A poet's Intro

TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
Hey guys,

I don't know about you but poetry is one of my favorite things to read and write. I hope their are other's like that here. Feel free to use this as a place to introduce yourself.


  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Love love love to write... though it's been a while. I got all focused on this working out thing and my brain is getting a nice break from wordsmithing lol

    I published my first book of poetry about a year & a half ago :)
  • StarGeezer
    I'm more of a frustrated writer wannabe, and my last serious effort has long since fallen off my plate. But I still greatly admire quality poetry, prose, etc.

    Who knows, maybe this will be something that helps give my slumbering muse the swift kick to the backside that it needs! :laugh:
  • michelca
    Poetry is my passion. I'm in the middle of an undergrad degree with a primary focus on Romantic poetry, and hope to start graduate studies in the next couple of years. I'm writing very slowly, but I enjoy it almost as much as analysing it. I was so excited to see this group :)
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I am not a published writer, however I did write short stories, and a Fantasy Action novel I never completed. Furthermore I wrote a lot of free style poetry.... I haven't written in two years. I hope to see other peoples work and get inspired.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Welcome guys :) Glad there are others who enjoy the art of poetry. I have had a few published but it's been a very long time. I just started writing again for the first time in 8yrs. I was inspired and now I can't stop lol.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I do ryhmes more than anything, but if I had more time I would write more. I think I was a Hallmark moment writer in another life. :-D
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I love writing poetry & short stories.
    I enjoy reading poetry as well.
    I keep a notebook handy when I feel inspired to write.
    I am not published but I have written close to 200 poems
    since 9th grade English & Junior year Creative Writing classes in high school.
    I haven't written in a year or two though which kind of bums me out.
  • apanda4
    apanda4 Posts: 513 Member
    I love writing and reading poetry.

    My sister-in-law hates reading my poems because most of the time she ends up crying :) I kinda like it when that happens to people - I think it is because I know that it truly comes from the heart then. And sometimes I will even make myself cry while writing it.

    I have a blog titled "A Beading Heart Poet" that I am trying to update regularly with poems that I have written.

    I write about things that are going on in my life and things that effect me.

    My husband thinks I should try and get published and maybe this group is the boost that I need to take that extra step.

    Who knows??