so called Psychics. However I did have an experience with one that almost seemed too good to be true.

    I am very interesting in the paranormal, and I am glad this group is here!
  • Hi my name is andrew and since I could remember I always been interested in all things paranormal. Like Joe I believe in alot of things but I always look at them with a skeptical eye.
  • Hi My name is Tuff . I am so happy this group was established. I have had many experiences and it is strange but I feel like it is wrong to tell people about them. Does anyone else feel that way, like they are sacred? :huh:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My name is Mandy, and I have been fascinated with all things paranormal, historical and extraterrestrial as long as I can remember. My grandma started sharing her ideas with me at a young age. Quija board, books on the ET-specifically Roswell and the like. I spent a fair amount of my high school life hunting ghosts, of course most places were legend adn not active but I do have a trip in the works to Waverly Hills Sanitarium in Louisville this coming spring!!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Hi I'm Jamie, I'm new to the group. I have been interested in most anything labeled as "weird" for pretty much ever. My grandmother had an interest in the macabre which I seem to have inherited. I own a small (beyond small) business where I use gems and crystals and their metaphysical properties. Right now it's mostly through jewelry, and painting with different symbols and crushed gemstones...gotta start somewhere. I have been studying crystal therapy and metaphysics, including classes and training sessions.

    I've been ghost hunting for quite some time. Even though I'm a believer, I am also a very big skeptic. I break everything down, and try to find a real world explanation. I have actually been kicked out of 2 groups because I disproved "paranormal" activity. I currently investigate with 2 seperate groups, who love my logical debunking side. I feel that only when I have done everything I can possibly think of and more to explain a phenomenon and can' I have some evidence.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Hello all! I'm not new to weird stuff. I think it is all very interesting. I was raised a Congregational Protestant in good old New England. I study new age stuff and religion in general, specifically Christianity and Judaism. I believe in ghosts and the supernatural. I believe that all religions have some truth. I believe in Quantum Physics and science and energy and it all ties in somehow that we are only starting to grasp. It is all very interesting.

    I've had some de ja vu moments throughout my life. But recently I've started to hear/see things that others don't. I'm looking for others like me. I"ll post separately.
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