Shadow Apparitions?

amandas1137 Posts: 15
edited October 5 in Social Groups
has anyone ever experienced a shadow apparition? (not just a shadow- obvious enough that light behind it doesn't pass through it or anything)


  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Okay this isn't the best or most exciting, but I do believe I experienced a shadow apparition of some sorts at my old apartment.

    I was in the shower. We didn't ever buy a shower curtain, so it was just a curtain liner that was sort of see-through. Enough where it was easy to tell any changes in light on the other side of it. I was pretty much spaced out, mindlessly washing my hair, but then I caught a shadow going in front of the light (the lightbulbs were above the mirror and not on the ceiling), as if the door had been opened a crack and was blocking out the light. It was silent, but I thought maybe the shower noise had drowned out the quiet sound of the door opening. The shadow went away a few seconds after, and this seemed to confirm my theory that it was just my girlfriend peeking in to check on me or whatever. However, once I got out of the shower, I asked her directly if she had peeked in on me or opened the door at ALL, and she said no. That freaked me out and I pretty much demanded she could promise me she was sure. And she was.
    Whatever this thing was, it passed in front of the light and blocked it as well as a door could. Thankfully I never experienced anything like that again... But it still makes me kind of afraid in the shower, if I happen to think back on it.
  • Ye sI have when I was younger - it was really REALLY bizarre and I thought nothing of it at the time. it was in broad daylight and it looked like a man with a hat on and a suit. I chased him down to see if h was lost, but turns out there was no one there...
  • Well, when i was in my younger teens, I had SEVERAL run ins with what I'm sure was the same apparition every time. See.. my friend and i didn't talk about anything "paranormal" but we were walking through my hall at like 2 am.. (midnight snacking.. hence why im here o.o )

    well something walked right through us, you could definately tell there was a shadow, not against any surfaces. and suddenly i felt sick to my stomach but i hadn't eaten anything yet. i was cold and clammy and a little shakey (though i did pretty much pee myself when i saw the shadow heading our way)

    My boyfriend left my house one day- again i was never open about seeing things in my home. i thought i was crazy.
    the next day he said something about a man on my front porch but the only man in the house is my dad- who had already gone to bed way before. and they smoke in their bedroom so he wouldn't have gone out if he had woken up.

    My mom was cleaning the kitchen one day and my brother was in his room. I had just stepped out of the shower and mom was talking to me as i walked in the door. i mean literally she was MIDconversation (well she tends to just vent to me i don't usually talk) and when i walked in the first doorway she turned around and asked how i got there so fast-- i looked to the dining rom and there was a shadow against the doorway's edge... it looked like maybe i'd been standing there before. and the it moved away.

    (our kitchen/dining room is separated by an island counter and each room is connected to the living room by a doorway. the hallway stems off perpendicular to the kitchen doorway so i had come in on the opposite side)
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    I've had several expeirences with shadows and more, my most recent one was about a month ago, I was going to take out the garbage and as I was walking out the door I looked to my side and saw something dark walk up the stairs I figured it was my wife as it was about her height well I took the garbage out and walked back in in a matter of like 20 seconds and when I came back in I went up the stairs and no one was there and I yelled for her and she came walking up the steps and asked what I flatly asked her if she just came up a minute ago and she said she's been down stairs for the last couple hours talking I asked if anyone else had come up and she flatly said no they've all been downstairs the whole time (I hadn't evn told her what i'd seen at this point) I had seen the shadow figure dead on it wasn't out of the corner of my eye or anything like that and I tried an EVP session and got nothin, very strange experience.

    My freakiest one was about 4 years ago I was at a friends house it was 3 of us and we were just sittin around talking and heard what sounded like someone walking down the hallway, no else was home so we went and took a look and saw nothing and figured it was just the house settling or whatever about 20 mins later we were going into the kitchen to get a drink and we looked down the hallway and saw a shadow of what looked to be a large man about 6'5 walk into a bedroom and we ran after it and looked in the bedroom and nothing was there I started provoking it to come out and show itself and I felt a burning on my back and because of my experience doing paranormal investigations I knew exactly what was happening and sure enough lifted up my shirt and there was 3 scratch marks on my back about 3 inches long ever since then I always make sure to have a digital recorder of some kind on me as I didnt have one and didnt have my cell phone with me either (my cell phone has an option to record but I typically try to carry a normal recorder on me).
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    I have had a few occasions of this. Once in San Francisco, a few in San Diego, and a few in other countries.

    One that sticks out in my mind happened back in 1998 in an apartment I was living in.
    There was a full body shadow that would appear by the front door, and no matter how the lighting was adjusted it would appear. It didn't move from that spot, but you could detect some minimal movement (as limbs would move). Although it appeared rather sinister, and other people aside from myself saw it (all attempts at photos and video failed) it seemed harmless so I really didn't give it a second thought after a while.

    Then one day, I was sitting in a chair going through some vinyl albums, when something grabbed me from behind by the shoulders and shook me pretty hard. I was in the apartment alone at the time, and had a mirror on the wall in front of me, so I would have seen anyone approach me. Needless to say it was a pretty shocking event.

    Do I believe I was grabbed by some kind of entity or poltergeist? I honestly don't know.. My research has shown that it could have been some kind of muscle spasm or a pinched nerve, though in my mind that wasn't the case since I have experienced those and this felt very different (like someone grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me)
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    I did. I had two encounters with a shadow person. Very tall, very black, looked like he was wearing a black hoodie type thing. Scared the carp out of me. The first time he just appeared to me, and then he was gone.

    The second time I was sleeping and when I woke up he was standing over me, I couldn't move and he was trying to stab me. I must have screamed like never before - I have NEVER seen my husband move so fast to see what was wrong.

    I haven't seen the thing since. Good riddance.
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